Thoughts on redoing month one of Insanity

Hey everyone,
Just wanted to hear some opinions on Insanity. I finished month 1 of Insanity this week, meaning that in a few days I should be starting month two. I am kind of afraid that I'm not mentally or physically prepared to push my body through month 2. I pushed through month one, but did miss a few workouts. Is it crazy to start over and redo month one? Or should I just push through to month 2?

PS, I didn't start this program in great shape, so being able to get through these workouts is a big deal for me


  • amandarunning
    amandarunning Posts: 306 Member
    Personally, if I's have written Insanity I'd not only be rich but would have made it a 90 day programme as I think the jump from month 1 to 2 is a bit big. Not only are the workouts longer BUT the moves more complex and in some ways tougher. So I would have done a hybrid where the month 1 workouts are extended in time and also add in month 2 moves but in month 1 timeframes - if that makes sense!!

    So...why not have a 2 week period where you replace 2 workouts with month 2 but the rest are month 1 and then move entirely to month 2?

    If I had my time again I'd have done that. I was in good shape to start and better shape to finish BUT with a nasty niggling hamstring strain :-(
  • amandarunning
    amandarunning Posts: 306 Member
    PS Well done on finishing month 1 - many fall well before that!!
  • _Fly_
    _Fly_ Posts: 25 Member
    I completed the first month of Insanity. Started the second one and one week later went back to Level 1. Level 2 was too uncomfortable for me, I did not get a good workout out of it, just got frustrated with myself and with "how the heck am I supposed to keep up??". I never went back to level 2. So I feel like I failed. However, long term it helped me to be more active and more fit. The next thing I did was T25 (as I liked Shaun T and his way of training from the very beginning of Insanity and wanted to stick with him). I absolutely love T25 workout. I completed all three levels: Alpha, Beta and Gamma and would recommend it to everyone.
    So stick with Insanity for now, definitely repeat the first month and if you still get too frustrated with the second round, it's OK. You did an amazing job.

    Happy Sweating!
  • brooookeexo
    brooookeexo Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks for the replies! I think i'm going to redo month 1. I definitely see myself getting frustrated from not being able to keep up.. and with the increase in length. I think I need another month to get my body where it needs to be to handle those workouts.