I've hit a wall, and I don't know what to do...

Good morning to all of you.... I am sending out a plea for help, and guidance from people who have been there, done that and have the T-shirts to prove it.
I have hit a wall lately, and I don't know how to get around it.... I start out with good intentions, and somewhere along the way, everything goes up in smoke.. I can't seem to stick to program, and I don't know why. I have all the tools at hand, and all the good things in my cupboard, and fridge, but, I can't seem to stick to a program. I'm tired, frustrated. Part of me says.. "The he** with it, and the other parts says... "NO!!!, you can do this.. you've done it before.. you've lost 50lbs on two separate occasions, and you can do it again"..
My husband wants to do Atkins next week, part of me does to, but the other part is saying why? You probably won't stick with that either. I'm sitting here this morning writing down my thoughts in my food journal.
Pro's and con's I guess. I want to do this. I want to get out of the size "18's" and back into the "16's". I'm not asking a lot. I guess I've fallen, and I don't know how to get myself back up.

My food journal is open.
Sorry to be such a downer, but you guys are my lifeline. I need your help..

Kat :(


  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    Hello Kat!

    First of all, I want to tell you that I am proud of the progress you have made. It takes lots of energy to try to lose weight again and again. And you already lost 50 lbs, two times. That's amazing!
    It surely is frustrating, that your results were not for the long- term :(

    I would like to show you this thread I made, because I think that the (general) advice I gave might also be helpful for you:


    I think everyone needs to decide for themselves, whether they want an 'extreme' diet like Atkins for themselves or not. If you yourself think that it's too extreme, that you won't stick to it.. Remember, this is not 'all or nothing'!
    Try to start slowly. Try to make better decisions, but step by step. try to change your eating habits on the long- term.

    Drink enough water. Eat regularly (it's good for the metabolism :) ) and enough (starving yourself won't get you anything!!)
    And GET ACTIVE. You don't need to start doing 2 hour workouts everyday. Just try getting more active, go out for a walk, take the stairs, do some Yoga here and then. Maybe, the advice from my thread will be helpful to you.

    Unfortunately I cannot see anything in your diary right now, otherwise I'd try to give more specific advice, sorry. I'm wishing you much luck! And don't worry, you surely are not a downer. Everyone has their own struggles and it's great that you are seeking some support! Continue doing so! :)
  • fluffyfour
    fluffyfour Posts: 11 Member
    Oh, the old motivation thing! I recognise that. Carrot or Stick? (Carrot Cake or Stick of Rock :))

    Just the fact you've written this post is good. If you really wanted to give up, you wouldn't have written it, you'd be at the fridge!

    No need to go on Atkins if it's not 'you'. If you want to make permanent changes it has to be slow, with small changes that allow you to maintain that change for good.

    It's difficult to remember how one felt as a successful weight-loser when it's all gone on again, but if you say 'what the hell' then you feel worse after your lapse. Just try small changes. I try to increase my exercise target by 100 cals a week, decrease the cheese in my sandwich by 10g, replace butter with a small amount of salad cream or pickle, etc.

    So it's not a mountain one has to climb, but just a little molehill!

    All the best of luck. I know you'll do it!
  • Kathryn41057
    Kathryn41057 Posts: 181 Member
    I appreciate the feedback ... thanks you guys.
    I will be working on getting back on the saddle again this afternoon, only this time I think I'll try the "1" thing at a time approach. Maybe trying to do too much all at once, is my downfall. I'm not super woman, I'm just me...A girl trying to get her weight under control.
    As far as doing Atkins next week with my husband, I'm still not sure about that one. I know I can follow along with him, it's not hard, but I don't know if I can stay with it.