most embarrassing/humiliating fat moment

Options we all have one, especially if you are trying to lose the amount of weight I am. I thought it would be fun to post our experiences. I know it's not fun to talk about but maybe laughing at my story will make you all feel better!! Here it goes...

When I was dating my husband in college (about 18 years ago) my bestfriend and I got this bright idea!! My husband worked the night shift and so he always left his house for work around 10 PM. My friend and I decided to "moon" him as he was driving out of the neighborhood. Even better...we thought we'd write HIYA on our rearends! So with an eyeliner pencil H I was written on my cheeks while my girlfriend put Y A on her cheeks. We positioned ourselves so that his headlights would be sure to hit us as he left. Even brighter of an idea was having our other girlfriend take a picture of us in action as his lights struck our rearends.

A few weeks later my family was having a family reunion and my mother had taken all these pictures to the reunion without me realizing that she had also developed my roll and brought it with us. My Great Grandmother found the picture and yelled out "Who's big butt is this that has HI written on it?" No one knew what she was talking about and so everyone got quiet but didn't answer so she repeated it "Who has the big butt with the word Hi written on it?" Again nothing so she walked the picture around and asked everyone if that was their big butt. Now, should I have denied it ...yes, but I knew one of my bratty cousins would just go to the envelope and figure out who it was by the family name on the envelope so I fessed up. When she got to me I said "Grandma it's mine could you just let it go" she laughed out loud and said "let it go, I wouldn't have big enough hands to grab on to it"! All my family laughed and came rushing up to view the picture. From that moment on I was nicknamed "The Big Mooner".


  • buckeyebabe
    Options we all have one, especially if you are trying to lose the amount of weight I am. I thought it would be fun to post our experiences. I know it's not fun to talk about but maybe laughing at my story will make you all feel better!! Here it goes...

    When I was dating my husband in college (about 18 years ago) my bestfriend and I got this bright idea!! My husband worked the night shift and so he always left his house for work around 10 PM. My friend and I decided to "moon" him as he was driving out of the neighborhood. Even better...we thought we'd write HIYA on our rearends! So with an eyeliner pencil H I was written on my cheeks while my girlfriend put Y A on her cheeks. We positioned ourselves so that his headlights would be sure to hit us as he left. Even brighter of an idea was having our other girlfriend take a picture of us in action as his lights struck our rearends.

    A few weeks later my family was having a family reunion and my mother had taken all these pictures to the reunion without me realizing that she had also developed my roll and brought it with us. My Great Grandmother found the picture and yelled out "Who's big butt is this that has HI written on it?" No one knew what she was talking about and so everyone got quiet but didn't answer so she repeated it "Who has the big butt with the word Hi written on it?" Again nothing so she walked the picture around and asked everyone if that was their big butt. Now, should I have denied it ...yes, but I knew one of my bratty cousins would just go to the envelope and figure out who it was by the family name on the envelope so I fessed up. When she got to me I said "Grandma it's mine could you just let it go" she laughed out loud and said "let it go, I wouldn't have big enough hands to grab on to it"! All my family laughed and came rushing up to view the picture. From that moment on I was nicknamed "The Big Mooner".
  • buckeyebabe
    ok...someone else has to take a turn and tell there story!
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    I won't get into specifics, suffice to say it involved my ample buttocks and a kilt that was WAY WAY WAY too small. :blushing:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I won't get into specifics, suffice to say it involved my ample buttocks and a kilt that was WAY WAY WAY too small. :blushing:

    Oh goodness!
  • buckeyebabe
    a kit that was way to small....oh my!
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    So I have quite a few, but family reunions got me thinking....

    I was at a big family BBQ at some point during my early teens. There was swimming so my self confidence was already a little down from its usual place. I was sitting around talking with my family, enjoying myself and not bothering anyone. All of a sudden, the little metal folding chair that I had been sitting on gave way and sent me sprawling all over the floor. I took off real fast (well, as fast as a fat girl can!) and got out of there. I was around long enough to hear the roars of laughter, though. Needless to say, I broke into tears instantly, which only added to the embarassment.

    I will never again sit on an old looking chair...
  • trjrobertson
    Ok, about two weeks ago I was getting my three year old ready for bed and it just so happens she was walking behind me. She stops for a minute and I turn around and ask " what's wrong?" She says "Mommy your booty's big!"
    Out of the mouths of babes....
    No, that's not the end of the story. The next morning when I woke her up we were headed to the bathroom once again to get cleaned up and she's walking behind me. She says then "Mommy your booty's BIGGER!" So that's the day I found MFP and the rest is history! HA!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Mine was probably last August, right before starting my journey towards a healthier Tam.......and we were flying and I was SO uncomfortable in the seat AND the seatbelt barely fit me. It was pulled so tight! I probably should have gotten an extender, but I refused! I was like HECK NO!!! So, I flew uncomfortable for several hours instead...That was horrible!!

    Now, over 100 lbs down, we flew about a month ago and I was SOOOOOOOOOOO comfy and had tons of room to spare on the seatbelt. Its the small things that really make you realize how unhealthy you are or were.

    Good luck all!! Love to you!!!!
  • back2beingme
    I was getting my daughter ready in the morning, fixing her hair, brushing her teeth, etc. She looks down at my stomach and says "Mommy's having a baby!" And she was so excited!!:angry: Then of course, my husband and older son heard it, and they had a good laugh at my expense. What's even worse??? I was no where near as big as I have been in the past!!!:grumble: Oh well, there's a little bit of truth in everything and I do still have a lovely little pooch from having two C-sections! BUT-I've lost a few pounds and some inches since then and I've asked her if it looks like mommy is still going to have a baby and she says not anymore...:heart:
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Mine was last winter when my best friend and her other bridesmaid and I went to the dress shop to order our dresses for her wedding. My best friend is really tiny, so I think her dress was around a size 6 (regular it's like a 0 or 2 but formal dresses sizes run huge). Her friend is pretty small too, around a 6 or 8 in regular clothes but she was a 12 in the dress (which SHE was probably embarrassed by but come on, 12 is my normal size). So they get to me and the lady says she recommends a 24! OK I was bracing myself for an obscene number since I know how formal dresses are, but 24!!!!! I was so humiliated, like what do they have to go get a tent to get the material from? Then to add insult to injury she informs me that for that size, it will be an extra $50. My friend said she would pay that for me so me and the other girl would be paying the same amount, which was very nice of her, but by that point I felt like the hits just kept on coming.

    Though it was pretty satisfying to see that when my dress came in it was quite big on me to begin with, plus since I have been losing weight it is even bigger and will have to be taken in a lot. And the other bridesmaid who needed the size 12.....well, is it horribly wrong of me to enjoy a teeny bit that I heard her dress is a little tight and they had trouble zipping it?:bigsmile:
  • raincloud
    raincloud Posts: 405 Member
    Mine was probably last August, right before starting my journey towards a healthier Tam.......and we were flying and I was SO uncomfortable in the seat AND the seatbelt barely fit me. It was pulled so tight! I probably should have gotten an extender, but I refused! I was like HECK NO!!! So, I flew uncomfortable for several hours instead...That was horrible!!

    Now, over 100 lbs down, we flew about a month ago and I was SOOOOOOOOOOO comfy and had tons of room to spare on the seatbelt. Its the small things that really make you realize how unhealthy you are or were.

    Good luck all!! Love to you!!!!

    That is actually what made me realize I DO need to lose this weight. I flew the first week of June, and started (well, restarted) MFP the end of June. It was horrible, I had the belt ALL the way to the end and I barely got it to fit. :embarassed:
  • CrystalBella
    CrystalBella Posts: 848 Member
    Gosh... what are we goin to do? I guess keep loggin calories huh? lol

    Well I was gettin ready for NYE 07 into 08 and I was wearin a halter top and some jeans. So I had to wear a strapless bra. I went to Lane Bryant (my fav store ever) and the lady had the nerve to tell me that I had to get a 46F! I was in shock that my boobs and such had gotten so big. I mean I was just in the bra too. All nite everyone called me TTs (obvious reasons) cause that's all you could see when you looked at me. I was just breasts walking around. I mean don't get me wrong, I like my girls, but that's to much of girls to be liking! So I knew that I had to change my life around. I didn't start right in Jan, but I did finally make the decision to get down to what I was in HS a pretty perky 38DD... Ohhh those were the days! :laugh:
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    Gosh... what are we goin to do? I guess keep loggin calories huh? lol

    Well I was gettin ready for NYE 07 into 08 and I was wearin a halter top and some jeans. So I had to wear a strapless bra. I went to Lane Bryant (my fav store ever) and the lady had the nerve to tell me that I had to get a 46F! I was in shock that my boobs and such had gotten so big. I mean I was just in the bra too. All nite everyone called me TTs (obvious reasons) cause that's all you could see when you looked at me. I was just breasts walking around. I mean don't get me wrong, I like my girls, but that's to much of girls to be liking! So I knew that I had to change my life around. I didn't start right in Jan, but I did finally make the decision to get down to what I was in HS a pretty perky 38DD... Ohhh those were the days! :laugh:

    Don't feel bad. I used to work at LB and got trained in bra fitting. Part of the training was to have my boss measure me to show me how to do it. I normally wear about a 38D or something like that... they had me in like a 65C. I don't remember exactly but it was a totally rediculous number. No two measurings come out alike, unless they sales person really knew what they were doing I wouldn't trust it at all!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Last summer I was in Marshalls with the family and I was waiting in line to pay and a woman was next to me picking up luggage. Then she looked at me and said "Do you think these are heavy? (pause) oh, wait, you're pregnant, never mind, don't worry about it!"
    My sons looked at me (and my older new better then to say anything at the moment, I just shook my head :noway: as if to say, shhhh, I know, but don't say anything..) and we walked out and he said "Mom! that lady said you were pregnant?!" :explode: :explode:
    Yeah Jack, thanks, I'm aware of it. My husband was oblivious to the whole thing and said "Did you say anything to her?" I said "NO!" I just shrugged it off. :embarassed: I felt like crap! And vowed never to wear that shirt again!!! (empire waist)
    damn those empire waist shirts, damn them!!:grumble: :grumble: :sad: :sad:
  • CrystalBella
    CrystalBella Posts: 848 Member
    Last summer I was in Marshalls with the family and I was waiting in line to pay and a woman was next to me picking up luggage. Then she looked at me and said "Do you think these are heavy? (pause) oh, wait, you're pregnant, never mind, don't worry about it!"
    My sons looked at me (and my older new better then to say anything at the moment, I just shook my head :noway: as if to say, shhhh, I know, but don't say anything..) and we walked out and he said "Mom! that lady said you were pregnant?!" :explode: :explode:
    Yeah Jack, thanks, I'm aware of it. My husband was oblivious to the whole thing and said "Did you say anything to her?" I said "NO!" I just shrugged it off. :embarassed: I felt like crap! And vowed never to wear that shirt again!!! (empire waist)
    damn those empire waist shirts, damn them!!:grumble: :grumble: :sad: :sad:

    Well you don't look pregnant now! Your pic of you in that brown dress is to die for! You look GREAT! That dress is beautiful! Some people just don't know. You should never "assume" if someones pregs or not. None of their damn buisness!
  • lynzz
    lynzz Posts: 45
    Mine was quite a few years back. I was at LB, or a similiar store and this little girl was shopping with her mother. The little girl kept staring, at me making me feel a little uncomfortable, so I smiled at her. At that moment she turned to her mom and asked her "Mommy, why is that lady so fat?"

    I could of died right there.
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    I remember once I went to a local amusement park, waited in line for almost an hour for the newest coolest roller coaster. When I finally got up to get on the attendent looked at me and kinda shook his head, I was like 'What?' and he said,
    'This ride is generally pretty uncomfortable for those of a larger girth.'

    I was like 'whatever.'

    I got on and just barely, I mean *BARELY* was able to get the harness to lock into the first notch. He came over and kinda snickered, checked the harness and said,

    'Well, you *did* get in it didn't you?'

    I answered back, 'Yep, just like your momma's pants.'

    He kinda gave me a go to hell look and moved on.

    Thing is though, I *was* uncomfortable, plus I felt like that notch was going to give way any second. A few years later I got on the same ride and it rocked. *sigh*
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    i've had alot of moments, but i can't really remember any specific details ... most notably like the one J mentioned above, and i still fret about that

    but three main things stick out in my mind
    1) i've always been the same size as my mum and so we could share clothes (though sometimes there'd be a problem because she's a lot shorter than me) and she recently lost alot of weight (i reckon due to healthy problems that she wont admit to:angry: but she swears she's fine and its just due to working alot and eating healthier) and she had all these clothes that she couldnt fit into any more because they were too big for her, so she gave them to me

    2) back in april, just after starting mfp (like two weeks) i went shopping with my two sisters, and they're both skinner than me, and though i had fun i was really rembarrsed with the sizes of the clothes i had to grab - i was grabbing size 16,18 and 20s where as they were grabbing size 10 and 12s - my sister even complained about one place because it had a thing in size 14 that didnt quite fit her
    plus we went to alot of shops that i couldnt even fit into any of the clothes because they didnt go up high enough for me

    but the be all and end all of, the major thing that made me realise i had to change was...
    3) my mother telling me a conversation that she had with my brother (who i absolutely idolise and would do anything for) where Ryan said i looked fat and that i seemed to have put on weight and he was worried about my health (mainly due to my PCOS, which is what he calls cancer... can;t remember why though), but he didnt want to talk to me about because he didnt want to upset me and make me think he was embarrassed to be seen with me in public
    and my mum told me about this when i was home at the start of the year and i just broke down crying so bad, hell i even have tears in my eyes writing this
    and the worst part is - he hasn't even noticed i've lost weight, or at least he hasn't said anything to me, where as my sister and my friends have and my sister, the first thing she says to me each time she sees me "wow lauren you look good"
    i hate males :grumble: they're so complicated
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    i've had alot of moments, but i can't really remember any specific details ... most notably like the one J mentioned above, and i still fret about that

    but three main things stick out in my mind
    1) i've always been the same size as my mum and so we could share clothes (though sometimes there'd be a problem because she's a lot shorter than me) and she recently lost alot of weight (i reckon due to healthy problems that she wont admit to:angry: but she swears she's fine and its just due to working alot and eating healthier) and she had all these clothes that she couldnt fit into any more because they were too big for her, so she gave them to me

    2) back in april, just after starting mfp (like two weeks) i went shopping with my two sisters, and they're both skinner than me, and though i had fun i was really rembarrsed with the sizes of the clothes i had to grab - i was grabbing size 16,18 and 20s where as they were grabbing size 10 and 12s - my sister even complained about one place because it had a thing in size 14 that didnt quite fit her
    plus we went to alot of shops that i couldnt even fit into any of the clothes because they didnt go up high enough for me

    but the be all and end all of, the major thing that made me realise i had to change was...
    3) my mother telling me a conversation that she had with my brother (who i absolutely idolise and would do anything for) where Ryan said i looked fat and that i seemed to have put on weight and he was worried about my health (mainly due to my PCOS, which is what he calls cancer... can;t remember why though), but he didnt want to talk to me about because he didnt want to upset me and make me think he was embarrassed to be seen with me in public
    and my mum told me about this when i was home at the start of the year and i just broke down crying so bad, hell i even have tears in my eyes writing this
    and the worst part is - he hasn't even noticed i've lost weight, or at least he hasn't said anything to me, where as my sister and my friends have and my sister, the first thing she says to me each time she sees me "wow lauren you look good"
    i hate males :grumble: they're so complicated

    Actually Markie, it's because we're so freakin simple.
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465

    Actually Markie, it's because we're so freakin simple.

    :laugh: i know but either way its highly annoying
    for us more complicated creatures