Heading on my new journey from Walla Walla, WA

I had always struggled with weight about 25-30 lbs. Then about 15 yrs ago I gained 60 lbs in 3 months...Dr said, Hypothyroid...Geez...just call it HIPPO...added meds for Thyroid and then Blood Pressure and Depression.

The last 10 yrs I keep gaining and hiding in my shell. I know if I kept at it - I would not live another 10-15 yrs. I went to my Dr Feb 5th (2014) and was ready to discuss surgery options....my only hope....She suggested I get a kick start for 3 months with Phentermine 37.5....and she is NOT a Dr to easily prescribe meds. I started on Feb 6th and it really has helped with my major cravings....I am drinking a lot of water and getting portion size under control and changing my eating habits so after 3 months I can discontinue the pills and continue on. Also after 3 months I should have lost 50 lbs so I can exercise and join Curves. Right now I would not make it over 2 minutes. I know that many of you will frown upon my decision.....and that's OK....I understand and I am doing what is best for me and know it will not be a long time option for me - just help get me regulated. I know that many hide the fact they take pills or even had surgery like it is a shame and easy way out - and honestly.....everyone is different - and I am not to judge. For the most part - the reason others frown so highly is because they are scared for us medically or that we might fail...
I know that I could not do this without logging my food and exercise (down the road) on My Fitness Pal, but most important it is the support and friends that are here for the same journey.

The encouragement I receive from MFP is amazing and I feel comfortable here.



  • Tracie524
    Tracie524 Posts: 65 Member
    Everyone has their own opinions and has to do what is right for them. You have to do what you think is right for you and you are going under the advice of a doctor. It is your journey. I wish you great success and know you can do it!
  • lcastaneda
    lcastaneda Posts: 27 Member
    Every journey starts with that initial step. You're doing what's best for you. Small, positive changes over time make a world of difference. Your doctor wouldn't have arbitrarily prescribed that unless she felt it would give you the boost you need. A time limited alternative to surgery that can yield wonderful results. Kudos to you for pressing on.
  • bettyjoburdett
    bettyjoburdett Posts: 120 Member
    Keep up the good work! I am rooting for you! I weighed this morning and broke the 220's mark. I am just barely under, 219.8 but dang it, I am under. Next goal is 209.

    I struggle with doing exercise and night eating. I joined Planet Fitness this week but due to rotten weather have not yet even been thru the door of the place. I do enjoy the WII exercises its just a matter of getting off the couch and doing it. How are you doing with exercises?

  • Laurach903
    Laurach903 Posts: 4 Member
    The only reason I would look down upon these decisions that you have made is if it seemed you hadn't thought things thru or if you thought surgery and/or pills where the magic fix. That does not seem to be the problem. Stay under dr's care and keeping working the way you are. I have known other people who have taken similar paths and have found success. Good luck! :smile: :smile:
  • paschtat85
    Thanks to all!!! I researched it and it is the best for me - and my Dr. knows me and has my best interest. I will be the first to stop right away if anything funky happens - I am a very cautious person.
