Graduate student looking for friends & accountability!

Graduate school is hard! It's easy to let school work take over every free minute of the day. Of course, eating well and exercising are elemental to keeping that brain functioning. I'm writing my thesis this semester and I would love some friends to be accountable to so I don't slip out of my workout routine.
Any other students out there?


  • nurselucyp
    Hi lovely! I'm a student nurse just about to start second year :-) Add me!
    Lucy x
  • biomancer
    Hi both - I'm a postdoc so I totally get how all-consuming the grad school/nursing school routines can be. If you're both still looking for accountability pals, add me!
  • jmc07
    jmc07 Posts: 3
    Hi! Will be a student again, soon! I am a teacher and heading back in the fall for my admin/policy credential. Glad you are here!
  • carin92
    carin92 Posts: 5 Member
    I completely understand. I'm not quite to my Thesis yet (still doing Lit Review), but right now I'm looking for internships for next year and juggling everything is a nightmare!