Muscle Milk?

I heard gaining muscle will help lose fat.
Muscle burn more calories.

I started at 170 pounds 2 months ago and lost 9 pounds sofar. But now, the weight lost is just stopped. Nothing happening.

I started some weights these days on top of treadmill intervals.

Have few questions:
1. Does Muscle Milk help to gain muscle and thus help lose fat?
2. If I start Muscle Milk, do I have to continue with it to maintain my body weight?
3. Will I lose muscles and gain weight if I stop MM? Its quite expensive.
4. Over all is it good for health of just a myth.

Appreciate your replies and experiences.



  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    Muscle Milk is a protein drink. Just drinking it will not help you gain more muscle. Only exercise (especially strength training) will help you gain more muscle. Protein drinks can help your muscles recover after a workout and may help to reduce soreness, but so can eating whole food sources of protein like chicken. Protein is an essential part of a healthy diet, but you don't have to go the protein powder/shake/bar route. A lot of people choose to because it's a quick way to get a good serving of protein after a workout.

    Personally, I think Muscle Milk tastes pretty bad, and it has a long list of ingredients. I probably won't buy it again after I finish what I have.

    If you've stopped losing weight, protein powder likely isn't going to jump start weight loss again. It's more than likely what/how much/how many calories you're eating (either too few or not enough). Consider getting a food scale, make sure you've set realistic weekly weight loss goals (i.e., not 2 pounds a week unless you have 75+ pounds to lose), and make sure you're eating enough calories.
  • dburkhol
    dburkhol Posts: 10 Member
    Muscle Milk, or any other protein powder for that matter, does not make you lose or gain weight. Protein powders are used primarily to aid in exercise recovery, or to supplement a diet with extra protein. Protein powders, used as a recovery aid, provide fuel to muscles recovering from exercise and can help muscle mass faster than muscles recovering without them.

    It is true that your metabolism increases as your percentage of muscle to total body weight increases, but protein powders by themselves will not alter the mix. Exercise, combined with sufficient protein for recovery, will.

    Muscle Milk is a fine supplement, although it has a carb to protein ratio higher than other powders on the market. People who want the protein without the carbs are better served with other products.

    Discontinuing the use of protein powders, will not in and of itself cause weight gain or loss. Changes in exercise patterns combined with changes in diet will.

    Hope this helps.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Muscle isn't exactly easy to put on, so I wouldn't really worry about that.

    Muscle Milk is a name brand protein supplement. It's not necessary. Just focus on getting a decent intake of protein.
  • xplosion80
    xplosion80 Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks guys!

    I hope if I stop Muscle Milk, I dont gain immediate and fast weight.
    Any expert comment or experience?
