I'm new to this...

I'm new to this, I'm a 17 year old girl who is trying to lose weight I've lost just over a stone since Christmas time and my goal is to lose 3 more stone. I currently weigh 12 stone 13, and i'm only 5'4/5 ish. I have always struggled with my weight and after feeling constantly depressed and unhappy with my life, (because of the way i look/feel) I'm doing something about it. For those who don't no what Boardmasters is, well it's a festival in England in August its down in Newquay and by then I have made a promise to myself i will be comfortable walking around in shorts and a bikini! I'm trying to change my lifestyle, so anyone who is supportive or going on a similar weight loss journey, well I would just like to say Hi! :smile:
