What is your dream job?

ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
What's your current job? What is your dream job? If money weren't an issue and you could do anything you wanted?

Current - Human Resources
Dream - Pet Sitter or Animal Rescue owner


  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Current: Customer support
    Dream job: Reconstructive surgeon for children. (But that will never happen!)
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    Current: Registered Respiratory Therapist
    Dream job: Broadway Musical Actress

    Seriously. If I could be ANYTHING I wanted...that would be it.
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    Current: Fundraiser for a large non-profit
    Dream job: Professional organizer
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Current job real-estate investor
    Dream Job owing a bar and bartending in Key West
  • purplepink1992
    Current: Business field
    Dream: Marinebiologist.

    Whenever I think about it I figure I really could if I wanted, but I don't have the money to fork out for all the schooling!
  • Cruxthemystic
    Cruxthemystic Posts: 149 Member
    Current: Lab Tech at a cancer treatment center, very stressful
    Dream: Photographer

    I'm working towards this. Sitting up a studio in my home soon, with my tax refund. :)
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    Current: Applications Analyst

    Dream Job: Writing children's books
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Current: Personal Trainer, Server
    Dream: Pornstar
  • lsvalliant
    lsvalliant Posts: 3 Member
    current job: RN homehealth
    dream job: RN homehealth
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Current job: Daycare teacher
    Dream Job: Fashion designer (I can't sew or draw well) I have always had a eye for fashion and fabrics, and what looks good and doesn't.
  • LindaLou1397
    LindaLou1397 Posts: 69 Member
    Current: Retired and loving it.:drinker:
    Dream: Retired
  • YearsWorthOfFAT
    current: in school
    dream job 1: artist *but my drawing is mediocre*
    dream job 2: doctor or surgeon. Or writer.
  • Tabitha_Faye
    I'm currently a certified nursing assistant at a local hospital, but my dream job would be a cosmetologist.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Current: Teach high school Aquatic Science
    Dream: See profile photo, but with bigger fishies!

    Teaching to take a break from my own schooling and get finances back in order, building CV and adding experience, plan to head back for the doctorate in another year or two max.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Current job: video game commentator
    Dream job: PAID video game commentator
  • Murphy0126
    Murphy0126 Posts: 84 Member
    Current: Group Home Counselor / Paramedic Student

    Dream: Group Home Counselor / Paramedic.

    ALMOST there!

  • avm1962
    Current - Owner of a Scottish Smoked Salmon business and Tourist Visitor Centre/Deli and Bistro (and fisherwoman!)
    Dream Job - Artist - never get time to paint any more - makes me so sad - one day will get back to my canvases. I love our business but it doesn't leave much "me" time.
  • condoleezachiapet
    current: textbook slave, perpetual intern
    dream: founder of a design collective, photojournalist, 21st century renaissance woman
  • 32sami
    32sami Posts: 380 Member
    I currently am employed as a cds worker with mentally challenged individuals. My dream job is a billionaire. Think I'd be really good at it. ;)