Cali girl in a wheelchair & trying to lose weight!

Hi Everyone!

My name is Chrissy and I was born with a physical disability, so I've been in a wheelchair my whole life. Exercising is almost non existent because I can't walk or stand. I was on Weight Watchers several years ago, and it was a success, but I've since gained the weight back. I can't afford WW on my budget now, so I thought I'd try MyFitnessPal app. I really love it so far and have already noticed a difference.

Since I can't stand I'm unable to weigh myself, and that's the hardest part about trying to lose weight. I don't know how much I'm losing or what I weigh (I'm guesstimating about 150) , so I just have to go by the way my clothes fit and how I look.

Anyway! I can move my arms and legs a little, so I use stretch bands as a way of exercising what I can.

Nice meeting you guys!


  • christa279
    christa279 Posts: 222 Member
    Hi! I think going by the way you look or how your clothes feel is a great indicator on how you're doing. I weight myself regularly, but I've found that doing measurements helps me to tell when there is progress when the numbers on the scale don't change much. Maybe that is something you could try too?

    I've lost a decent amount of weight in the last 9 months or so, and all of it was without exercise! I just started adding exercise in, but it's been a challenge because I have joint hypermobility and have to be careful with some of my movements to make sure I don't injure myself. Anyway, my point is that weight loss can be achieved by just lowering your calories consumed.

    Good luck!
  • That's a good idea, I'll have to measure myself. Thanks!
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    I agree that measurements should be good for you and maybe you can swing by your dr.'s office once every month for a weigh-in if it's not too much of a hassle??

    LOL- when I read your head line I SWEAR I thought it said "CALL girl...", so I clicked being, curious and all, haha :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Unfortunately for you being in a wheelchair you probably burn less calories day to day (I assume anyway), as well as it being harder to find a suitable exercise. You can of course do it just by lowering cals, but could swimming be a good option for you?
    I think just going by the way your clothes are fitting is a great idea.
  • I agree that measurements should be good for you and maybe you can swing by your dr.'s office once every month for a weigh-in if it's not too much of a hassle??

    LOL- when I read your head line I SWEAR I thought it said "CALL girl...", so I clicked being, curious and all, haha :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Ha! That really made me laugh! :laugh:
  • Unfortunately for you being in a wheelchair you probably burn less calories day to day (I assume anyway), as well as it being harder to find a suitable exercise. You can of course do it just by lowering cals, but could swimming be a good option for you?
    I think just going by the way your clothes are fitting is a great idea.

    I don't have access to a pool, and living in the Bay Area it's always cool, and it would be too cold to swim since most pools here are outdoors :ohwell:
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Unfortunately for you being in a wheelchair you probably burn less calories day to day (I assume anyway), as well as it being harder to find a suitable exercise. You can of course do it just by lowering cals, but could swimming be a good option for you?
    I think just going by the way your clothes are fitting is a great idea.

    I don't have access to a pool, and living in the Bay Area it's always cool, and it would be too cold to swim since most pools here are outdoors :ohwell:

    Bummer. Maybe you could get something like this for your arms

    boring as hell I know, but you could do it while watching tv or whatever
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Try Zumba Sentao. It's Zumba with a chair so will have a lot of arm movements you can follow. It does have standing stuff but just do the arms and torso if you can move that much.
  • Unfortunately for you being in a wheelchair you probably burn less calories day to day (I assume anyway), as well as it being harder to find a suitable exercise. You can of course do it just by lowering cals, but could swimming be a good option for you?
    I think just going by the way your clothes are fitting is a great idea.

    I don't have access to a pool, and living in the Bay Area it's always cool, and it would be too cold to swim since most pools here are outdoors :ohwell:

    Bummer. Maybe you could get something like this for your arms

    boring as hell I know, but you could do it while watching tv or whatever

    My arms can't lift that high, but I have 1 lb weights to go around my wrists. Better than nothing I guess!
  • vjor1
    vjor1 Posts: 1

    Yeah I agree going by how your clothes fit is a better indicator of weigh loss and at some point fat will start burning all over your body so you should start seeing some changes in your problem areas. Exercise I wise I know its a lot more difficult for you but you could try exercising with your wheel chair so sprints for example because as long as you sweat that is your body having to burn off calories. Similarly you could attempt to lift lighter weights with your arms that will also increase your heart rate. Just an idea but if you keep on track of your calories you should see some results =) keep going though it takes a burn long time to burn fat! I try to take weekly pictures of certain areas because that really keeps me motivated. I dont actually weigh myself I use the pictures to see how my body is changing!

    All the best I hope my advice is useful xx
  • That's a good idea, I'll have to measure myself. Thanks!

    Hi there.. I am a part time wheel chair user. I have muscular dystrophy and have very limited use of legs and arms and back and core muscles.. so believe me, I understand about how hard it is.

    I would suggest measuring a part of your body that you can get to easy.. maybe your wrists and upper arm. If you can measure your waist, and thigh too. Be sure that you measure the same part of your body each time and do not do it more than once a week.

    There are some places that have scales for those in wheelchairs, so you weigh in with the chair and all. Maybe you could do some internet research or ask you doctor if they can refer you to a place that you can access for free.

    I have to lose weight so that I can continue to stand so I am back on here.

    I try to move my arms and legs during watching any movie or tv show. I know it is distracting to those around, but it is important for my blood flow and muscles and will burn calories.

    I just started a new plan today.. eating every three hours on a strict schedule. I have to eat within 1 hour of waking and have to stop 3 hours before going to bed.

    I am splitting up my calories.. 300, 200, 100, 200, 400 that will give me 1200 a day. Because of my lack of muscle, if I eat 1600 calories a day (like the guidelines tell me) I will GAIN weight. One of my friends that uses a wheelchair had a fitness coach that told him to eat 33% less than the charts and he lost quite a bit of weight.

    The hard part is not losing the weight, but keeping it off.. I just have to keep working the plan. I have gained 20# since I stopped working my plan a year ago and it has taken a toll on me.

    Good luck!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member

    LOL- when I read your head line I SWEAR I thought it said "CALL girl...", so I clicked being, curious and all, haha :laugh: :flowerforyou:
    So did I! :tongue: I had to read it three times!