30 Day Shred - Please Share Your Success and Failure Stories

Hey all, was hoping to hear your 30 Day Shred stories for some different success and failure perspectives. I started Level 1 for the first time and am on Day 4 today. The cardio got me a bit out of breath and my stomache muscles were sore by yesterday, but a manageable, good sore. Well, today, forget about it! My upper back had some excruciating pain (imagine electric shocks every time I moved up and down) when I started the jumping jacks. Now, my back is super sore. Is this normal?! Is it a good idea to have a rest day here and there? I don't want to give up, but I have this F Jillian attitude at the moment! I also exercise regularly on the elliptical (did that for 20 minutes before the video today), and with a kettlebell and hand weights.


  • happysummerrunner
    happysummerrunner Posts: 66 Member
    If you look at the amazon reviews you will see 90% "this is the best" 10% "I got a horrible injury" (and maybe some other types of reviews in between)...

    My experience was with the 10% unfortunately. I started it last spring- Level 1 went well I felt great, lost weight and felt stronger. Then level 2 my knee started hurting more and more. I didn't want to quit because I was seeing progress but finally it started hurting during everyday activities too like walking up the stairs so I quit. I couldn't even run for several months. It basically stopped my progress for half a year. I finally started exercising again last month and I'm being careful with that knee. I keep debating going to a physical therapist for it... I've been doing elliptical and lifting weights. (I guess what Jillian would call "hours of phoning it in at the gym") and no injuries so far and losing weight, yay!

    More background info- I started 30 day shred when I was overweight after not exercising during pregnancy/ post-partum. Before my pregnancy I was running 10k's no problem with no knee injuries.

    Anyway- my experience was bad and if you are feeling a huge pain while doing the exercise my not-expert-but-common-sense recommendation is stop!!
  • b3ata
    b3ata Posts: 2 Member
    There is only 3 days left in Level 2. I dont think that feeling real pain during the workout is normal..
  • akern15
    I had a good experience with 30 day Shred but I worked at my own pace. For instance, the first week I only did workout 1 two times. Then the second week 3 times, the 3rd week 4 times. I never at any point did it for 30 days in a row. Once I "mastered" a workout I would move up to the next one. If it took me two or three weeks before I moved up so be it. When I finished my fitness level was much improved!
  • 2dogzrule
    2dogzrule Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks for sharing - I've got knee issues from old injuries so will take that into consideration. Today is my rest day and my muscles are feeling pretty good. The only other thing I noticed is my weight has remained the same for 11 days now. I normally have no trouble with losing weight, but I did read alot of people that go through the shred don't lose weight, but do lose inches. Trying not to be frustrated, but I am! I like the idea of moving at my own pace, even if it takes longer.
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    I love the 30DS!! Its one of my favorite workout DVD's...but I always like to do a little bit of additional stretching or walking on the treadmill before beginning the workout. I just don't think there is enough stretching prior to beginning the workout, especially if you are getting back into exercising.

    Give yourself a break today, but keep going if you can! Its an awesome workout, just take it easy as you get started. You will feel yourself getting stronger and build endurance. Ripped in 30 is a great one too! I hope you feel better soon!!
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm five days away from finishing the 30DS. I love it. I have recurring knee injuries and one of them started to bother me around the start of Level 2, but once I started wearing my brace again and using my mini-tramp for the jump training exercises in Level 3 I haven't had any further issues. I have taken 4 rest days. Listen to your body as you go along, and if something doesn't feel right, move down to the beginner modification, use lighter (or no) hand weights, or stop. What also helps me is to mute the audio and put on my own music. That way I can count reps for myself and don't feel tempted to follow the pace Jillian sets for the reps, some of the squats and lunges move a bit too fast for me. I'd rather go at my own pace, get in fewer reps, but use the proper form.

    I also add in some additional stretching before and after, and sometimes throw in a short walk as an additional warm-up or cool down.

    I have lost almost 10 inches, and about 3 pounds, but I haven't weighed myself since the start of the month (I'm challenging myself not to weigh-in for one whole month!), so I assume the weight lost will be greater than the 3 pounds I lost doing the first 10 days.

    Good luck!