Aloha! [26 y/o female 5'3 180 pounds] 1675 calories

Hey guys,

I'm getting my butt into gear, and committing to getting healthy! MyFitnessPal is more fun when you have a few people to share your progress with. I'm hoping to add a few positive people to bounce some knowledge off of, maybe swap some recipes and exercises with, during this journey.

I'm willing to be the friend who checks in with you, providing feedback and encouragement and I would love the same. So I'd love to hear from some like-minded individuals!

If I were to put a number to my goal, I'd say I'm aiming to lose 40 pounds (or enough that I feel like I look like I am 140 pounds). I am currently experimenting with 1675 calorie diet, eventually I'm going to learn more about balancing my macros.

My work out routine currently consists of a sprinting program, and I am going to be starting a weight program this week (I have an orientation at the gym to get over my fear of weights (free weights excluded, I'm all over those). I'm also training for a 10km in April. It should be noted that I hate running, but I like a challenge! I've done a lot of group fitness, and home workouts. I like to go hiking, and am trying to get out to the pool more often.

I'm prone to depression, and I find my keeping my diet in line has always been the best way to control it even though it doesn't guarantee prevention. I'm absolutely an emotional eater, and that's a big part of why I keep going off track. I've also got a pretty sensitive stomach, so I try to keep things as simple as possible as far as food goes.

Did I mention I am a bridesmaid for my sisters wedding in the Dominican in April... geez, I've gotta get working out!
