Periods & food. How do you stay in control?



  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    Two weeks before my period. I up my calories by 200 or just eat at maintenance mode while exercising.

    I just breathe you know. That time of the month makes me feel so darn fat. LOL
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Oh god periods!!

    I had mine last week just before my friends party and I caved in big time - Just couldn't stay away from the chocolate!!

    Maybe try and make it fit into your calories - Stock up on healthy veg and fruit - But that just doesn't cut it for me when its TOM.... I crave carbs and chocs big time - Its 4/5 days of eating rubbish and trying to get to the gym to make me feel better by sweating it out!
  • jd1208
    jd1208 Posts: 81 Member
    Do you have more hunger pains or just cramps on period. If it's cramps then moving around more will help, also maybe avoid dairy and naughty food. They have been known to exasperate period pains. If it's hunger pains then eat, if you can't eat when you're hungry then that's just silly.
  • feliscatus84
    feliscatus84 Posts: 80 Member
    What I try to do is drink a lot of water throughout the day and make sure to have my healthy snacks in between meals (apple with peanut butter, nutrition bar, etc). This is important because if you start feeling hungry that will be the start of the downfall.
  • RideRunRepeat
    RideRunRepeat Posts: 54 Member
    Sometimes it's not all about will power (although I definitely agree that plays a huge role!!!)

    If you are suffering from a lot of cramps that could mean that you have inflammation in your body. Taking out processed foods (especially sugar), foods that you are sensitive to (for me that's tomatoes, eggs, potatoes), foods that you are allergic to (for me gluten) or sometimes things like foods in nightshade family can greatly decrease cramping because your body is no longer so inflamed. Usually these foods have to be completely taken out at least two weeks before your period to feel the positive effects. I'm certainly not a doctor...just someone who has become a research nut after feeling miserable for so much of my life. Trial and error and this is one of the things that was a clear success for me nearly eliminating my previously **extremely** painful cramping.

    Exercising definitely helps!! The best thing for me to do when I start cramping is go for a first I feel like I *do not* want to...but after a bit the cramping subsides and I feel soo much better!

    Also, like one of the other posters said if you are craving one thing then it could mean that your body is deficient in some vital nutrients! Like dark chocolate is often a sign of a magnesium deficiency (magnesium will also *really* help with muscle aches and bloating issues). A craving for french fries could mean that you could need some healthy fats like coconut or avocado.

    Again, these aren't for sure things but I've learned to really *start* listening to the underlying cries of my body. Obviously NOT meaning if I'm craving a brownie I eat it...but I try to figure out *why* I want it so desperately and exchange it for something similar but soooo much more healthy!! Like brownies automatically make me think of steamed broccoli...don't ask me why but that stuff is like gold on a plate when I'm nearing my TOM. :)

    Anyway, keep up the good work! Our bodies are constantly healing us and if we just put it in the right environment you'd be amazed how much it will do to help us feel and look amazing!! :D
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    I'm afraid I tough it out.

    I have been a nurse for nearly 30yrs and very few people have blood results which back up nutritional deficiencies. Of course there ARE some but they are the exception, most of us are pretty well nourished and just fancy naughty stuff because we like it and like the freedom to have it.

    I think, when the going gets tough, we often give ourselves permission to do stuff or convince ourselves that we NEED it because it's what we want to hear. Or we hand responsibility to someone else who we know will say "just do it" etc.

    I make sure my daily diet has choccie or whatever in it so I don't miss it and my mantra is "only at weekends" when I eat freely and did, albiet less often, even before I hit maintenance.

    ETA - however, it's not the end of the world so if you crack, move on! :o)
  • sarahjuneblanke
    sarahjuneblanke Posts: 46 Member
    lots of water, if your craving chocolate, have it, but it moderation, if your craving salty or meaty, have but make it yourself in a healthy version, your body knows what you need and when you are craving something you will crave it from a source you are used to getting it from. so the good way to counter that is to find a healthy food that has the same nutrient your body is craving,
    for example;
    every couple weeks i will really crave fatty fast food.I have been off of fast food for a couple years now. what i figured out is that i was craving either fat or meat. instead i made some fresh guacamole from avocadoes and soon instead of craving fast food when my body needed healthy fats i started craving avocadoes =)

    see? =D
  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    Sometimes I'm not hungry on my period, sometimes I'm super hungry on my period. When it was the latter, then my goal was just to eat under maintenance. I wasn't on a time crunch to lose weight, so one week out of four maintaining did not seem like a big deal (usually I'd just eat around maintenance two of the days and be able to stay in my deficit the remainder of the cycle, though). And I could have been meticulous that entire month on reaching my deficit for 2 lbs a week and lose only about half a lb a week and then the day my period ends lose up to 3 lbs. But is just my body
  • Doc_V
    Doc_V Posts: 20 Member
    Going through that right now. I crave chocolate and spicy and creamy and everything that's bad for me this time of the month.

    Pre-logging the junk and healthier versions of what I'm craving helps so much. Today was a crazy stressful day so KNEW I would be eating some junk. Breakfast was McDonalds, but I made it the egg white muffin thing. Lunch I was home so I made a huge salad with lots of spicy peppers and vinegar, lean ham, olives, and cottage cheese. Tasted like the bad for me italian hoagie I was craving, but seriously low cal.

    Aaaand I just scarfed a chocolate iced donut and five Takis for a snack (only five- the rest are living in my car so I have to go down two flights of stairs and across the street to get to them).

    Dinner will be a spicy and creamy chicken in the crockpot with loads of veggies, at only about 200 cal per serving. It will fill me up and satisfy some cravings while still being in my budget. Should have enough left over for a dark chocolate bar too.

    Balanced? Eh, I'll be high in fat and sodium today. But to me, to stay on track and not just say "eff it"...totally worth the splurging.
  • VCYoga
    VCYoga Posts: 13 Member
    This month Aunt Flow came to visit and turned me into a chocolate craving nut case who cried while watching the Thor movie and forgot why she married her husband for one day.

    I exercised as much as I could. It helps with cramps and if you DO need to give in to a small chocolate craving you make up for it with the exercise.

    Its all in moderation.
  • TeriaShae
    TeriaShae Posts: 144 Member
    If you're talking about the pain of a period, you can actually get your doctor to prescribe you a strong ibuprofen that's what I take for my period pains.

    However, if you are referring to the food that you crave on your period, or I know that I do anyway, the chocolate and greasy pizza. Just keep in mind that these things will NOT make it better. In fact, they will make the pain a ton worse.

    Keep in mind that period pains and cravings do not last forever.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I like to give in a little with my preferred cravings... instead of that three scoops of ice-cream I allow one decent size one. I eat it slowly and I enjoy every bite.
    Exactly what I was going to say.
    Don't deny yourself anything, just control how much you have. Satisfy the craving, but don't go overboard. Enjoy your indulgence.

    I used to be really bad about chocolate (half a brownie mix!) & salty things (potato chips). Now I can have a handful of chips and stop, or have _one_ chocolate zinger and stop.
    It's still not good for me, but it's better than what I used to do and I'm satisfying the craving.
  • AngelAura777
    AngelAura777 Posts: 225 Member
    Magnesium supplements can help with your period im not sure if it helps with cravings but I try to make clean/ healthier versions of sweet foods that I like or eat fruit or high% cocoa dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate.
  • livinmyhappilyeverafter
    Aside from drinking water and having small amounts throughout the day I drink my Shakeology. If I don't have my Shakeology I crave all sorts of things randomly. I can see a huge difference in my eating with vs without it. I did vanilla the first month chocolate this month and I'm trying green Berry this coming month. I also quit smoking and cut down drastically on how much/often I drink. I take iron daily to help with my cramps.
  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member
    I eat at TDEE or above on the days I'm really hungry during my period. This has not sabotaged my weight loss long term. I focus on eating more carbs and sticking to my protein goal. I allow myself dark chocolate and any other treats I'm craving, in moderation.
  • helen8328
    helen8328 Posts: 36 Member
    I started taking magnesium oxide supplements a few weeks ago and they've made a massive difference to my periods which were quite bad. My hormones seem to be more stable and they're less painful. I found them accidentally in my local pharmacy and thought I'd give them a try and glad I did.

    Apparently a woman's magnesium levels fluctuate during a period which is why we sometimes crave chocolate (cocoa is high in magnesium). If you google 'magnesium oxide periods' there's loads of helpful info about it. Hope this helps x
  • Jett_05
    Jett_05 Posts: 95 Member
    I got rid of my period XD
    IUDs for the win
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I exercise even though I don't feel like it because that helps my symptoms a great deal. Drink lots of fluids. I just ignore the hunger and cravings and go by the numbers (my meals allow for sweets and tasty stuff anyway).
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    just say no.....
  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member
    Last year I got my new best friend Mirena inserted, since then I still get crazy mood swings and still can eat everything in the house those certain days. Alternating between sweet to savoury. I like to give in a little with my preferred cravings. This is not a pass to go crazy. I like to go with the Australian campaign of ‘Swap it, Don’t stop it’. So instead of that three scoops of ice-cream I allow one decent size one. I eat it slowly and I enjoy every bite.

    Well I'm on Mirena too and have been for years now - and it's just so wonderful! No periods, yay! And for me, no mood swings / pain / cravings etc.