Over 40 Friends w/ 25-50lbs to lose, I need you!!



  • Hi, I'm 41 & my first goal is to lose 26 more pounds. Anyone supportive may add me :)
  • scrapalooza
    scrapalooza Posts: 335 Member
    I will be 47 in a few weeks & need to lose 25 more pounds to be at my goal. :) Feel free to add me.
  • MDF247
    MDF247 Posts: 64 Member
    Almost 43 (I think). I'm down 20 from my high and have at least 20 to go. 30-35 more would be ideal.

    I work at home also and if I don't force myself to get out and run, I get almost zero exercise otherwise. I started walking, and later running, about 6 months ago. I've started incorporating light strength training the last few weeks and I like where it's headed.

    We can do it!
  • Hi everyone, my name is Laura, I am 47 and I have been on MFP for almost a year, have lost over 40 lbs but have about 15 more to go. I purchased a fitbit last year and love it, I also try to go to the gym for strength training. I am always welcoming new friends on MFP. Please add me and if you have a fitbit you can add me there as well. fourboys4i@yahoo.com.

    Looking forward to new friends. Laura
  • evamclaughlin9
    evamclaughlin9 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi I am going to be 45 this year and I have a goal of 45 pounds to lose. I was on this site a couple of years ago and lost 25 but I have since put it all back on. I am looking forward to getting back to a healthy weight with diet and exercise. Feel free to add me I am going to also need all the support I can get.
  • I am over 40 and have 50lbs to lose! Feel free to add me:)
  • AJLovinLife
    AJLovinLife Posts: 125 Member
    I just turned 40 and could stand to lose 20 Lbs. I have been on MFP for a while, though I have not been that active in the past months due to deaths in the family, tearing my ACL and a long distance move. SO here I am trying to take charge of my life again. I need to have my ACL fixed it will be my 4th ACL surgery (third on that knee), my blood pressure has been creeping up so before I have the surgery I want to get that under control. My DH wants me to do my ACL ASAP but I know what that feels like and it will be over a year before my knee will feel "normal", and honestly I am terrified of gaining even more weight after the surgery. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Makay1
    Makay1 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi Laura,

    I started back to MFP a few weeks ago. Would love to lose 60 lbs, but will settle for whatever I am meant to lose. I'm 47 and was recently diagnosed as being "pre-diabetic" so I know I need to get this weight off. I have been incorporating clean eating into my diet since January 1st and have lost 9 lbs so far. The pounds aren't coming off as fast as I hoped, but I'm not giving up. Feel free to add me.....we can keep each other motivated.

  • KudraM
    KudraM Posts: 73 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm 44 and have 37 lbs to kick. Friend me if you like!
  • Hello.

    I'm 37 with over a hundred pounds to go....Is that close enough? I would love to support each other in our weigh loss goals.
  • I'm a 45 year old desk jockey hoping to lose 25 lbs or so. I've been a member of MFP for about a year and had great success with it when I first joined. At some point I got distracted along the way and stopped using it for a while - but I'm now back, determined, and thoroughly enjoying it.

    This time 'round I'm hoping to participate more in the MFP community in the hopes that I'll avoid further distractions. :) Feel free to add me.

  • mishka45
    mishka45 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 45 year old and want to loose 30lbs or maybe more, feel free to add me. :smile:
  • moniker_74
    moniker_74 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi - I'll be 40 next month and still have about 45 lbs to lose. Looking for friends on MFP too. Please add me!
  • Hi everyone. My name is Tammy, I'm 45 years old and I would like to lose 45 pounds. Weighed in yesterday at 185lbs and decided it was time to do something. Hoping to join my kids at the pool this year instead of sitting in my chair with my capris on like I did all last summer. Atkins Phase 1 is my plan right now.
  • MamaGab92
    MamaGab92 Posts: 77 Member
    Hello there! My name is Laura and my story is similar to a lot here. I just turned 47 and I need to lose about 40-45 lbs. just to get back to a normal BMI. I just started a reboot of my wellness plan. I've tried several changes in the past (I lost 20 lbs on Weight Watchers a couple of years ago and gained it all back plus some). At this point I'm trying to figure out what works for me. At 47 I really feel strongly that my hormones are all whacked out and affecting my weight among other things. I'm trying to figure out how to handle that. Plus I also have Lupus so that is an issue too. I'm not getting any younger so I have to do something.
  • jenn2375
    jenn2375 Posts: 101 Member
    Im pushing 40 ..... and have about 40 more I'd like to lose...feel free to add me!!
  • JnK619
    JnK619 Posts: 320
    45, and want to lose 50-60lbs
  • horseswinelife
    horseswinelife Posts: 52 Member
    Sent in a FR and others can feel free to add me as well -

    Im 45 and have about 50 to loose -
