20 Somethings!



  • GBPackerFan14
    GBPackerFan14 Posts: 55 Member
    Hey I'm 21 yo male from WI and in college looking to drop the last 5-10 lbs (which have proved to be a major pain...) feel free to add
  • usmcgirlfriend0724
    Hey I'm 23 just recently started a desk job and has sense put on about 15 pounds but I have always been chubby I would like to lose about 70 pounds and I am currently doing a weight loss challenge at work....I am looking for people to keep me accountable as well as motivate me!!! Feel free to add or msg me if you have any questions
  • TeriaShae
    TeriaShae Posts: 144 Member
    Hello, feel free to add me! My name is Teria. A little bit about to is that I am a 19 year-old college student and my major is respiratory therapy! I have always been overweight, even as a child. When I turned about 14 years-old and approached high school, people started to make fun of me because I was always a tad bit heavier than everyone else. So, weighing in at 225 pounds, I decided to start the journey of fitness and nutrition. By doing this I currently weigh 150 pounds and my goal weight is about 125. I LOVE meeting new people! :)
  • Lmsciera22

    I'm 26 looking to lose around 50 pounds and i'm always looking for new friends. I'll add you!
  • kyleprowland
    kyleprowland Posts: 7 Member
    Hey ladies and gents :) I'm a grad student on the last twenty-or-so pound haul of a fifty-pound-overall loss. Why I decided to do this AFTER my wedding, we'll never know! It's been hard because all my friends are stick figures :)

    but it's rewarding to pull on a pair of pants I haven't worn since junior year of undergrad and text my mom saying "MOM LOOK THESE PANTS THEY FIT." Gotta get those little victories!
  • sweetsorrow18
    sweetsorrow18 Posts: 54 Member
    Another one here!
    26 years old, in grad school, 5'0 and currently around 145...looking to get down to 120. Lowest I ever got too was 112 but it was bad weight loss methods (no eating, overexercising etc..)..lead me to some rough times, and I think I've royally messed up my metabolism oh and I've also got PCOS.

    I've gone Paleo, done raw food, did high protein/low carb - all of which helped initially, but were hard to maintain...I've done 30 day shred and Insanity workouts (which was awesome)...right now i'm trying to get back into a good schedule of working out with more emphasis on weight training and kick boxing on off days.....
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    I'm 26 and live in Colorado now! It's very beautiful here, as I've discovered over the last couple years and there's TONS of fit people and outdoor stuff to do.

    I don't have an open diary, but I'm happy to take on a new friend.
  • HotelQueen1
    HotelQueen1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Felicia. I am about to turn 26 and I am in need of fitness pals. I live in Colorado and everyone is in tip top shape. I am trying to loose 30 lbs. by September. I am looking for people who can not only support each other but people who want to have fun too. I work non stop at a hotel. Standing all day and then going to the gym can be difficult. Havering a beer is a lot easier than running a mile for me. So let's support one another and kick fat behind!
  • lmigas
    Hey! I found your post and it seems like we have the same goals! I'm 20, and looking for at least one person on MFP to talk to when cravings kick in, or when I'm in need of motivation, or to just congratulate each other on our progress :)

    Good job on the weight loss so far!
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I just turned 23 yesterday.

    I'm just under 5'4" and I started at 234.6 pounds, I'm at 211.8 at my last weigh-in.

    I love having friends on here. Feel free to add me.
  • Lynzigzagzay
    Lynzigzagzay Posts: 75 Member
    Another twenty-something here! :smile: I'm Lynsey, 23, looking to lose about 50lb, but depends more on how I feel rather than the actual number on the scale. Anywaaay, I try to be motivating and always welcome new friend requests so anyone can feel free to add me.
  • catcarlisle
    I'm a 25 year old grad student looking for friends to motivate me and to be accountable to. Feel free to add!
  • ReinaH1216
    ReinaH1216 Posts: 11 Member
    hi guys, im reina and im 23, and im looking to lose about about 30-35 lbs I joined a gym yesterday and have spent the past month trying to eat better. I only lack the motivation to actually get off my butt, feel free to be my friend and hopefully we can drop those lbs together
  • sweetage123
    sweetage123 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi all! I'm a 23 year old grad student looking to drop about 20-30lbs. I would also love some friends! Adds welcome :D
  • Babarrosa1
    Babarrosa1 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Im a 21 year old Master's student (or grad student? if you're from the US!).

    Feel free to add me, I'm on daily and love to talk and support all my friends :)