Anyone following this program? Jim-stoppani 6 wk shred

I have been looking into it for gaining muscle/losing fat and was wondering if anyone else had followed it at some point?


  • denise032
    denise032 Posts: 108 Member
    Just started it on Friday. I'm also looking to transform. Would love to know if anyone has done the full 6 weeks and what your diet looked like (macros / cals). I'm currently 1500-1700 cal/day with a 40/30/30 macro.

    CW: 171
    BF: 28%

    UG: ~150 w/ 18% BF
  • jas14196
    jas14196 Posts: 7 Member
    Really good program, highly recommend it anyone. But downside, the caloric intake he suggest will highly differ for you, any program you find on the internet which gives you a caloric intake to follow, can be highly inaccurate .

    Suggest you make your own caloric intake or ask someone who knows how to calculate it. Remember for " fat" loss macro nutrients is the most important factor. For general weight loss, its all about being in a caloric deficit.

    Other than that, good workouts in the program
  • denise032
    denise032 Posts: 108 Member
    That makes sense (about fat loss vs general weight loss). Never actually had someone explain it like that. Thanks!

    And so far so good, I LOVE the program! :)
  • Marc300
    I'm about to try this and the reviews seems great. My current daily calorie intake is 2069kcal for cutting but with using Stopanni's 1.5g etc per pound the total calories amounts to 2960kcal. Is that still ok do I have to tweak around my current or does it not matter as you're maximizing fatloss? That means I'm having to consume 320g carbs per day. Saturday I finished a Keto diet and had 2 carbs up days the weekend. I'm currently at 160lbs. I don't want to go and eat over 300g of carbs and then gain weight. Does anyone have advise about the correct amounts of macros?