Just Dance+Strength training, trying to fight boredom.

I've realized that working out 4-6 days a week, I'm running into repeating the same cardio over and over and it's becoming so boring. Last night I decided to try something new. We're getting a ton of snow here so going to the gym wasn't an option. I put the Wii on and did Just Dance 2, 3, and 4 then I through in strength training in between.

I started with Just Dance 2. I did 6 songs. I put in a full effort to do the dance exactly right. Then I did 15 minutes of strength using free weights, resistance bands, and good old body weight. Then I did Just Dance 3, I did 5 songs, again with the same effort. Did another 15 minutes of strength training. Then I did Just Dance 4, did 4 songs. Finished with another 15 minutes of strength training and abs followed by stretching. All in all I did 2 hours and 9 minutes and burned 1211. I use my Polar FT4 heart rate monitor to get an accurate number of calories.

What I did in strength training consisted of full body workouts. From Kettlebell swings to lunges and bicep curls, to squat and press. I did the first set between Just Dance 2 & 3 with low weight and high reps and by the time I was done with Just Dance 4 I was doing high weight and low reps.

Has anyone tried using their Wii or Xbox or Playstation to get in shape? I really loved how much I accomplished last night so I'm thinking of adding that into my gym routine to keep from getting bored. Anything else you guys can add that will keep the boredom at bay would be helpful! Thanks in advance!


  • saskie78
    saskie78 Posts: 237 Member
    Nice way to mix it up! I HAVE to mix things up or I definitely get bored. I use YouTube videos a lot. I'll just search "boot camp" or "pilates" or "tabata" or whatever I feel like doing and turn on a video. You have to sift through some low quality ones to get to some good ones sometimes, but it's worth it for me so that I am entertained!
  • KatherineEO
    Same here! I become so bored with the cardio choices at our gym that if I don't mix it up, I end up taking a day off which leads to a week off! In the summer I walk the lake two or three times since it's under a mile and that's a nice break because it's beautiful out but with the crazy winter weather we're having, I'm finding ways to make working out at home fun! =)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    have you ever considered more technical dance classes?
  • KatherineEO
    I have but I just don't have the time, most of the classes are when I'm working and our local gym is closed sometimes by the time I get out of work. I like Just Dance because even though it isn't a super technical program, it's fun and a good way to get my heart rate up.