Did you loose weight doing c25k


Im new and looking to get back into running. I use to be a long distance runner when I was 18 at school and 55kg. Now im marrying my gorgeous fiancée in march 2015 and wanting to look good for the day. I'm currently 95.7KG and hoping to get back into running and loose a few KG. My goal is 75KG by the wedding maybe around 80kg by July this year.

Im going to stop eating fast food and try eat healthy.

Has anyone completed c25k and lost weight if so how much

Did W1D1 last night. Almost had to get a ride home as my calf almost cramped up when doing my cool down walk so had to hobble home


  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Nope, I did c25k and was running regularly for 2 years but lost nothing until I started to count calories, weight loss happens in the kitchen. C25k is great for cardiovascular fitness tho!
  • bradXdale
    Track your calories and eat at a deficit (which MFP automatically figures in).

    If you've been sedentary for a while just mark your activity level as "Sedentary".

    Eating under your "maintenance" level of calories will help you lose weight. Doing the C25k program is just an extra calorie burn with a slew of benefits for your health as well.
  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238
    Haven't lost anything on it, but it is a great feeling to progress and not be as winded as day 1. Heart rate isn't sky high while running anymore either.
  • cadillacblues87
    I have lost more weight from adding c25k to my calorie counting diet. When I say more, I mean more than counting calories and non-regimented exercise.