Who uses wkend to carry on or cheat/ relax over food?

I'm intrigued by these 'cheat days' and people who think its the weekend so they can binge.... I'm completely the opposite!
Weigh in is on Monday for me, I see weight loss results on Thursday ( I know I shouldn't weigh midweek but I do it to see if I'm on track!) and then after Thursday I always push myself a little harder and watch what I eat a little more to see I can shift a bit more before Monday, so weekends for me are defiantly not for letting go and cheating!


  • _Danno_
    _Danno_ Posts: 165
    I have a cheat day every Saturday and I've lost 86lbs in total so it works for me.
    I can understand why some people have a problem with cheat days but as far as I'm concerned there is no one correct way to lose weight you have to try things until you find what works for you and more importantly that you can stick to.

    By the way my cheat days regularly hit 5000 calories but I eat at 1000 calorie deficit for the other 6 days of the week so it works.

    I know my ticker says 19lb lost and not 86lb and that's because I reset it for 2014 ????
  • Jurow
    Jurow Posts: 20 Member
    i had a habit of indulging at the weekend, that why i started this its harder to ignore when the figures of a weekends worth of junk are on the screen, i try to have a cheat meal from time to time just to keep moral up
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    in my opinion, whilst you're trying to lose weight, I don't think cheat days are a good idea, you can easily lose track and focus. probably when you're maintaining then I would see that as being ok.
  • dazzitfc65
    Occasionally I will have a lads day out and don't worry about it until I tot up the calories the following day (fortunately I have a great memory when canned). You only live once so they say and the occasional day once every other week is not worth beating yourself up about as long as you stick to your regime all the other times. Currently I am on 1,400 calories a day and finding it easy to keep within that limit even if I have a little splurge on the weekend. As long as I get the result in the long term and continue having a good time that's good enough for me.
  • vsprocket04
    vsprocket04 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm too scared to have a Cheat day! I think if I did I would find it hard to be strict the following day!
  • SouthGaPeach
    SouthGaPeach Posts: 43 Member
    I don't choose a certain day to cheat - if I go over my calories, I just do. For example, yesterday, I went about 250 calories over (it was Valentines Day, you cant hate me for it) but today, I just have to stick to my goals again. I haven't had problems getting back on track after cheat days at all.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    well we tend to eat out on the weekends. but I still log the food...
  • tralala99
    tralala99 Posts: 28 Member
    I relax my calorie goal on the weekend so I can go out with friends and have fun. I still try to keep it at or below where I think my maintenance calories are though, so that I"m not actually undoing my work over the week. Otherwise, at 1300 a day, it's tough to fit in a couple of drinks or a dinner out.
  • Nicholec2003
    Nicholec2003 Posts: 158 Member
    I don't usually log weekends, but neither do I go pig crazy and binge on thousands of extra calories. However, on the weekends I relax and don't stress about if I want to have another slice of pizza. For me, constantly logging without a break makes me start obsessing about it, then I eventually quit because it gets too stressful. I have lost over 40lbs from my heaviest weight and 20lbs this go around this way. It works for me.
  • foxruddellc1
    foxruddellc1 Posts: 65 Member
    I don't choose a certain day to cheat - if I go over my calories, I just do. For example, yesterday, I went about 250 calories over (it was Valentines Day, you cant hate me for it) but today, I just have to stick to my goals again. I haven't had problems getting back on track after cheat days at all.

    This ^^^

    And my "cheat days" I stay between 1700 and 1800 calories, my maintenance. But do what works for you, if the thought of cheat days makes you feel uncomfortable then don't have them!!!
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    I'm a bit more lax on the weekends. I usually have a couple beers or a glass of wine like last night and generally we go out to eat on a weekend night. I'm not going to go all out crazy every weekend or I know I will struggle to get back on track come Monday.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    My very in shape husband is home on the weekends. If he gets up this morning he wants to go on a hike, sailing tomorrow and possibly an extra long bike ride for the holiday on Monday.There isn't time to cheat.
  • vsprocket04
    vsprocket04 Posts: 26 Member
    I just think I've got over/ gone past the need to overeat / eat unhealthy foods now....the other weekend I told myself I would have a treat for tea- and I ended up with a mushroom omelet instead.... Lol