New on here and looking for friends I'm starting slim fast

Hi All

I'm new to the community but have been using MFP for quite awhile.
I am starting my slim fast plan today and hoping to lose around 10-12lbs which I gained following stopping smoking.
If there anyone else doing slim fast maybe we could support each other



  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    Just be aware that you probably won't get much support for a fad diet like slim fast on here.
    MFP is about controlling calories, exercising and changing your eating habits to a healthier regime for good.

    You don't need to put that sludge in your body and be hungry all the time to lose weight and keep it off. There are lots of knowledgable and helpful people here on the boards who are walking proof of this.

    Edited for typo
  • KayLgee
    KayLgee Posts: 139
    I hate to say but I must agree with Guinivere and only because I have tried every single fad diet going.

    Its hard to accept but the only way to do it is to work hard and eat clean, change your lifestyle.

    Its a great community here, whatever you choose to do I wish you good luck :)
  • george7527
    george7527 Posts: 267 Member
    hi hope you don't mind me replying because I'm not on slim fast but felt had to answer
    Why waste your money on shakes when you can eat proper food as long as you write everything you eat in MFP journal which will also break down fat,carbs,protine.
  • ronbo62098
    ronbo62098 Posts: 59 Member
    Coming from someone who has "been there, done that" with Slimfast...

    Did it work? Short term, yes, I lost a few pounds in a few weeks.

    Was it permanent? Nope - soon as I stopped it all came back.

    Was it enjoyable? Hardly - I was hungry ALL the time, and rather grumpy as a result. Which resulted in me giving up on it.

    Was it expensive? Oh yeah - I could have bought a LOT of real food for what I spent.

    A much better option is to find something low calorie, high protein that fills you up. It's better for you, and it's sustainable.
  • lkfort
    Hello - I'm in agreement with everyone else in regards to taking slim fast - I was on a slim fast diet about 8 years ago, and all that sludge caused me to have some health issues. I too, gained the weight as soon as I stopped, and felt like I was never full. Back in 2012 when seeing some pictures at my youngest daughter's high school graduation, I was disgusted how I looked. I began eating healthy and joined an exercising class (CURVES for women) during my journey I lost 65lbs. I then thought I could do it on my own, boy was I wrong - you need the support system as well as setting your mind to know that this is a life changing alteration that you must continue to eat healthy and exercise. I just started tracking my calories on here last week, and I have dropped 3lbs! So what ever you choose to do, good luck!
  • HipsterWhovian
    HipsterWhovian Posts: 195 Member
    I actually disagree with everyone! On my first MFP excursion, I used Slimfast for breakfast and lunch/dinner, and lost 2.5 stone. Unfortunately, I had a lot of problems hit me at once, and I stopped Slimfast and the gym, and just ate whatever I wanted, which is why I'm back.
    I personally only have Slimfast for breakfast, as I don't find it fills me up enough at lunch to last until dinner. However, it is enough for me for breakfast, fills me up enough to last me until lunch, and I've lost over a stone with it in 6 weeks.
    Whether I keep the weight off once I stop it, I don't know. But for the moment, it's working wonders for me.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    SF works for me and it works long term for me. Let ppl do what they want
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    why not just try using MFP as what it is?

    I see people sign up here all the time in correlation to some other fad... then they show up again 6 months later because the fad faded.

    count calories, eat food, maintain a moderate/livable calorie deficit... win.
  • brandi712
    brandi712 Posts: 407 Member
    Welcome to the community area of MFP :smile: I wish you luck on your weight loss journey no matter your method. I've tried slimfast but found myself too hungry so I tried eating better and less. So that's what I do.
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    Unless you want to live the rest of your life on Slimfast, I'm not sure it's a good idea for you to lose weight and keep it off long term. Long term results come from changing your lifestyle.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Congratulations on your commitment to stop smoking and moving toward better health.

    I personally find that SlimFast tastes pretty terrible and I'd rather have a good brand of protein shake.

    However, if it helps you move into habits that are better then that is a good thing. Make moves in MFP to track, track, track!!

    I am not on a plan to lose a large amount of weight (only about 15 more pounds at this point) so my journey is not the same as yours other than dedication to logging and moving more.

    What is it about SlimFast that you like? Portability? Ease of use? Non-Persishable? The taste of it??

    Personally, I know what it's like to try something out to see how it works for me. (I did a 3 day juice "fast.") I hope you find some encouraging friends and continue on this path toward a better, happier you!
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    Slim Fast is a combination of drinks and snacks. All with their caloric values. There plan is simply a eating or feeding schedule for the consumer. As long as the OP is within her goal and is consuming at a deficit AND exercising. She WILL lose weight. I don't see this as a fad, and I see this as VERY sustainable long term. Not eating a FULL meal for breakfast and lunch is NOT going to kill you. Those that do IF know exactly what I'm talking about. Speaking from personal experience only, as I refuse to re·gur·gi·tate something that can be cut and pasted or have read off the web. OP, hit me up with a FR, let's prove the opposers wrong. ~Tino
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    I tried Slim Fast years ago. Sounded like a good idea. But it didn't work well for me. I'd drink the Slim Fast. Then about an hour later I'd go get food. Hell, I probably ate more.

    Having said that, if you think it will work for you, give it a shot! If it works, great! If not, you'll have a fridge full of the stuff for a year like I did. Still working my way through the 55 calorie beer that sounded like a good idea for Superbowl Sunday.
    Its hard to accept but the only way to do it is to work hard and eat clean, change your lifestyle.

    Only way to do it is to eat less than you burn. If I had to "eat clean" I'd never lose a pound. I'm not knocking it. I think eating less processed food is a healthier way to go. But it's not the only way to lose weight. Actually, it has little to do with losing weight. Being healthy? Yeah, maybe (probably, IMO). But for lazy people like me, going out for Pizza once is a while makes being on a diet something I can do long term. I just work it into my goal for the day and don't eat the whole pizza myself like I used to.
  • GinNJuice75
    GinNJuice75 Posts: 186 Member
    Just my two cents..I did slim fast many years ago as well. It just didnt work. I did many fad diets and i ended up with an ulcer at one point. Maybe a coinky dink, but would never go that route again.
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    From what I googled, Slimfast contain around 200 calories. That's not very much and when you eventually get off it I doubt you'll be eating only 200 calories per meal for two meals. You could have a nutritious and filling peanut butter and jelly sandwich for around 300 to 400 calories and also be satisfied.
  • clairekyty
    clairekyty Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for all your reply's :) I am aware this is a fad diet and that healthy eating can not be replaced by slim fast. however I am going to be utilising slim fast as a short term method of weight loss as at present I find it difficult to eat breakfast in the mornings due to my work commitments and time I get up for same. Slim fast is a quick alternative to missing breakfast altogether .I will however also be incorporating healthy eating into my plan and will reduce slim fast use over time.
  • clairekyty
    clairekyty Posts: 14 Member
    Slim Fast is a combination of drinks and snacks. All with their caloric values. There plan is simply a eating or feeding schedule for the consumer. As long as the OP is within her goal and is consuming at a deficit AND exercising. She WILL lose weight. I don't see this as a fad, and I see this as VERY sustainable long term. Not eating a FULL meal for breakfast and lunch is NOT going to kill you. Those that do IF know exactly what I'm talking about. Speaking from personal experience only, as I refuse to re·gur·gi·tate something that can be cut and pasted or have read off the web. OP, hit me up with a FR, let's prove the opposers wrong. ~Tino


    Good to know that it does work for some hopefully me too ;)