Doctors Orders - Orlistat + Support Needed

READ before you judge.


I've been put on Orlistat and from tomorrow I'll need to start taking it, doctors orders. Two months ago, 5"7 in height and I was 240lbs.. now I'm 264.4lbs. A shocking increase but there's loads of things that could be the reasons, I was recently diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and put on medication.. one that which influences weight gain. My birth control, also causes weight gain. But lets not forget the obvious.. I was over eating 3000 calories a day.

Yesterday, I joined MPF for a fresh start and went to my doctors and told them about what I want to do and achieve. She said she'll support me all the way, but then I told her the truth. I'm 20 and it hurts to walk, I'm in pain a lot and I can't stand it anymore. I told her that its making me depressed and with my BPD + anxiety its not good because I'm beginning to hate myself and I'll lose my relationship due to it.

She's put me on it and IF I lose weight on it after a month, she wants me to stay on it till I'm down to 230. Then she said from there I'm on my own,, to get down to my ideal weigh of 135lbs.

So I'm asking for support, not lectures about not doing it on my own because I am alone. I only have a couple of friends and my boyfriend.

I have an exercise bike,, but after a couple of minutes it leads to vomiting because I'm that un-fit.

If your up to being supportive and that, feel free to add me.

Thank you

MrsStripyPie ♥


  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    My suggestion is to start wearing pads every day once you begin taking Orlistat. It causes the oh-so-flattering side effect of "anal leakage." It will ruin your clothes.
  • MrsStripyPie
    My suggestion is to start wearing pads every day once you begin taking Orlistat. It causes the oh-so-flattering side effect of "anal leakage." It will ruin your clothes.

    A family member of mine has been on it and said that if I eat less then 15g of fat there's no problem with "Anal Leakage"
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I've never heard of it but the anal leakage would be a deal breaker for me. MFP is a wonderful tool and I've lost 135 pounds using it. Good luck.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    I found oristat at was a good motivator to eat lower fat. If you eat too much fat,you get leakage and diarrhea. So, in that way, it helps you to change your behavior. However, don't replace the fat calories with carbs or you won't be successful. I had good luck using the South Beach diet in conjunction with the oralistat. Good luck!
  • titianwasp
    titianwasp Posts: 139 Member
    The prior posters are correct - you only get bum issues if you cheat (over 15g of fat in a meal, which is a LOT). Yogurt and oatmeal for breakfast, lean cuisine or similar for lunch, veggies and lean meats for dinner, you will never have an issue. Good luck. Remember, it's a helper, not a cure - the real work comes from you with eating clean, keeping your calories at the right level, and exercising.
  • shirazz85
    shirazz85 Posts: 4 Member
    I am meant to be starting on Orlistat tomorrow, so I will be trying to be very careful to eat under the 15g fat per meal. Just wandered how you had got on with it in the last month?
  • unilass
    unilass Posts: 5 Member
    my doctor never told me about the 15g rule.... ive been in absolute hell for the past 3 weeks from eating one meal which was fatty... and ruined loads of clothes even when wearing pads... I'm actually at the stage where I'm afraid to eat incase i crap myself!.... DO NOT USE THIS!
  • dmo22
    dmo22 Posts: 8 Member
    The first time I tried Orlistat I had "side effects" even though I thought I wasn't going over 15 grams of fat in a meal. Now, a half year later I'm using Orlistat again but this time I have a food scale, and voila not having any effects. I think personally my problem with it is that it is so easy to misestimate fat dense foods like cheese, butter, peanut butter etc and a few grams one way or the other can easily put you over 15g per meal. My advise would be to stick the the orlistat but measure everything with a food scale.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    Also, start walking. Even if you can only walk to the end of the street and back every little bit will help. Walk at a pace where you can still talk to someone. Slowly increase the distance and time until you can do at least 30 minutes. Once you get the time, then you can increase the intensity so you can go faster/further in the given amount of time.

    I use a stationary bike daily. I started that the same way. Slowly building up time and then increased intensity.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    ..."She's put me on it and IF I lose weight on it after a month, she wants me to stay on it till I'm down to 230. Then she said from there I'm on my own,, to get down to my ideal weigh of 135lbs. "....

    Not a judgement just an observation that your doctor seems to be taking a pragmatic and balanced approach. Well done to both of you. I gather that weight loss rate will be assisted but still at "normal rates" which puts this at around a 6 month period. By then you will have developed new eating habits.

    I can imagine it will be a scary leap of faith to come off the drug at this time - but I hope/ trust that your doctor will help you through this as can we here!
  • lots2lose51
    lots2lose51 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everyone
    I am unsure what to do i went to see the clinic nurse regarding Orlistat three weeks ago she weighed me and said i have to lose 4lbs in 4 weeks for the dr to consider me for Orlistat,
    it will be four weeks on this coming tue 29 april........ last week i had lost 16lbs so far i am still going back to the appointment but i am unsure whether to start the Orlistat if offerd having lost what i have on mfp, does anyone have any advice please ?? :blushing:
  • lots2lose51
    lots2lose51 Posts: 29 Member
    Just thought i would mention At the start 4/42014 i weighed 378lbs my ideal weight should be around 168lbs
    i am setting 4 monthly goals on my tracker at the moment.
  • MrsStripyPie
    Hi everyone
    I am unsure what to do i went to see the clinic nurse regarding Orlistat three weeks ago she weighed me and said i have to lose 4lbs in 4 weeks for the dr to consider me for Orlistat,
    it will be four weeks on this coming tue 29 april........ last week i had lost 16lbs so far i am still going back to the appointment but i am unsure whether to start the Orlistat if offerd having lost what i have on mfp, does anyone have any advice please ?? :blushing:

    Sorry on the late reply, been busy. I'd say stick to what you're doing and lose weight. Then by the time its time to go on Orlistat? If you think you can do it alone, don't go on it. ;) x