How different do people treat you once you lose weight?



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    I do get treated better in the fact of I don't attract attention like I did when I was extremely overweight. People staring and laughing making fun of me etc.
    WOW ..

    Just wanted to say GREAT JOB!!!!! 323 pounds lost is awesome!
  • christinalong1991
    christinalong1991 Posts: 74 Member
    Yes some people do treat you differently than they did before most have been mentioned in earlier posts But has anyone experienced friends being jealous of the new slim you? I have been quite surprised by two so called female friends who, although appear to be happy for me, actually say things like " I'll make sure you don't put all that weight back on" ie " hang on to some of your good big clothes just in case!" If I was a young woman I could understand this but as I am in my 60s find it quite amusing that they appear to be threatened by the new me!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I definitely noticed this, and lost my best friend over it! She never tried to do anything about being overweight, as I continued to lose more and more and would talk about it, she would constantly degrade me for it. Going so far as to say I use weight loss to avoid my problems and in the same way alcoholics use alcohol (when in reality I had high blood pressure and serious knee/ankle issues, even though i wasn't extremely overweight). I lost my weight over 2 years, that is hardly an unhealthy accomplishment. She would also make snide comments about how she can't be friends with a skinny person so if I lose any more weight she couldnt go out with me. She said these things jokingly, but it still really bothered me. Meanwhile she does her fad diets of no carbs or anything, and two days later I see her walking to Jack in the Box on the way to work!
  • momovich
    momovich Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, I have experienced this several times. I struggle with it, because it makes me a little angry. I have lost a lot of weight on programs (which I am not doing, anymore, because I gained it all back). Each time, when I got below a certain weight, I suddenly became "visible". Yes, it may have had something to do with me feeling better about myself, but there is a definite connection to my physicality. The weird thing is that it even happens before I lose a lot of weight. If I go below a certain weight, but I am still heavy, people still react to me differently. There is flirting, people are friendlier, more polite, there is much more eye contact. There seems to be almost a more welcoming attitude, as if I am now part of a club that I was excluded from when I was heavier. Every time it happens, I struggle with it. It makes me want to cry. After a while, I stop reacting, but the feeling, inside, never goes away. The feeling that, "Hey, I'm the same person, why didn't you acknowledge my existence, before?" I am not interested in attention, my loving husband has treated me like a princess for thirty four years, through thick (literally) and thin. But, hey, be polite, people...just because I'm in my "thick" phase doesn't mean you should let the door slam in my face.

    I know one has made a huge difference in the way I treat everybody...overweight people, people with disabilities, people who lack confidence. I have always known that everyone just wants to be treated with common courtesy and respect. Everyone wants to be affirmed and acknowledged. This experience has made me even more keenly aware of the beautiful people all around me, in every shape, size, and condition. I go out of my way, now, to smile and sincerely compliment ev-er-y-body.
  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    When going to vocal auditions, I now get comments about how "tiny" I am and actually get asked if I'm a dancer or how many years of dance experience do I have.
  • emd2570
    emd2570 Posts: 126 Member
    Yes def people treat me different - but I also treat myself different
    I wear clothes that fit me and show off my curves,
    I stopped hiding behind my long hair - cut it a little shorter- I'm not envious
    of thinner , healthier people - because I am that person - I def am happier w
    the "real " not the new me -