Hello new here.

HI there, Julie here. i decided I want to get into shape for vacation in 8 weeks. I just bought the 30 day shred. I sat down just now and logged all of the food i eat everyday. The most food I ever eat is only about 500 Calories a day, i dont eat alot, cause im never hungry. My Fitness plan said i need to consume 1200 calories per day, thats going to be very hard for me. thats ALOT of food. Iam 5'4 weigh 138. My lower part of my body is rather big compared to my upper half. This will be my first workout / diet ever. Im just not sure I can eat so much!!! Thats alot of food!! So eating only 540 calories a day, i guess its going to take me longer to loose the weight? thats what its telling me.


  • Your body is in starvation mode & you aren't going to lose weight if you don't eat more!
  • I have always eaten like this, so I never thought anything about it. Iv never tried to diet or eat less on purpose, i just never felt the need to eat unless i was hungry. This is going to be tough....eating when not hungry lol....that is a challenge.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    You need to eat and get a better grip with your relationship with food. You're going about this the wrong way. 1200 calories is easy to get to. Real food. Calorie dense food. Nuts, full fat cheese, meats... you know, food.
  • aalbert_82
    aalbert_82 Posts: 95 Member
    You could try adding high fat but healthy foods such as nuts, healthy oils and avocados to your diet so you are getting the calories without feeling uncomfortably stuffed. I would imagine this might be a gradual process for you, getting up to 1200 calories a day. Also if you do not eat breakfast, you might find if you start eating in the morning your appetite will be stimulated.