I need help, anyone willing to mak my meal plan?



  • I don't know how to phrase this without sounding mean, but looking at your diary, you eat a lot of processed foods which look to be quite high in salt, sugar etc. I would highly recommend aiming to eat more grains, vegetables etc, and cooking from scratch.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I don't know how to phrase this without sounding mean, but looking at your diary, you eat a lot of processed foods which look to be quite high in salt, sugar etc. I would highly recommend aiming to eat more grains, vegetables etc, and cooking from scratch.

    you think an 18 year old female that weights 103 pounds needs to worry about losing?

    If anything she needs to load up on some ice cream to put on a little weight...
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    you are worried about 1.4 pound gain???

    this thread reeks of an eating disorder...

    This... And if I remember correctly, a few of her other posts as well...

    Every single post from this person is about gaining 1 lb or fluctuating a couple lbs. she's obsessed with the numbers and thinks she is gaining.
  • I wasn't saying to eat less, I was saying to eat better quality foods.
  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    Generally this is how I eat (I am your height but about 15 lbs bigger than you, but this is how I eat at 1500 cals):

    Whole grain cereal with almond milk OR veggie egg white omelet with avocado or reduced fat cheese, both with coffee and two tablespoons of creamer, preferably Silk vanilla

    Salad with half an avocado, 2 oz of lean protein red onion, and some combo of tomato, a tablespoon of chopped nuts, craisins, grilled zucchini depending on if I want a sweet or savory salad, with a tablespoon of a Bolthouse dressing. OR a small homemade burrito bowl. OR a half a grilled cheese (whole wheat, reduced fat) with a cup of Healthy Request soup of my choice. OR a whole wheat bagel and Laughing Cow wedges.

    Dinner: Essentially whatever I want, but I measure serving sizes, use whole wheat for pasta and reduced fat for dairy, and try to have a good side of organic veggies or brown rice if I'm really hungry.

    Luna Bars, Kind Bars, portable fruit I can keep in my purse (bananas, oranges, pears, apples etc), raw nuts

    Skinny Cow ice creams OR dark chocolate almond butter on wheat toast OR one serving of natural or organic semi sweet chocolate chips

    If I'm going out, I check menus beforehand and pre plan what I am going to eat so that I am not blind sighted. Hope this helps!
  • you are worried about 1.4 pound gain???

    this thread reeks of an eating disorder...

    This... And if I remember correctly, a few of her other posts as well...

    Every single post from this person is about gaining 1 lb or fluctuating a couple lbs. she's obsessed with the numbers and thinks she is gaining.

    Yup skerdoodles! Poor girl. I would hate to be in her situation and I hope she can find balance and a healthy relationship with her weight.
  • XTSH
    XTSH Posts: 129 Member
    BMI less than 19 and you are only 18 .... Wow. Just eat more and allow yourself a range to maintain. You have so much life ahead of you to care about that little weight gain.
  • Hey,
    I'm struggling with maintaining and have been gaining lately (Not much but obviously I'm doing something wrong I've gone from 101.6 to 103.2 and it's not just water weight I've been 102.8-103.2 for a week now)

    I'm just wondering if anyone is willing to make me meal plans for next week. (I will go shopping and buy whatever I need)
    I just need to learn what are some normal eating habits because I want to break out of intermittent fasting.

    Is anyone willing to help?

    Ignore these mean people - why does everything need to have a damn price tag? Jeez! This is healthcare in my mind, healthcare SHOULD be free to those who need it .. getting your car fixed requires a mechanic, tools, premesis, expensive equipment and isn't the same as giving someone advice on food intake when they have asked for help...

    so without further ado..

    I've had some awesome results juicing 2 of my 3 meals a day, lost 22lb in a month (doing insanity also)

    I Juice twice in the morning, early, mid morning, a PROPER LUNCH - maybe chicken salad or tuna, jacket potatoe with baked beans is awesomely filling -- i've also cheated and been out for quite a few meals with friends, tend to stick with steak and ignore the fries which suits me fine.

    and juice in the evening again ..

    I'm no scientist but it works for me!Did weight start going on for a reason? i.e. are you doing less excercise now?

    The best ever tip for losing weight is to quit dairy altogether! Milk, Yoghurt (yes even the low fat stuff), Cheese, Bread, Cereal, Pasta - its all processed shyte! - same for breakfast Cereal is just processed crap - just get rid of them totally and go raw! anything where they have to 'add iron' is a bad thing - wtf can wheat be so devoid of iron that they have to put it back in

    If you want to really supercharge it then get active and do some crazy excercise - don't do it for hours .. just do 30-45 mins and do it hard!!! don't mess about :)

    Remember nomatter how big or small your belly is..it remains the same number of cells, the only difference between a 6 pack and a 15 pack is the size of each cell, your goal is to reduce the size of each cell not 'lose' weight so to speak -- and you do that by not eating stuff that makes each cell expand in size .. thats my rather poor understanding of it, but its enough to motivate me into doing mostly the right thing

    Good luck!
    Jay x

    omg, whatever you do, ignore this person. :explode:

    Thanks - i'll take that as a compliment .. my 6 pack abs will also take it as a compliment that speaks louder than anyone trying to talk badly about the good and bad of my eating habits - food is just fuel to me, you supercharge yourself with good nutrients and let nature do its work!

    Take a look at these peoples stats and pay for their advice if you like, you can downtalk me whilst offering nothing to the conversation -

    meanwhile i will continue to have a 6 pack, continue to pass go and continue to collect £200 and continue to competitively fight MMA - so i don't find these comments particularly constructive, if you know of something wrong with what i've said then call it out instead of whining about it and put something constructive - i.e. don't listen to this person because of X

    So many self interested people on this forum willing to downtalk others because they have an interest in selling their services, when we are all here for the same reason! - to get fit! I find your post offensive to be frank - be nice or leave
  • rayfu75
    rayfu75 Posts: 209 Member
    *grabbing my popcorn*
  • Worthy2bFIT
    Worthy2bFIT Posts: 15 Member
    gain some weight ! AND MUSCLES! lol.. dont be like rachel from the biggest loser now.
  • metulchik
    metulchik Posts: 59 Member
    you are pretty young, and you're short...are you sure you aren't just having a growth spurt? Plus, really that's less than 2lbs, I wouldn't sweat it. Really. Relax.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm struggling with maintaining and have been gaining lately (Not much but obviously I'm doing something wrong I've gone from 101.6 to 103.2 and it's not just water weight I've been 102.8-103.2 for a week now)

    I'm just wondering if anyone is willing to make me meal plans for next week. (I will go shopping and buy whatever I need)
    I just need to learn what are some normal eating habits because I want to break out of intermittent fasting.

    Is anyone willing to help?

    Ignore these mean people - why does everything need to have a damn price tag? Jeez! This is healthcare in my mind, healthcare SHOULD be free to those who need it .. getting your car fixed requires a mechanic, tools, premesis, expensive equipment and isn't the same as giving someone advice on food intake when they have asked for help...

    so without further ado..

    I've had some awesome results juicing 2 of my 3 meals a day, lost 22lb in a month (doing insanity also)

    I Juice twice in the morning, early, mid morning, a PROPER LUNCH - maybe chicken salad or tuna, jacket potatoe with baked beans is awesomely filling -- i've also cheated and been out for quite a few meals with friends, tend to stick with steak and ignore the fries which suits me fine.

    and juice in the evening again ..

    I'm no scientist but it works for me!Did weight start going on for a reason? i.e. are you doing less excercise now?

    The best ever tip for losing weight is to quit dairy altogether! Milk, Yoghurt (yes even the low fat stuff), Cheese, Bread, Cereal, Pasta - its all processed shyte! - same for breakfast Cereal is just processed crap - just get rid of them totally and go raw! anything where they have to 'add iron' is a bad thing - wtf can wheat be so devoid of iron that they have to put it back in

    If you want to really supercharge it then get active and do some crazy excercise - don't do it for hours .. just do 30-45 mins and do it hard!!! don't mess about :)

    Remember nomatter how big or small your belly is..it remains the same number of cells, the only difference between a 6 pack and a 15 pack is the size of each cell, your goal is to reduce the size of each cell not 'lose' weight so to speak -- and you do that by not eating stuff that makes each cell expand in size .. thats my rather poor understanding of it, but its enough to motivate me into doing mostly the right thing

    Good luck!
    Jay x

    omg, whatever you do, ignore this person. :explode:

    Thanks - i'll take that as a compliment .. my 6 pack abs will also take it as a compliment that speaks louder than anyone trying to talk badly about the good and bad of my eating habits - food is just fuel to me, you supercharge yourself with good nutrients and let nature do its work!

    Take a look at these peoples stats and pay for their advice if you like, you can downtalk me whilst offering nothing to the conversation -

    meanwhile i will continue to have a 6 pack, continue to pass go and continue to collect £200 and continue to competitively fight MMA - so i don't find these comments particularly constructive, if you know of something wrong with what i've said then call it out instead of whining about it and put something constructive - i.e. don't listen to this person because of X

    So many self interested people on this forum willing to downtalk others because they have an interest in selling their services, when we are all here for the same reason! - to get fit! I find your post offensive to be frank - be nice or leave

    I'm not sure what you find offensive about my statement, but I said it because your post was filled with pseudo-science. Also, because something worked for you does not mean it's the only way for a person to lose weight.

    You completely ignore the fact that the OP is almost underweight, and you suggest juicing 2 out of 3 of her meals. She is already in disordered eating territory, and you offer suggestions that would only further it. I and others offered plenty to the conversation, which you apparently missed.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I'm struggling with maintaining and have been gaining lately (Not much but obviously I'm doing something wrong I've gone from 101.6 to 103.2 and it's not just water weight I've been 102.8-103.2 for a week now)

    I'm just wondering if anyone is willing to make me meal plans for next week. (I will go shopping and buy whatever I need)
    I just need to learn what are some normal eating habits because I want to break out of intermittent fasting.

    Is anyone willing to help?

    Ignore these mean people - why does everything need to have a damn price tag? Jeez! This is healthcare in my mind, healthcare SHOULD be free to those who need it .. getting your car fixed requires a mechanic, tools, premesis, expensive equipment and isn't the same as giving someone advice on food intake when they have asked for help...

    so without further ado..

    I've had some awesome results juicing 2 of my 3 meals a day, lost 22lb in a month (doing insanity also)

    I Juice twice in the morning, early, mid morning, a PROPER LUNCH - maybe chicken salad or tuna, jacket potatoe with baked beans is awesomely filling -- i've also cheated and been out for quite a few meals with friends, tend to stick with steak and ignore the fries which suits me fine.

    and juice in the evening again ..

    I'm no scientist but it works for me!Did weight start going on for a reason? i.e. are you doing less excercise now?

    The best ever tip for losing weight is to quit dairy altogether! Milk, Yoghurt (yes even the low fat stuff), Cheese, Bread, Cereal, Pasta - its all processed shyte! - same for breakfast Cereal is just processed crap - just get rid of them totally and go raw! anything where they have to 'add iron' is a bad thing - wtf can wheat be so devoid of iron that they have to put it back in

    If you want to really supercharge it then get active and do some crazy excercise - don't do it for hours .. just do 30-45 mins and do it hard!!! don't mess about :)

    Remember nomatter how big or small your belly is..it remains the same number of cells, the only difference between a 6 pack and a 15 pack is the size of each cell, your goal is to reduce the size of each cell not 'lose' weight so to speak -- and you do that by not eating stuff that makes each cell expand in size .. thats my rather poor understanding of it, but its enough to motivate me into doing mostly the right thing

    Good luck!
    Jay x

    el oh el

    (stolen from DC)
  • jedikrissy
    jedikrissy Posts: 106 Member
    102lbs at 5'2 is quite low

    Yes! This exactly!!!! That is a very low weight I don't think you should be so concerned with losing but maybe gaining some muscle. I am only 2inches taller than you and my doctor says I should not go under 120lb to be Healthy. It's great to be thin but not at the cost of your health.
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    Well...OP hasn't chimed in since the first post....not sure if she's reading them. Honestly, I wouldn't. :-/ So many were just belittling her without actually telling her why...But just in case.

    OP, maintenance is not a weight, it's a range. At your height/weight you are close to being underweight. You can't worry about a pound or two. Maintenance is a range of about 3-8lbs. I'd say you should let 103 be your "weight", and realize that you'll see numbers from 101-108. 103 will be the number you see most often.

    That said...planning meals...if you've been doing intermittent fasting, then it can be hard to transition. We can't plan your meals for you - we can show you the tools to do it yourself. Up your protein goals, lower your carb goals...eat some fat. :) It helps me to plan in the mornings so I know what I'm going to be eating for the day. Just make the calorie total match your calorie goal...If you're still hungry you need to eat more, or change what you eat so you're more satisfied.

    Good luck!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm struggling with maintaining and have been gaining lately (Not much but obviously I'm doing something wrong I've gone from 101.6 to 103.2 and it's not just water weight I've been 102.8-103.2 for a week now)

    I'm just wondering if anyone is willing to make me meal plans for next week. (I will go shopping and buy whatever I need)
    I just need to learn what are some normal eating habits because I want to break out of intermittent fasting.

    Is anyone willing to help?

    Ignore these mean people - why does everything need to have a damn price tag? Jeez! This is healthcare in my mind, healthcare SHOULD be free to those who need it .. getting your car fixed requires a mechanic, tools, premesis, expensive equipment and isn't the same as giving someone advice on food intake when they have asked for help...

    so without further ado..

    I've had some awesome results juicing 2 of my 3 meals a day, lost 22lb in a month (doing insanity also)

    I Juice twice in the morning, early, mid morning, a PROPER LUNCH - maybe chicken salad or tuna, jacket potatoe with baked beans is awesomely filling -- i've also cheated and been out for quite a few meals with friends, tend to stick with steak and ignore the fries which suits me fine.

    and juice in the evening again ..

    I'm no scientist but it works for me!Did weight start going on for a reason? i.e. are you doing less excercise now?

    The best ever tip for losing weight is to quit dairy altogether! Milk, Yoghurt (yes even the low fat stuff), Cheese, Bread, Cereal, Pasta - its all processed shyte! - same for breakfast Cereal is just processed crap - just get rid of them totally and go raw! anything where they have to 'add iron' is a bad thing - wtf can wheat be so devoid of iron that they have to put it back in

    If you want to really supercharge it then get active and do some crazy excercise - don't do it for hours .. just do 30-45 mins and do it hard!!! don't mess about :)

    Remember nomatter how big or small your belly is..it remains the same number of cells, the only difference between a 6 pack and a 15 pack is the size of each cell, your goal is to reduce the size of each cell not 'lose' weight so to speak -- and you do that by not eating stuff that makes each cell expand in size .. thats my rather poor understanding of it, but its enough to motivate me into doing mostly the right thing

    Good luck!
    Jay x

    omg, whatever you do, ignore this person. :explode:

    Thanks - i'll take that as a compliment .. my 6 pack abs will also take it as a compliment that speaks louder than anyone trying to talk badly about the good and bad of my eating habits - food is just fuel to me, you supercharge yourself with good nutrients and let nature do its work!

    Take a look at these peoples stats and pay for their advice if you like, you can downtalk me whilst offering nothing to the conversation -

    meanwhile i will continue to have a 6 pack, continue to pass go and continue to collect £200 and continue to competitively fight MMA - so i don't find these comments particularly constructive, if you know of something wrong with what i've said then call it out instead of whining about it and put something constructive - i.e. don't listen to this person because of X

    So many self interested people on this forum willing to downtalk others because they have an interest in selling their services, when we are all here for the same reason! - to get fit! I find your post offensive to be frank - be nice or leave

    Right. Because there aren't a ton of 6 packs on here who don't drink their food....gotcha...

    The reason why people jumped on you is because your science is off. If juicing worked for you, it's because you are on a calorie deficit.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member

    OP, maintenance is not a weight, it's a range. At your height/weight you are close to being underweight. You can't worry about a pound or two. Maintenance is a range of about 3-8lbs. I'd say you should let 103 be your "weight", and realize that you'll see numbers from 101-108. 103 will be the number you see most often.

    This. Do you expect to stay the same weight every single day for the rest of your life? Maintenance is generally within 5lb worth of fluctuations.

    If you really think 1.4lb will make a difference to your appearance, go and see a doctor, please.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    omg, whatever you do, ignore this person. :explode:
    Thanks - i'll take that as a compliment .. my 6 pack abs will also take it as a compliment that speaks louder than anyone trying to talk badly about the good and bad of my eating habits - food is just fuel to me, you supercharge yourself with good nutrients and let nature do its work!

    Take a look at these peoples stats and pay for their advice if you like, you can downtalk me whilst offering nothing to the conversation

    meanwhile i will continue to have a 6 pack, continue to pass go and continue to collect £200 and continue to competitively fight MMA - so i don't find these comments particularly constructive, if you know of something wrong with what i've said then call it out instead of whining about it and put something constructive - i.e. don't listen to this person because of X

    So many self interested people on this forum willing to downtalk others because they have an interest in selling their services, when we are all here for the same reason! - to get fit! I find your post offensive to be frank - be nice or leave

    No one cares, bro... no one. Do you even science?

    Nothing you wrote has ANY scientific backing. Keep the bro gym nutrition talk confined to there.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member

    The best ever tip for losing weight is to quit dairy altogether! Milk, Yoghurt (yes even the low fat stuff), Cheese, Bread, Cereal, Pasta - its all processed shyte! - same for breakfast Cereal is just processed crap - just get rid of them totally and go raw! anything where they have to 'add iron' is a bad thing - wtf can wheat be so devoid of iron that they have to put it back in

    Jay x
    I eat all this stuff daily. I also know a ton of professional bodybuilders who LOVE cereal, especially post workout.
  • sarahenagy
    sarahenagy Posts: 65 Member
    I wish I could not a make a meal plan. But if I didn't I'd be in big trouble. When I first started cooking I'd just grab whatever looked good at the store and then never have anything for a complete meal. So I'd end up going out to eat pretty frequently.

    I plan out what we're having for dinner each night so I know what to get from the store for that week. It also makes me think about the schedule - if there's a night I have to stay at work late I will make something the night before that will provide leftovers to take to work.

    I do not feel restricted by meal planning. I don't take the time to cook meals I don't like, so I always enjoy my dinner. And if I do decide I want something else that night I can always switch meals around or push one to the next week in order to fit the craving in.