Looking for friends with lots of weight to lose?!



  • amandanewb
    amandanewb Posts: 4 Member
    Hi , I'm Amanda. I have always been active but am still quite overweight. I need to lose about 28 kgs (not sure what that is in pounds, quite a lot!).

    I lost this amount of weight about 4 years ago but it has crept back on so I think I just need to be realistic and give up the treats and alcohol.

    I'm 43 and a primary school teacher. I live in New Zealand and would love to keep in touch with others on their weight loss journey.

    Best wishes!
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    Hi all!! I just wanted to stop by and hope offer help/support/motivation to you all! I am a Beachbody Coach and it is a super community to be a part of. We have in home exercise programs and an off the charts good meal replacement shake called Shakeology available. I use my My Fitness Pal everyday as well to help track not only calories but macros.

    Feel free to add me :) Joelha19

    And my facebook page is facebook.com/healthyjo (Jordan Hammond)

    YOU GUYS CAN DO IT!!!! Trust the process. It takes time. Forgive yourself for any mistakes in the past and vow to learn about health and nutrition and make better choices tomorrow. Feel free to message me through My Fitness Pal or Facebook, if you have any questions or need anything at all!

    Just say no to shakes...
  • srsly_sarah
    srsly_sarah Posts: 42 Member
    Hi! Like a lot of other people on this post, I feel like I've been dieting my whole life. I lost weight in college and kept it off until I was diagnosed with a neurological problem that affected my activity level--and I stress ate--a lot. Sometimes pain made we want a whole bag of Reese's.

    Anyway, the people in my life are supportive of my weight loss, but none of them struggle with it every single day. It seems to consume a lot of my thoughts. I try to stay active on here, so that I will stay focused!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi, I'm Holly and I want to lose as much as I can by the Summer, so I can wear shorts and a tank top in the hot weather, instead of being all covered up. I'm from NYC and 5'3".
    I've lost about 140 lbs in the past, but gained back a hundred. Woe is me. I need to follow the plan I've set up for myself, but I rarely do. I hope I can make some friends here.
  • tiajones102
    tiajones102 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey, My name is tia.
    I've tried a dozen times to loose weight but it feels like the more I try to loose the more I gain. I think it's becuase the more weight I try to loose the more I notice how much of it isn't going anywhere. Also becuase I don't stay motivated on my own, it would be nice to have a work out partner. I have a goal weight of 130 lbs, I'm 5'3" and have a total of 79 pounds to loose. Would love to have a friend like you to help me through it.
  • Hi, I am Becky, I just joined last night and logged my food, I think?, I need to lose over 100 lbs. I have no idea what I will do or how I will do it? I just know I have to do something. I could use a friend on this journy.
  • I'm in the same boat with having a lot of weight to lose. I've started this process a few times now but never taken it seriously. I'm determined to stick with it this time! I would really like a weight loss buddy so we can motivate each other, share tips on cooking and exercise! Let me know if you are interested, hopefully we will be able to lose the weight we want and need to :)
  • Hi- I'm Annette. I am looking to lose over 100 lbs. I've always been overweight and been successful from time to time for about 30 lbs. but always gained right back if not more. I have lost 12.5 so far (10 lbs before I joined MFP) and have felt pretty good with changing my lifestyle up to this point. I am similar height to you as well- 5'2". Good luck!
  • Hello ! My name is Michele and I began my weight loss/healthy living adventure in July of 2013. My starting weight was 375 !!! I began the 6 month program to prepare myself for bariatric surgery. I chose to have a gastric bypass, and had the surgery on 12/19/13. Before I had the surgery I had lost 54 pounds on my own with the help of Fitness Pal, and I have continued journaling regularly. At this point my weight loss is 85 pounds, I haven't lost very much since the surgery, which REALLY bothers me, but I will continue doing what I'm doing until I have lost another 140-160 pounds, as I want to weigh between 150 and 170 I am 5'4" and I am 45 years old.
    I really look forward to sharing experiences with everyone, and supporting each other through the journey. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I am also on Facebook @ michele.eisenhour@facebook.com. I would love to hear from you all.
  • Young adults are already in a category that lose weight a lot faster than say someone who is 45.
    I am 40 and found P90X and Insanity worked well..very well. Bill Phillips Body for Life worked very well years ago.
    And I wanted something that was easier on my body, didn't take as much time, and I didn't have to think about what my next meal was going to be.
    I researched and found two that my full criteria. I know there are more out there...
    First I found one that is great for men and women at http://buildthemuscle.net.
    And the one I decided to do because it has a great support system of women doing the program and finished the program, just for women, and simply laid out and guaranteed and I found it at http://inshapenow.net.
    I'm losing on average 1 1/2 pounds a week.
    I think one of the keys to success is setting yourself up for success. Find a plan that is realistic to your lifestyle so you aren't cheating or angry at yourself for missing a workout or a meal.

    To your lifestyle change!