FITBIT -- Am I doing this correctly?

So I joined my Fitbit account and my MFP account - step one - woo hoo.

I am only logging food and exercise on the MFP page right? Steps will be logged from Fitbit page..

1.) One thing that I noticed. On MFP my calorie goal is like 2000. On FitBit website it's 1700. Is that going to mess anything up - do I need to get them to match first?

2.) Second question - when I go to the gym today the fitbit should be monitoring all my steps on the treadmill. What about when I head over and do weight lifting. Does it stop monitoring that movement of arms, jump roping, squats, etc? Do I need to take it off so I don't get weird false readings?


  • FJDodd
    FJDodd Posts: 140 Member
    Yes you have linked them right.
    To answer your other questions:

    1. Fitbit estimates how much you will probably burn in a day based on your exercise level so far. If you are really inactive in the mornings it will adjust your calories for the day to reflect that. As you become more active throughout the day, the calories will then readjust.
    2. Fitbit will only monitor steps. the weight lifting should not cause false readings.

    ETA: There is a FitBit group you can join on MFP here:
  • aforgnoni
    I've had my fitbit synced for a few weeks now. A few questions I have:

    1. If it only counts step all other items should be put in mfp? I shoveled snow for 1hour yesterday and my calculated exercise in mfp was like 500 then changed to 200 something????

    2. To piggyback off that, I have noticed it will show one fitbit calories adjustment then it will change and when it changes it always decreases. So after the shoveling yesterday it had listed 500 something then went down to 301.

    Any information/help is greatly appreciated!

  • FJDodd
    FJDodd Posts: 140 Member
    1. I log everything a little different because I use a HRM - FitBit - MFP. My HRM App links direct to FitBit. But most people I have talked to use just FitBit and MFP. They log all food and non-walking based activities into MFP. Make sure you use the correct time started and duration or it may double count in FitBit. FitBit will still show as an adjustment on MFP, but it won't double count any activities in the times that you show on MFP Exercise Log.

    2. so what you are seeing is the readjustment that fitbit makes. As you go throughout your day Fitbit is constantly readjusting based on what you are doing. You had 500 after shoveling in the morning because Fitbit saw that as your activity level and projected what your activity level for the whole day would be based on that level. As you got less active throughout the day, that end of day calculation was adjusting to reflect a lower average activity level.

    There is a way to turn off the calorie estimation.
  • dianesheart88
    dianesheart88 Posts: 111 Member
    bump - thinking about getting a FITBIT
  • aforgnoni
    FJDodd- thanks for the info! I put my activity in MFP yesterday and I did notice that it just adjusted and did not double. Good to know. I also read on another post someone said the Fitbit does not really count when your doing weights. So makes sense to make sure to enter the right time like you said.