Need a motivator!

Hi! I started awhile back and I can never seem to stay on track. I get so depressed and lose all my motivation. I really have nobody keeping me on track, and I need help from other people losing weight too! I tell myself all the time I need to do this I am just so fat and unhappy with myself, yet I go and eat something wrong or dont stay on track excercising and then I put myself down even more and I get no where. Does anybody have any tips or want to add me as a friend to help me see other people staying on track as well! Thanks!


  • MARTIC0058
    MARTIC0058 Posts: 42 Member
    sending you a friend request. We all fall off the wagon and sometimes its hard to get back up, so move on! I do think lots of support is a must to succeed! You have to ask your self daily your 'WHY" yes daily so you don't forget. I also have a great group on fb if your interested. Look forward to following you on your road to SUCCESS!
  • train_01
    train_01 Posts: 135 Member
    When I feel less than motivated, I always say to myself, "A year from now, I will wish I had started yesterday" or "I'm not at the finish liine yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday". Sounds cliche but I find it helps.
  • SmileyCakes94
    Isn't that the story of our lives! Dont worry hun, it happens to all of us. We fall down and get backup. Brush your knees off and go harder. I am the prime example. You'll have good days and bad and thats good. im back at again and you're more then welcome to come along on the ride.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I hate to say this, but you have to motivate yourself. No one can do your job. Depression is a drag, I know. While I was losing weight I was often discouraged and it actually didn't help to watch other people losing weight while I wasn't.

    I've made it a point to make friends on MFP, but I don't try to make thousands of friends because I have to do other things. I'd rather have a few people that I get to know over time because then when I leave or receive comments, they're meaningful to me.

    If you want to friend me, I'll be there for you, but not all the time. That's life :wink: