new here, looking for encouragement and advice.

I started this weight loss "journey" 3 weeks ago. I've committed myself to making this change in my eating habits and healthy lifestyle stick this time. I track all my calories and have been doing well to keep under the 1200 recommended but when I weighed myself this morning I gained back the 4 lbs I lost my first week.... any advice is welcome.


  • ChristinWrites
    ChristinWrites Posts: 119 Member
    Going below 1200 is not recommended. I would suggest Googling the Harris-Benedict formula - it's a calculation based on your age, gender, height and current activity level that can give you a truer idea of how many calories you need per day. I did that and actually increased my calories a little and started losing easier.

    Also, be sure you are drinking plenty of water and that you are carefully weighing/measuring your food and not just "guesstimating" at serving sizes.

    Also, it's not unusual for the scale to go up and down, especially for women. Monthly cycles and all sorts of things can make that number go everywhere. When you weigh, do it at the same time of day - best is in the morning with no clothes after emptying your bladder and before eating/drinking anything. :). Good luck.
  • rob043055
    welcome! Don't give up, keep trying.


    1) Log all your food and drink and when you get to your daily target, then stop.

    2) Make you calories count. Don't eat junk.

    3) 1200 calories a day seems low to me. I am on 1776 cals per day and even that is tough for me--maybe re-evaluate?

    4) Exercise! walk, run, weights, circuit training-- whatever you can do, do it, and every day.

    5) Make friends here and use their encouragement to help motivate you.

    6) Good luck! You can do it!
  • cyndybe
    Keep recording what you eat. .
    Review what you had last week. Ask yourself did I include good protein, veggies and fruits in my 1200 calories.
    Look at the last few meals. Were some of your choices salty in nature? That's what always messes me up.
    Drink a glass of water before each meal
    Don't let the scale dictate how you feel about your life change.
    Scales can really mess with you. That's why they tell you to only go on them once a week, which you did.
    Staying with My Fitness for 3 weeks is a good start. Don't be discouraged. WE can do this.
  • 2014hillary
    2014hillary Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I was doing 1200 because that's what the app recommended with my weight goal. But I will look into what you've suggested and keep trying. I have increased my water, that and green tea is really all I drink all day (besides my morning coffee, I haven't given that up yet. But I did reduce it to just one cup). I know I really need to start exercising to see anything major happen. I just get so bored with my treadmill...
  • joeykrax
    joeykrax Posts: 9 Member
    I started this weight loss "journey" 3 weeks ago. I've committed myself to making this change in my eating habits and healthy lifestyle stick this time. I track all my calories and have been doing well to keep under the 1200 recommended but when I weighed myself this morning I gained back the 4 lbs I lost my first week.... any advice is welcome.

    Not every weigh in will be a good one. Weight fluctuates. Just keep on the track that you're on. Religiously, and accurately log your food and exercise. If you stick to it you can do it over the long run. If you told me 18 months ago that I'd be where I am right now, I wouldn't have believed you. The weight loss "journey" really is that - a journey. Keep it up!