lose 3 stone by june ?? is it possible

Hi, I am 24 and I live with my partner - north east England, I am about 3 stone of my target weight and am just starting to diet, I have been stuck in a rut for a while eating the same foods (non healthy) and doing very little exercise. I have booked a holiday in June to Greece and I want to feel comfortable in my clothes and lose as much weight as I can so I am not always out of breath.
Is it possible to lose 3 stone by June and what would be the best way I was thinking a very low carb diet ??
I work fulltime as a home carer so I am travelling around towns a lot in my car and my working hours vary so I cant really have any set meal times.
any advice on how I can achieve this would be fab.

thanks Katy


  • iAmStarStuff27
    iAmStarStuff27 Posts: 109 Member
    I think 3 Stone (42lbs) is a lot to lose in 4 months. I would suggest 2 (about .125 per week). Be careful too with a very low carb diet as it can create fatigue, cognative issues, temper...etc. A much safer (and more effective IMO) route is a med carb, high protein diet with some strength training and cardio. Putting on some muscle, even just a small amount, will help your body naturally burn more calories. Get your body doing the work for you and you won't have to starve yourself. Best of luck!
  • _Danno_
    _Danno_ Posts: 165
    It depends on how much you've got to lose, if you weigh 400lbs it would be fairly easy but according to your wall you only need to lose 2 stone so I don't see why you want to lose 3 stone anyway!
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    If you are 42lbs from your goal weight I don't think that you can lose it that fast. I wouldn't shoot for more than 8lbs a month but that is just my personal opinion. Low carb does seem to get fast results but I could never stick with it because I love my bread too much.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Why not start lifting weights? Change your body composition so you look better in your clothes rather than losing weight too fast and still feeling uncomfortable due to loose skin?
  • JasmineBoesiger
    JasmineBoesiger Posts: 4 Member
    I can't do low carb dieting in the traditional "low carb" sense. I do, however, have a lot of success when I limit my carb intake, focus on healthy carbs (whole grains etc), avoid fats, and focus on lean proteins (bonus points for plant based proteins). I'm getting a lot of dieting support from social dieting through dietbetter.com. They have "games" to lose 4% of your body weight each month but in them you cannot lose more than 12% of your body weight or you get disqualified for unhealthy weight loss. I'm getting a lot of good tips and motivation from the groups I am in. I have no idea where your goal falls into that but June IS 4 months away. Good luck! The biggest tip I have is to get support. Either by adding to your friends here or getting accountability with friends and family... That's the biggest thing that helps me. And focus on adding healthy foods rather than focusing on avoiding a particular food group. My 2 cents, take anything helpful and toss the rest :D
  • katy_jane_2013
    I think 3 Stone (42lbs) is a lot to lose in 4 months. I would suggest 2 (about .125 per week). Be careful too with a very low carb diet as it can create fatigue, cognative issues, temper...etc. A much safer (and more effective IMO) route is a med carb, high protein diet with some strength training and cardio. Putting on some muscle, even just a small amount, will help your body naturally burn more calories. Get your body doing the work for you and you won't have to starve yourself. Best of luck!

    thanks this is really helpful I think I may look into this, looking at the very low carb diet more closely is looking a bit dull for a food lover like me, and I need one that I can stick to !! I have started doing a lot of cardio :) and would love to put some muscle on. I aim high lol I just really want to feel comfortable and not always out of breath