How can I get the motvation to work out in the morning?

So I need some I always feel better working out in the morning so it done and over with the problem is I wake up at 5am or 5:15 every morning and it just hard to get up and go straight to my workout. But I hate doing it at night because I feel tired.

I'm working during the day so afternoon is not a choice. I've been working out for two years.

I'm currently doing P90x any help please I need some motvation to workout in the morning?


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    do it.

    you aren't going to muster up motivation if you don't want to.

    emotion doesn't drive workout- determination does.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    do it.

    you aren't going to muster up motivation if you don't want to.

    emotion doesn't drive workout- determination does.


    I pull my happy behind out of bed at 4:10am M-TH.
  • silverinc13
    silverinc13 Posts: 216 Member
    Yep you just have to do it! I'm up at 4:30 M-F so I can hit the gym before work. I find it vital to my existence.
  • favoritenut
    favoritenut Posts: 217 Member
    yep agree, if you want it, just get your bum out of bed and do it!
  • horseswinelife
    horseswinelife Posts: 52 Member
    I hear ya! I have the same issue... when that alarm goes off I find ANY excuse to not get out of bed! 4:45 comes super early!!!
  • flutterbye811
    flutterbye811 Posts: 86 Member
    I think it may be best to set your alarm for maybe 15-20 minutes earlier so you can get yourself up and not feel like you have to immediately jump into the workout, which can be tough if you're still sleepy!

    I have made it part of my routine for years for the exact same reason- I hate leaving it until the end of the day. So, I get up between 525-535am and that allows me to get a few things done before starting my workout between 545am and 6.

    Once you start it you'll get use to it and will be much happier that it's done so early :)
  • phantomjam
    phantomjam Posts: 46 Member
    I commit to doing one sun salutation and then see how I feel. Usually, it's enough to motivate me to do my routine. If not I get to it later in the day. I've been doing this consistently since December so I think it works.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Put your workout clothes out the night before (although I know some people who even sleep in, and in the morning, before you do anything else, before you have time to think of excuses, get sidetracked, or get phone it.
  • kmoirecavender
    kmoirecavender Posts: 91 Member
    I have to be out the door at 6am, so I don't have a lot of time in the mornings, I don't get home until 8pm, so I still don't have a lot of time after getting home if I want to get a decent amount of sleep...BUT, I forced myself to do an hour of cardio when I got home for a while, and I found that when I did it, I had so much more energy in the mornings! Now I am able to get up around 4am to work out.( doing it at home helps too, when I was trying to get t o the gym was much more grueling) I encourage you to just MAKE yourself start doing it in the am or pm, and see if maybe you don't start having more energy! Good luck...also, many times I hear a familiar question ring out in my head, which came from a woman that worked in a gym I went to decades ago, "How bad do ya want it?"...that woman was probably 70 years old and had the body of jillian!
  • wmbrett
    wmbrett Posts: 31 Member
    I set my alarm for 4:45 and get out of bed by 5:00 a.m. My motivation is that I allow myself to watch various Netflix series during my elliptical workout, or weights workout - and don't allow myself to watch those programs unless exercise related. Additionally, I really like diet Snapple - so only allow myself one during the day during my workout. It may sound like small stuff, but it's worked for over a year now, and down nearly 60 pounds and maintaining. Additional motivation is that I have a Fitbit pedometer, and the more I work out, the more I can justify having a beer or cocktail (or multiple) in the evening. I average about 16K - 20K steps per day, which is an additional 1000 calories I can use or bank for the weekend.

    For about a year before, I was usually up in the a.m. watching news while in bed - just no motivation to take that step out of the bed. It took a few weeks of getting up early for the routine to be set, and to look forward to getting up to exercise. Some days are harder than others, but it has become routine at this time, and feel guilty if I don't do it regularly.
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    I don't think anything can really "give" you motivation, you just have to find the drive and commitment yourself, and make it a regular routine. I'm not a morning person at all so what helps me get to the gym is a class or appointment with my trainer, or the reminder that it means I have the evening free.