Twenty eight and over weight, I want to go to a gym...

Whats up everybody,

My name is Danny, I'm 28 years old, havent been to a gym in about three years. I want to get back into it. I need to re-learn how to workout. I weigh 216lbs, im 5'11''. I cant afford a trainer, but i want to get a regimen going. I want to loose weight and get more toned. I have Bad feet so i cant jump around. does anyone know of a work out regimen that if free and works. Please let me know you suggestions. Also looking For Friends.


  • ejones56
    ejones56 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Danny,
    It is hard to get to the gym, but it is worth it. I do have a trainer, but I found her on-line and she is wonderful. She really tailors the workouts to my needs. If you have workout DVD's and you have space at home you can start there. Try to plan what you are going to do at the beginning of the day. Like what food you are going to eat and when you will do your workout. I like to do Pilates, Zumba, Yoga, strength training, cardio. I try to mix things up to target certain areas, so I don't get bored. Best of luck.

    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    that could make a nice poem.
    giddy up and go kick some butt
    you can do it