What do you guys suggest to eat instead of breads?



  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Zucchinni noodles!!!! you can find all kinds of recipices online. I love to sub vegetables for where I would have traditionally used a grain.

    Side note: Cauliflower is an amazing sub for bread, potaoes, and rice :)


    Today marks the day where I truly gave up faith in humanity. Caulifiower as a replacement for bread? I weep

    Why? It's delicious and allows me to put things into my diet I would otherwise have to leave out because I blew my carb count on bread or pasta. If I can save the calories and the carbs by modifying a healthy replacement, what makes that so terrible?

    I think the problem is calling it a substitute for bread. It's not. (Can I make a sandwich on it?) .. Or calling it mock mashed potatoes. Why try to fool yourself? If you like cauliflower, then just eat it, and call it what it is. It's not cauliflower breadsticks .. it's cauliflower sticks. I think that's what sends people into a fit of pique.

    Uhh yeah you can make a sandwich out of it if you wanted to. I do enjoy cauliflower and I eat in a multitude of ways; raw steamed, baked, and yes sometimes pureed in a food processor to create a way less calorie laden, equally delicious starch substitute. Maybe you shouldn’t be so close minded. If you can fit bread and pasta into your calorie budget and it’s important to you, awesome, go for it. For me when it comes to choosing my starches I would much rather have these items and still be able to have my pre workout oatmeal. It’s all about personal choices, the OP was asking for ideas, options and substitutions. No reason to belittle creative cooking.

    So you contend that I'm close minded because I accept cauliflower for what it is and don't have to play head games with myself to eat it. Interesting. For the record, I was trying to answer why people react like they do to posts like yours, not criticize how or why you choose to eat cauliflower.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I don't usually eat a lot of bread anyway, but I prefer crisp bread (especially Swedish brand Wasa) over ordinary bread. Easier to stay within the calorie budget too. I eat a variety of foods, fruit, vegetables, eggs, nuts, milk, fisk, meat, potatoes, rice, yoghurt, cheese - my diet is not just sandwiches, so it's not a big deal.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    I eat bread. White bread. Sourdough bread. Italian bread. French rolls. Brioche.

    I eat it all.

    Unless it's wheat or whole grain. Not even being edgy, I just don't like that stuff.

    So. I suggest bread to be eaten in place of bread.

    This. Except I eat wheat pretty regularly(I found a variety i liked that only had 50 cals, 10 carbs, and 4 or 5 grams of protein a slice. It suits my macros better to eat on a regular basis than white). But, nothing is off limits. i just work it in. And, I don't eat an entire loaf in a sitting anymore.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Why are you restricting bread??
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    Sometimes when I'm really craving bread or pasta I substitute some cookies or cake. As long as it fits my calories (and sometimes when it doesn't).:blushing:

    Free advice from a fat unicorn.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Zucchinni noodles!!!! you can find all kinds of recipices online. I love to sub vegetables for where I would have traditionally used a grain.

    Side note: Cauliflower is an amazing sub for bread, potaoes, and rice :)


    Today marks the day where I truly gave up faith in humanity. Caulifiower as a replacement for bread? I weep

    Why? It's delicious and allows me to put things into my diet I would otherwise have to leave out because I blew my carb count on bread or pasta. If I can save the calories and the carbs by modifying a healthy replacement, what makes that so terrible?

    I think the problem is calling it a substitute for bread. It's not. (Can I make a sandwich on it?) .. Or calling it mock mashed potatoes. Why try to fool yourself? If you like cauliflower, then just eat it, and call it what it is. It's not cauliflower breadsticks .. it's cauliflower sticks. I think that's what sends people into a fit of pique.

    Uhh yeah you can make a sandwich out of it if you wanted to. I do enjoy cauliflower and I eat in a multitude of ways; raw steamed, baked, and yes sometimes pureed in a food processor to create a way less calorie laden, equally delicious starch substitute. Maybe you shouldn’t be so close minded. If you can fit bread and pasta into your calorie budget and it’s important to you, awesome, go for it. For me when it comes to choosing my starches I would much rather have these items and still be able to have my pre workout oatmeal. It’s all about personal choices, the OP was asking for ideas, options and substitutions. No reason to belittle creative cooking.

    So you contend that I'm close minded because I accept cauliflower for what it is and don't have to play head games with myself to eat it. Interesting. For the record, I was trying to answer why people react like they do to posts like yours, not criticize how or why you choose to eat cauliflower.

    You're a bully!

    That said cheesy garlic caulifiower sounds tasty. (But what doesn't taste good with cheese and garlic) I'd try it. I have no problem with other people eating it.

    I just don't wanna pretend it's bread.
  • MizMiami305
    MizMiami305 Posts: 188 Member
    P28 all the way!!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Zucchinni noodles!!!! you can find all kinds of recipices online. I love to sub vegetables for where I would have traditionally used a grain.

    Side note: Cauliflower is an amazing sub for bread, potaoes, and rice :)


    Today marks the day where I truly gave up faith in humanity. Caulifiower as a replacement for bread? I weep

    Why? It's delicious and allows me to put things into my diet I would otherwise have to leave out because I blew my carb count on bread or pasta. If I can save the calories and the carbs by modifying a healthy replacement, what makes that so terrible?

    I think the problem is calling it a substitute for bread. It's not. (Can I make a sandwich on it?) .. Or calling it mock mashed potatoes. Why try to fool yourself? If you like cauliflower, then just eat it, and call it what it is. It's not cauliflower breadsticks .. it's cauliflower sticks. I think that's what sends people into a fit of pique.

  • - spaghetti squash
    - lettuce (you can make lettuce wraps)
    - quinoa
    - you could cut a large bell pepper in two halves and use it as an alternative to the bread slices for your sandwich
    - celery stalk
    - whole wheat bread
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Sometimes when I'm really craving bread or pasta I substitute some cookies or cake. As long as it fits my calories (and sometimes when it doesn't).:blushing:

    Free advice from a fat unicorn.

    You're adorable!
  • mriyabelle
    mriyabelle Posts: 4 Member
    I have switched from regular whole grain bread to Ezekiel sprouted 100% whole grain bread from Food For Life. You can find it in any natural food store in a freezer section. I have done some research and it appears to be the best choice for all blood types. It's a complete protein, low glycemic bread. And it tastes good,too!
  • look for an organic brand of rice crackers- the only ingredient is Organic rice! super good for you, and less than 30 calories a slice.

    if the only ingredient isn't rice, make sure its just rice and sea salt (i prefer with no salt)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    Don't demonize any food you enjoy. Find a way to make it work in your day.

    I don't eat a whole loaf of French bread in one day any more. I do often have several slices of bread in a day. Whole wheat bread has fiber and protein and you can buy with about 55 calories per slice. It's a good staple to have in your meal plan - filling and satisfying. Any bread is okay, though. Log it and succeed.

    It just takes a while to adjust your meals so you are getting sufficient protein, fats, carbs, fiber, and as many micronutrients as you can.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 569 Member
    I still eat bread, I just make the bread/pasta count more by choosing those made with whole wheat/whole grains and the pasta I buy usually Smart Taste or Barilla Plus... something with fiber and protein instead. Good luck!
  • RoseGoldDinosaur
    RoseGoldDinosaur Posts: 133 Member
    Bread stinks! I am addicted to the processed carbs to some degree as well, but my body and especially tummy feel so much better when I avoid bread. Go for whole grains instead of pasta- brown rice, quinoa, barley. Swap cereal for rolled oats. And if you can manage- it is tough sometimes- turn your sandwich lunches into salads. Big handful of lettuce then put sandwich stuff like tomatoes, turkey, avocado, chicken salad, etc on the salad. I like homemade dressings and dijon mustard vinaigrette to make it really taste more like a sandwich. Hope this helps and good luck on the war against processed bread! Remember a war is won one battle at a time :wink:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I eat bread. White bread. Sourdough bread. Italian bread. French rolls. Brioche.

    I eat it all.

    Unless it's wheat or whole grain. Not even being edgy, I just don't like that stuff.

    So. I suggest bread to be eaten in place of bread.

    This. Except I eat wheat pretty regularly(I found a variety i liked that only had 50 cals, 10 carbs, and 4 or 5 grams of protein a slice. It suits my macros better to eat on a regular basis than white). But, nothing is off limits. i just work it in. And, I don't eat an entire loaf in a sitting anymore.

    You know, now that I'm thinking about it, I think I hate wheat/whole grain breads because I hate nuts. Whole wheat bread, brown rice, brown pasta...they all have these nutty tastes that just make me unhappy to have in my mouth. Nuts (and nut butter, aside from nutella which is only good because chocolate) have the same effect on me.

    Light bulb moment.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    If you like bread - eat it - just read the labels you can usually find something that will fit into your calorie goal - I also use thin buns. pitas, wraps, english muffins, buy the weight watchers bagels as they are smaller and lower in calories and I like 12 grain breads and whole wheat pasta. You don't have to deprive yourself of something you like to eat - find an alternative brand if your regular one is too high in calories to fit it in every day. I do find that I eat less of it since I have started tracking though just because I pay attention to my diet more closely than I used to and try to ensure there's a better balance.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Don't demonize any food you enjoy. Find a way to make it work in your day.

    I don't eat a whole loaf of French bread in one day any more. I do often have several slices of bread in a day. Whole wheat bread has fiber and protein and you can buy with about 55 calories per slice. It's a good staple to have in your meal plan - filling and satisfying. Any bread is okay, though. Log it and succeed.

    It just takes a while to adjust your meals so you are getting sufficient protein, fats, carbs, fiber, and as many micronutrients as you can.

  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    Oh oh! And sometimes I get huge heads of romaine to make sandwiches with except they always end up being wraps because romainwiches leak. But yeah! Super tasty without bread! Then I go eat a pot pie.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Oh oh! And sometimes I get huge heads of romaine to make sandwiches with except they always end up being wraps because romainwiches leak. But yeah! Super tasty without bread! Then I go eat a pot pie.

    :laugh: :flowerforyou: :drinker: