I always have too many Carbs!!

I am doing okay and have lost 18lbs so far but my loss seems to have slowed down in the last couple of weeks, when I look at the pie chart I always seem to eat too many carbs - its always up at like 75% or something... any tips to bring it down?


  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    I am doing okay and have lost 18lbs so far but my loss seems to have slowed down in the last couple of weeks, when I look at the pie chart I always seem to eat too many carbs - its always up at like 75% or something... any tips to bring it down?

    Can you make your diary public so we can see what you're eating?
  • JessyLovesJCS
    JessyLovesJCS Posts: 169 Member
    I eat less bread. Instead of sandwiches or toast, I have replaced them with other things like Greek Yogurt, eggs, protein bars, more veggies. Or I purchase Joseph's pitas and wraps from a grocery store which as like 5g net carbs.

    I also eat less pasta and rice and fill up on veggies and proteins instead.

    I haven't been worrying as much about the amount of carbs I am consuming, but have replaced starchy ones with more fruit. (I'm sure some will disagree with that as fruit has a lot of carbs too.)
  • rachael52
    rachael52 Posts: 86 Member
    Me too.

    I'm trying a few things. Because my husband wants to have chips, ice cream, etc. around, I'm trying to buy kinds I don't like.

    Also, when I make pasta, I'm making a very veggie-enriched sauce and I put a small amount of pasta and a TON of sauce on top to fill me up.

    Salad helps too.

    When I'm hungry, a cup of coffee can fill me up a bit and make me happier.

    Everyone says it's all about portion control. Good luck.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I use the protein goal as a minimum (fiber, too) and ignore fat & carbs. Eating more protein makes it almost impossible to go over your carb goal.

    But everybody's different, so it'll take trial & error to find what works for you.
  • MB2MN
    MB2MN Posts: 334 Member
    It would be helpful to know what you eat.
  • supra_driven
    supra_driven Posts: 90 Member
    The way I do it is focus on my protein requirements first and foremost and the carbs and fats will fall in place automatically. Since I like my meats I'll eat lots of chicken, red meat, pork, and fish in addition to eggs and dairy. If you are mostly vegetarian you'll have to focus on nuts, legumes, and avocados.
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    I have that problem too. I know that for me it's about eating less processed foods and cooking more of my own fresh meats and vegetables, but I'm too lazy to do that. (I do eat a lot of salad though. But then that adds dressing, which is more carbs! And not any more protein. But still, I should eat salads.)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if your weight loss is slowing it is because you are eating too many calories not because of your carb count….

    I smell a troll for some reason though….
  • Ajaay
    Ajaay Posts: 70 Member
    I am eating low carb right now so I have too much fat and protein. I'm not sure how to get things perfect. Just adjust your diet so that you are losing weight. I think we all lose weight differently.
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    Find some substitutes. Have you tried soy nuts! They are high protein and are lower in carbs. They fill my need for a crunchy snack sometimes.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Can you please open your diary?
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I am a recovering carbaholic.. I ate pasta, rice potatoes and bread with abandon. And barely any veggies to go with them. Now I do all my own cooking and prep work on Sundays. Casseroles, soups, high protein snacks, quinoa, beans, barley, a fair amount of dairy, eggs, and lots of fruits and veggies. Eating more of this food doesn't leave much room for all the starchy stuff I used to eat. I also learned to make cauliflower pizza crust and tortillas... amazing stuff.
  • FemmeFitFarm
    one big reason people tend to go over on carbohydrates is because they're not eating enough "filling" foods so they're supplementing with "filler" foods. it's hard to tell without looking at your diary, but it's very hard to go over on Carbs when you're getting the majority of them from vegetables.

    try cutting down the "unnecessary" carbs like breads and pastas for a while, at least until you can figure out a way to get back on track. fill your tummy with more filling WHOLE foods, high in fiber and protein.

    when you DO eat "carby" carbs [is that even a thing?] try to stick with primarily whole grain options, and pair it with a protein to fill you up more [like whole grain toast with almond butter or nonfat greek yogurt, or brown fried rice with egg and shrimp].
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    ... any tips to bring it down?

    Eating less comes to mind. Have you tried that?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Up your protein goal (if you haven't already) to at least 1g/lb lean body mass. Focus on hitting that and let the fat and carbs fall as they may.
  • mistybev
    how do I open ,my diary?
  • mistybev
    I am not a troll, I am a NEW user and I don't know how to show my diary - thats why its not open

    I am eating 1200 calories per day, which is what Myfitnesspal told me to eat. Its more that I don't know what kind of foods to eat to bring up the protein - I don't like many types of fish and everyone always tells me to eat fish!

    Its not really helpful to make comments like "eating less comes to mind"

    Thanks to all of those helpful users - I will go and try to open my diary. I am not eating bread at the moment, not since the first couple of weeks.
  • TeriaShae
    TeriaShae Posts: 144 Member
    The only suggestion that I really have is to just try to limit your sandwiches and other items to one piece of bread instead of a whole two. This worked for me.

    However, now that I'm wanting muscle and to get abs and a little more cut, my personal trainer told me to UP the carbs! This is completely the opposite of what I had been trying to do! He upped by carbs to 210, which is a crazy lot for me and I'm finally starting to see obliques.
  • mistybev
    ... any tips to bring it down?

    Eating less comes to mind. Have you tried that?

    Not helpful thankyou
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    how do I open ,my diary?
    Go to http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/diary_settings and scroll all the way down.