Binge Eating

Hey I'm Emmie. This is my third post cuz I am desperately looking for friends who are going through a dramatic weight loss journey. I am a binge eater. I eat when I'm sad, happy, or mellow. I can't stop!! No matter what I do I always end up craving FOOOOD!! I used to bring snacks to school & eat in the middle of class. I bring a drink everywhere I go so I constantly have something on my stomache. If anybody knows any tips or tricks to stop PLEASE reply!! I want support & motivation
.. also, if anyone knows any healthy snacks id appreciate if you let me know... anything is helpful. Also, I wanna get to know you all. What are YOUR goals? :)


  • jdavin0104
    You can do it! I think we are all here on MFP because we want to make changes to our lives. Just keep striving to be better, even if you fail, you don't have to continue. There is no reason to beat yourself up, just be positive. Love yourself like you want someone else to, and try to find a way to help overcome the cravings. I suffer from the same things, and though I may substitute healthier foods when I binge, the urge is still there. I wish it would just go away!
  • MysteriousLdy
    MysteriousLdy Posts: 306 Member
    Divide the meals to 6-7 small parts..always bring fresh fruits, rye/low gi bun if necessary, 1-2 portion of high protein meals (fish fillet,chicken fillet,soy products). Cut off junk foods, but you can reward yourself with a bit of your fave chocolate (mini bite size only) if you did workout on the day itself ^_^ 

    An apple a day keeps the sickness away. Start the morning with 1/2 of freshly squeezed lemon juice,mix with lukewarm water(no sugar plz) There is a reason can research google. I also had 2-3 tomatoes blended together, added with a pinch of salt and drank the tomato juice for my morning too.

    Bring teabags too (green tea preferably,no sugar plz),it's for calming the body system. You can have 2-4 mugs of green tea,and count it as water intake. 

    What you need is a change of diet and lifestyle from your regular life,try something adventurous that you haven't try before and kickstart your body with workouts,like kickboxing or learn martial arts.
  • amazingbabydoll
    Thanks you guys. I appreciate it!!!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I am the exact same way.. I eat all the time and way too much, happy, sad, mad or bored. I also have a drink with me everywhere I go (was diet pepsi, now I've been able to switch to water). I think what helps me is to plan my meals at the beginning of the week. I prepare salads, meals, snacks, smoothies, a big pot of soup. This way I just throw in a freezer baggie of fruit and yogurt, add milk and breakfast is done. Grab a meal and salad from the fridge, snacks, water and away I go. When I get home I just take a container of premade meal from the fridge and warm it up. Otherwise I'm hungry and stopping everywhere to grab fast food and junk. Prepare and I don't have to think about it. And if I'm binge eating, at least it's healthy,
  • amazingbabydoll
    Thanks & that's so true. Binging the healthy way is nice... I also switched to water.. I put mio in it.
  • ab_1203
    ab_1203 Posts: 88 Member
    I found out that what works for me recently is having a high fibre meal in the afternoon that consists of 20-25g of fibre, it makes me stuffed. Also dont let it get to you that bad, its a lifestyle change and we should enjoy food once in a while. Have a treat one a week or something and go over your maintenance by a few hundred calories or a little more. I did that yesterday and today I feel more motivated. Also you can always try and eat a small breakfast and then push through until later in the day where youll have many of your calories remaining, I do that sometimes too, for example two days ago, my breakfast was around 250 calories and then I waited until 5pm to eat the rest.