round 2

ok, so long story short I gained more pounds last year than in the previous 10 years combined. now I'm determined to lose them all and then some. so goal weight: 140 lbs, which was my weight for maybe 2 months when I was 20. too ambitious?

eta: "round 2" because I was doing cardio for at least a month and saw no results, so I became discouraged and just kind of sat around for a while. but this has to stop. it's still February!

btw, I know that theoretically you can only lose 2 lbs / week, but has anyone lost weight faster (considering the amount of weight I need to lose I want to lose a little more than that)? when I was 20 I didn't really have a scale to check regularly, but I know for a fact I lost at least 10 lbs within a month--and that was without eating less and by just running around. so.


  • omatga
    omatga Posts: 56 Member
    No such thing as too ambitious!! But you should set smaller goals that you can reach and then when you reach those, set a new goal. It's helps to keep you motivated when you reach the smaller milestones! Maybe set yourself a goal for the next two months. How much do you want to lose? 10 lbs would be a great, realistic goal!! :happy:
  • tmarie514
    tmarie514 Posts: 11 Member
    Stay strong and find different things to measure yourself on. Start by just noticing that your workouts get easier as you get stronger and gain endurance...measure yourself not just on the scale, but on the way your clothes fit or with a tape measure, journal how you feel on days you workout or eat healthy & watch your mood & energy increase, notice the confidence you feel as you stay on course for a week or two.....all of those things are little things that make a BIG difference. The scale takes a while to move, but the benefits of health and exercise are immediate when you reduce the scale's importance and take note of the rest. Good luck to you!
  • JasmineBoesiger
    JasmineBoesiger Posts: 4 Member
    I'd weighed in at right under 280 lbs at the beginning of January. After years of not finding motivation or not following through I stumbled across the website I'M IN LOVE with this site! You put up an amount (for instance $25) and (there are two types of bets, lose 4% in 4 weeks and lose 10% in 6 months... I'm in both) for the 4 week diet bets you have 4 weeks to lose 4% of your body weight. If you get in a good group (I'm in 3 diet bet 4s and 1 diet bet 10, all are very positive except one very bland diet bet 4) everyone is extremely supportive, they have great ideas to keep losing and to avoid plateaus, and everyone is fighting the same battle. PLUS if you lose at least 4% at the end of the 4 weeks all the money (- a 25% fee for the website) goes into a pot and is divided between anyone meeting that goal (regardless if you've lost 4% or 10% that month!!!). I, so far, have lost nearly 35 lbs (though I think I gained a couple back this weekend) and am on my way to win all of my diet bets and reapply my winnings toward doing new diet bets :D I'm terribly excited because like I said I've tried everything. The "social dieting" as they call it is really helping me. I had previously seen a nutritionist and that worked but after a while I wasn't getting the support so quit and gained the weight back slowly. As I told my husband when I first tried this, even if I would lose I still wasn't out much more than weight watcher meeting fees. He agreed like I said this is my first time trying but I'm so thrilled with the results! If you'd like to know more add me as a friend and let me know... Sorry this is so long I'm just super excited lol.
  • JasmineBoesiger
    JasmineBoesiger Posts: 4 Member
    Also, you can lose faster if you weigh more. I'm significantly overweight so 2 lbs per week isn't much at all for me. That's why I like the dietbetter website because the goals are based on losing a percentage of your weight so can lose as much as you can in a healthful way.