How do you do it??



  • qbug223
    I have a three month old as well! Add me as a friend, we can track together. I also have a two year old so I know how hard it is.
  • dclark566
    dclark566 Posts: 330 Member
    fit in movement wherever you can. I do some at night, some at my lunch hour at work. I lost 55lbs working a full time job, and I have 3 children and a husband....if you want it bad enough, you make it work whenever and however you can!! Good luck!
  • runner_esq25
    runner_esq25 Posts: 21 Member
    I have a two year old and a four month old. My husband often works 80 hours a week. I work a full time job. I get it.

    I used to workout early in the morning (before kids), but now I would have to be up at 4 am. No thank you. So this is my plan - workout at lunch! Sure, it's a little gross because I don't have time for a shower, but I cleanup quickly the best I can and it works just fine...I skip the workout if I have an afternoon meeting ;) Also, I always take advantage of the weekends if my husband is home. And if he's not home, I bring the kids to the gym and use the daycare there. It's hard, but I've gotten into a routine and already lost the weight from the second baby! So now I'm working on the weight from the first baby, when I also had a hard time making it a priority. Best of luck to you!
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    Begin by logging everything that you eat. Take small steps - I began by walking 10 minutes on my morning break at work and eventually added 2 more ten minute walks, Move and keep active! Congrats on the new baby! :happy:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    OK, so my lifestyle is very busy. Full time job, hubby and 3 month old to take care of so of course, I get whatever is left when it comes to taking care of myself. I need to lose a lot of weight and I want to exercise, but I find it hard to get time to do it. If I were to get up early, I would need to get up at 4:00 in order to have time to get a 30 minute workout in and shower and get ready for work and then my hubby and baby. Is that so crazy? By the time I get off work I am exhausted. So how do I do it? How do I get my tired butt out of bed in the morning that early to do what I need to do? Its so hard, but just about my last option...

    I know you probably have heard this many times but it's so true. We MUST first take care of ourselves, put ourselves first before we're good for anything else.

    It's so important that you get good quality sleep, good fuel, time to move your body (ahhh..watching the baby and working IS a workout!)

    Here's what some do, they break up their workouts to 2-3 a day. Instead of thinking of 4 a.m How about 10 minutes of picking up the house if Daddy is making dinner, or 10 minute windows that come along. I know any one of us can say this but it can work.

    Your baby and your Hubby would do well with a good example of you working to get healthier. You might be amazed at how much less tired you are by swapping up some food choices, relaxing before you fall asleep, clear your head it's amazing how much that can do for a restful sleep.

    As someone shared logging food to start with and not worry so much on when you can exercise. Just cutting back on some less than healthy foods and swapping them out for fruit, new veggies you've not yet tried etc. A smoothie for breakfast can give you quick energy for work time.

    Then when you get that under control a bit you can add things, more water, can you walk a few minutes on break or park further from work? It may not seem much but I think sometimes we think we have to do it all the first day.

    You're here, you've made an awesome decision to make healthier choices... you're off to a great start.

    Now go have a nice big glass of water and relax a bit in your mind about doing it all at once.

    Cheers:drinker: :heart:

    ETA: I do apologize for not reading through the whole thread first, I may have suggested something another member already has. But when I saw the rude comment I had to comment about your post.

    Seems the person was having a bad day... please don't think everyone here is that rude, we're here to encourage one another... not cut one another down.

    You came to the right place and the right category for that.:flowerforyou:
  • ImpishVanity
    ImpishVanity Posts: 224 Member
    I get up at 0430 every day so I can get in my workout and shower before work. It sucks at first.... but after a few months you're used to it and it's not so bad. So just power through and do the best you can! Good luck!
  • rob043055
    I've risen at 4 a.m. plenty of times! It's a good way to squeeze in some personal time in the mornings. Just be sure that you are in bed at 8 p.m.--get enough sleep!
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    This is a crazy period in a person's life, and it's easy to get overwhelmed and struggle to find time for yourself. It's not unusual. I'd suggest a few things:

    1) Get enough sleep. With a busy schedule and a little one, you're likely not getting enough, and that can affect you badly in a number of ways. Don't go getting up at 4 AM if it's cutting into your minimum sleep needs. Some more thoughts on sleep in here:

    2) Work on the calories in first. Log consistently and eat at a reasonable deficit. That's the critical part.

    3) Find ways to be more active as part of your regular routine. Build in activity to what you're doing.

    4) Work with your husband, family, friends to find some regular times you can get away for you time that includes exercise. Not every day, but every couple. Ask them for help with this.

    Good luck!