
Hi my name is Kate I'm a 27 year old mother of four children. My youngest I had 10 months ago so I really want to get back into the gym and start loosing weight. I'm 5'4" 150lbs I'd like to get down to 130lbs would be good. I currently just had my wisdom teeth extracted so I can't do much activity for a few days it's driving me crazy. Well I hope to meet a lot of new friends here to help me along my weight-loss journey thanks for reading!



  • suzfirebird
    suzfirebird Posts: 49 Member
    Hi, my name is Susie! I am 31 and a mom of 2. I am 5'2" and currently 147.6lbs (started at 175lbs after having my son). My goal is 125-130lbs. Just want to look and feel good. It's nice to meet you and feel free to add me. :)
  • RichardAshley39
    Pretty new on here myself, people seems genuine and ready to offer help and advice when called upon. So you have 4 of the little ones, well done you. The two I've got keep me busy enough. wish you all the luck. Welcome to add me if you wish
  • JamiElaine05
    JamiElaine05 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Kate! I am a mother of one (he is 14 months), and I only honestly started getting back on track health wise about a month and a half ago. Honestly these six weeks of dieting and four of working out have left me feeling AMAZING! It is great motivation to keep going! I actually wanted to respond to this post because it reminds me a lot of my best friend. She is a 27 year old mother of four beautiful boys (5, 3, 1.5, and three months)! While I could never handle four, I know how much she does, and I have the utmost respect for strong, focused, loving mothers!

    I hope to see you successfully reach that goal of 130. At 5'8", I weighted approximately 250 when I started back in January. I have not stepped on the scale since, but my goal short term goal of 230 (I'd like to see that number by the end of March) is do-able. Long term, I'd love to see 170 again, but I see that as a year long goal!

    Nutrition is the foundation to any good plan (it took me a long time to accept this because I LOVE food). So, focus on that for now, and start adding the exercise as your doctor releases you!