Student needing help, can you please do my study?

Hey all, I've been on this site for a few years now, having a break from it while I do my final year of university, I would greatly appreciate it, if members of this community would take part in my experiment. As many types of people are likely to use this site it will greatly increase my participant range and help me gather a wider variation of people in my sample.

I'm an undergraduate studying psychology with criminology and I need people to do my study into personality traits and judging crimes through short stories.

The interest of this study is focused on the effects of social and behavioural personality traits in the influence of emotional arousal of crime stories. Tasks consist of an information form, 2 personality questionnaires followed by 4 short stories of crimes, with questions to answer about each story. The 2 personality questionnaires will focus primarily on factors associated with your perception of; others' behaviour, your own behaviour and your emotional intelligence.

An issue is warned for the short stories, as crimes featured are inclusive of victimisation based on race and gender, as well as drug trafficking and extreme violence. Some help can be given to participants who feel effected by these stories, by me and my supervisor.

Altogether this study will take approximately 40 minutes, unfortunately as I'm an undergraduate student, I cannot offer any payment for participation, sorry, however I will be very grateful to all who do my study. You can save the survey part way through and complete later if you get bored or have another task.

All participants should have an average understanding of English and be of normal reading ability. Due to ethical reasons, all participants must be over 18 years of age

Thanks to all who do my study :)


  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Can you post a summary version? :huh:
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    I did it for you.
  • ToyaXxGreen
    I'm sorry but the questionnaire is at the shortest it can be, for the areas Im interested in these are considered very short non-intrusive questionnaires, you can save the study part way through and go and complete it later on if you wish :) .

    Thanks to everybody who's done it so far :)

  • ToyaXxGreen
    Hey, just to bumb this up again, I need as many people as possible to do my study, please calling everybody who is over 18 and is interested in helping out a student. You don't need an interest in crime, you dont need an interest in psychology, just please give me 40 minutes of your time so that I can get a genuine sample from a normal population that is not mainly students :D
