Designer Whey Protein Powder

I have approx. 100 pounds to lose. I am trying to exercise 1-2 hours about 5 days a week and on days that I exercise a lot I am trying to get about 1500 calories and on the days I don't around 1200ish. I came across some Designer Whey at GNC today and bought it before looking in the facts about it. Not smart I know. Now that I am home with it, I am worried that it will make me gain weight instead of lose weight. Have you had success using this product and losing weight? I have lots to lose, so I don't want to make mistakes if I can help it. TIA


  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Why do you think it would make you gain weight?
  • dburkhol
    dburkhol Posts: 10 Member
    No experience with that product, but it looks OK. 18 gm protein, 100 cal, 3 carb, 2 sugar. Protein powder isn't going to make you lose or gain weight. It is primarily used as a recovery drink after exercise, or a a supplement to get more protein into your diet without a lot of fat/sugar/carbs. Generally you want to look for a product that has whey isolate or hydrolized whey as the primary ingredient. These are absorbed by the body much faster than whey concentrate (the primary ingredient in the product you purchased).
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I use it all the time, just log it like anything else. Try to get an exact match in the database in order to accurately log all the nutritional data. Too many calories make you gain weight. My protein shake is just under 300 calories, allow for that in your daily net calorie budget and you will lose weight.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I use it - they have some really yummy flavors. Not sure why it would make you gain weight unless you're going over your calories drinking it....