What's your motivation for losing weight?



  • Mello_Rello
    Mello_Rello Posts: 421 Member
    When I saw a picture of myself a few years ago...moon face, acne, no neck, and a kool aid shaped body in a stretch jump suit. I burned that pic and began working out, lost about 60 lbs on my own. Now at 237 lbs, I've hit that wall and decided to bite the bullet and workout with a trainer. It's hell, it hurts, but I need it.
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    I'm 25. I don't want to be fat when I hit 30. I want to look hot. I want to wear pretty clothes that don't cost 2085230485028345082408 dollars at specialty shops. I want to be around to watch my daughter grow up. I want to be a good role model for her. I'm having a couple health issues that scare me, so I want to get healthier and fix them. I want to have bragging rights. I want to prove to a couple people that I can do it. I guess I'm mostly kind of selfish. :/
  • Mello_Rello
    Mello_Rello Posts: 421 Member
  • Mello_Rello
    Mello_Rello Posts: 421 Member
    I started because my BP, which had been stable most of my life, went high and I had to get on a diuretic. I stay motivated because I have a 5-year old who I want to see grow up (and chase around).

    My BP is now normal without meds, and I can run after my daughter all day.

    That's upper AWESOME! You're off your Bn't have tP meds?! That's so GREAT! Keep going, don/t stop. Your story is proof that you don't have to be on those medications for ever to live, you CAN get off those meds by hanging your lifestyle. So proud of you.
  • svandever101585
    svandever101585 Posts: 188 Member
    I was 2 lbs over my heaviest pregnancy weight and I could not take pictures without wanting to burn them. The real wake up call was when I realized my unhealthy habits were transferring to my children. Whenever I asked them what they wanted to eat they told me Cheeseburgers or hotdogs. My great eaters were starting to be picky unhealthy eaters. Thats when I knew that I had to act not just for me but for them too.
  • tavasue
    My "ah ha" moment was when I stepped on the scale and saw 309 staring back at me. At that point I realized that if I didn't make immediate changes I'd end up 600 pounds and house bound or in a wheelchair with an oxygen tank. I want to watch my nephews grow up. I don't want my mother to have to attend her daughter's funeral due to a food addiction. I want to enjoy life. I don't want to be controlled by food!
  • popshoveit
    I'm just curious, what is that one thing hat freaked you out and made you say, "Okay, this time something's got to change."

    For me, it was a couple things that shocked me... Realizing I was 8 lbs away from my heaviest pregnancy weight, and seeing myself in an unflattering photo in an outfit that I *thought* looked good on me.

    isn't that the most awful feeling? that happened to me in quite a few pics. look in the mirror thinking I look awesome, then seeing the pictures and realizing I look like a fat pig]

    I had a moment like that at my highest non-pregnant weight! Dressed in a hot outfit I thought I looked so great... Later, I saw a photo of myself from behind and I almost screamed! Such a shock.

    These days it's for multiple reasons. My own mom was so devoted to our family while I was growing up, but never made time for herself or took care of her own needs/wants, and she's in her 50s now and suddenly seperated from my dad (something I never would have dreamed would happen) etc... I don't ever remember her doing anything she enjoyed. She had no hobbies, few friends. I am now a stay at home parent with my two kids and I saw myself going down that same path of pouring every ounce I had into being the best mom and wife I could be but never having even an hour of the day to myself. Not even in the shower! My 2 year old daughter begs to climb into the shower with me. Not even at night, my little ones still wake at night needing cuddles.

    My gym time is my newly discovered magical ME time where I'm just me. Just for one hour. I'm eating better, exercising, feeling really positive about myself and focusing on only myself just for a short time out of the day and it makes an enormous difference.

    This has been a crappy cold winter but it's been a good one compared to the years before it just in terms of my sanity. When you live up north where the days are short and dark, and you're home alone with two babies/toddlers/kids all day - I was literally locking myself in the bathroom some days and crying for a few minutes. I have no friends with kids, the playgroups I go to are mostly frequented by busy home daycare providers and not actual moms themselves. It's so isolating!

    The gym I go to has daycare. I take care of ME while they take care of my kids and we are getting out of the house, eating well, making friends, and I haven't hardly had any of those "bad" days this winter at all.

    Another thing to look forward to is a fit body for swimming this summer!
  • Lifeisgood4
    Lifeisgood4 Posts: 120 Member
  • Caterpillar_17
    Caterpillar_17 Posts: 1,500 Member
    As shallow as it may sound, I became slightly jealous of my best friend in the world losing weight. She would constantly tell me how amazing she was feeling, and how many pounds she was dropping, and I could tell that I was gaining. I was at my brother's house visiting one day at the beginning of the summer, and she messaged me on Facebook telling me all about how she was going to reach her UGW by the time school started up. I don't know what came over me, but I went up the stairs and weighed myself and a shocking number popped up. 216 pounds... I weighed two more pounds than my dad and was four pounds smaller than my brother, and both of them are extremely tall compared to me. I immediately began to research about losing weight and so far I've lost a little over 53 pounds, and I'm less than ten pounds away from a healthy weight for my height!
  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    I'm just curious, what is that one thing hat freaked you out and made you say, "Okay, this time something's got to change."

    For me, it was a couple things that shocked me... Realizing I was 8 lbs away from my heaviest pregnancy weight, and seeing myself in an unflattering photo in an outfit that I *thought* looked good on me.

    isn't that the most awful feeling? that happened to me in quite a few pics. look in the mirror thinking I look awesome, then seeing the pictures and realizing I look like a fat pig]

    I had a moment like that at my highest non-pregnant weight! Dressed in a hot outfit I thought I looked so great... Later, I saw a photo of myself from behind and I almost screamed! Such a shock.

    These days it's for multiple reasons. My own mom was so devoted to our family while I was growing up, but never made time for herself or took care of her own needs/wants, and she's in her 50s now and suddenly seperated from my dad (something I never would have dreamed would happen) etc... I don't ever remember her doing anything she enjoyed. She had no hobbies, few friends. I am now a stay at home parent with my two kids and I saw myself going down that same path of pouring every ounce I had into being the best mom and wife I could be but never having even an hour of the day to myself. Not even in the shower! My 2 year old daughter begs to climb into the shower with me. Not even at night, my little ones still wake at night needing cuddles.

    My gym time is my newly discovered magical ME time where I'm just me. Just for one hour. I'm eating better, exercising, feeling really positive about myself and focusing on only myself just for a short time out of the day and it makes an enormous difference.

    This has been a crappy cold winter but it's been a good one compared to the years before it just in terms of my sanity. When you live up north where the days are short and dark, and you're home alone with two babies/toddlers/kids all day - I was literally locking myself in the bathroom some days and crying for a few minutes. I have no friends with kids, the playgroups I go to are mostly frequented by busy home daycare providers and not actual moms themselves. It's so isolating!

    The gym I go to has daycare. I take care of ME while they take care of my kids and we are getting out of the house, eating well, making friends, and I haven't hardly had any of those "bad" days this winter at all.

    Another thing to look forward to is a fit body for swimming this summer!

    Good for you! I think most women deprive themselves of ME time! I have recently found the same sanity going to jazzercise classes. Everything else now gets moved around when it fits into my workout schedule!
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 283 Member
    To lose my weight from having a baby and as childish as it sounds , would love to walk past my sons dad that left me and him just do a double take and pout in regret LOL. But also so I can keep up with my 3 boys :laugh:
  • HawaiianGoddess
    Mine is to be healthier overall and to be back in my size 4 clothing that I still have.. being able to run a g string bikini at the beach again lol.;)
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I was fat
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    My first ahah moment was when work had a biggest loser competition, I figured I had a little weight to loss so why not. After the 3 months were up I had lost 35 lbs and still looked fat and frumpy; so much for my theory of being "big boned". My second came after all my new skinny (ish) clothes stopped fitting about a year later.
  • bkjk997
    bkjk997 Posts: 106 Member
    These are great stories, everyone. Thanks for sharing! It's interesting to see the recurring themes, although some are quite unique.

    Anyone else have any?
  • bl1nk6
    bl1nk6 Posts: 175
    photos of how fat ive gotten or just passing my reflection in a window aaaaaaargh :'(
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    My motivation was seeing how bad I looked in a picture with my nephew. I am 6ft2 and extra weight makes me feel uncomfortable with myself and well HUGE!

    I never want to go back to the place I was when I hit and passed my goal weight before: I was absolutely too thin, but when I looked in the mirror I still saw fat. Im treating my body nicely this time round.

    I am doing this because I want to look good, and rock all sorts of bikini's and costumes and sexy clothes!
    AND I want to get to a ripe old age feeling healthy, without the added genetic health risks, and I just wanna be a rocking grandma! lol.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    There was no singular moment that I can recall.

    I became aware that I was "fat" in the 6th grade at some point. And trust me, I wasn't just plump, I was FAT. One of the few genuinely fat kids in my entire elementary school. And though I was never bullied, and rarely taunted, even at the age of 11 it felt incredibly wrong. I loathed living in my obese body, and have every single day that I've been overweight/obese since. It just always felt wrong, bizarre, and very un-me. Living so many years fat, and feeling so damn uncomfortable, did some pretty devastating things to my psyche.

    My motivation? To continue finding my TRUE self, in mind and body. Being fat is simply not a choice I will live with. And it's working. I am more "myself" than I ever have been, am stoked about it, and grow happier and more secure as each week passes.
  • Ashes_To_Beast
    Ashes_To_Beast Posts: 378 Member
    Defenitly for my toddler, my familly was never active and I have to break the cycle, and after my seperation I decided enough is enough had to find something to keep me sane and motivated.
  • Tracie524
    Tracie524 Posts: 65 Member
    Seeing pictures of me in the background of photos taken at a work holiday party. I couldn't believe how huge I looked and how fat rolls were everywhere. I was so embarrassed that these photos were out there for all of my co-workers to see. That is when I said that is it and I have to take control. That was December. I started my new healthy lifestyle January 6th and I'm not looking back.