gaining a pound each day in a deficit. HELP

so i went on a 300-400 calorie deficit last week (using my food scale religiously) starting on monday and since wednesday i've been gaining an extra pound each day and my favourite jeans don't seem to fit anymore even though they fitted perfectly last week. now i can barely pull them up, let alone zipping them up. can someone explain what is going on? i already gained 4 lbs this week!


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    It would be helpful if you open your diary.
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Agreed ^^

    But without looking at your diary, are you eating a lot of sodium? This can make you retain water weight.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Unless you've been eating 3,500 calories over your maintenance each day you haven't gained a pound of fat. We all fluctuate each day, sometimes by a few pounds. I was 116 pounds 2 days ago, today I'm 112.6. Just keep at it, you'll probably find the pounds come off in the next few days.

    I do agree with opening your diary though, others might be able to tell you what foods you're eating that cause fluctuations.
  • vsangelwings95
    vsangelwings95 Posts: 24 Member
    Agreed ^^

    But without looking at your diary, are you eating a lot of sodium? This can make you retain water weight.
    not really. and i log my foods in a different language than english so
    it might be water retention, but it never caused me to go up by a pants size before
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Concerning water retention...

    Opening your diary may help concerning things like sodium consumption, alcohol etc

    You may also be overestimating your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)

    the components of TDEE are repeated below:

    BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate): The number of calories you burn at complete rest.
    EAT (Exercise Associated Thermogenesis): Caloric requirements of training, or training expenditure.
    NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis): Caloric requirements of activity that is not planned exercise. Vacuuming, driving, brushing your teeth, for example.
    TEF/DIT (Thermic Effect of Feeding or Diet Induced Thermogenesis): Caloric expense of eating/digestion.
    TDEE: (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) = Sum of the above. BMR+EAT+NEAT+TEF

    Hope that helps somewhat OP.

    Be patient, drink lots of water and make necessary adjustments where necessary if gains continue.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Agreed ^^

    But without looking at your diary, are you eating a lot of sodium? This can make you retain water weight.
    not really. and i log my foods in a different language than english so
    it might be water retention, but it never caused me to go up by a pants size before
    Well there is always the possibility of a bun in the oven...

  • Axanden
    Axanden Posts: 5 Member

    A very good reference, thanks lucan07. :)
  • kaylagaston1390
    kaylagaston1390 Posts: 21 Member
    Water weight, it'd be very had to actually gain a pound of fat per day, you'd have to be eating way over. So watch your sodium, like others have said. Don't worry too much.
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    So, are you eating something new that you did not eat before? Are you exercising (and if so, what are you doing)? How many Calories are you eating a day?
  • DiKoehler
    DiKoehler Posts: 65 Member
    depending on your age you might also look to your cycle as you retain some extra water at certain times without any extra sodium. you may also have had more carbs or less protein which can cause water shifts too. Up the exercise and drink your fluids.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    my weight goes up and down while in deficit. I can put on 3 or 4 lb in a day sometimes and lose it the next. This is water and stuff in my gut. If I am eating at a deficit then I will lose fat (that is by definition what a deficit does)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    if you were undereating before and recently increased your calories, the gain could be glycogen and water, and the increase in waist size due to having more food in your intestines. Neither of these is a bad thing and the gains will stop after a while and if you are eating at a deficit, once your glygocen stores are replenished you should start losing weight again.

    this isn't the only possibility and it only applies if you've recently increased the amount you eat by a lot. If you have reduced the amount you're eating then the above isn't a possibility, so see the other replies for other possibilities.
  • vsangelwings95
    vsangelwings95 Posts: 24 Member
    Agreed ^^

    But without looking at your diary, are you eating a lot of sodium? This can make you retain water weight.
    not really. and i log my foods in a different language than english so
    it might be water retention, but it never caused me to go up by a pants size before
    Well there is always the possibility of a bun in the oven...

    oh my god. that gif