Morning Workout Tips

The list of advantages to working out in the morning is endless - however, I am NOT a morning person at all and like to stay in bed until the last possible second before I have to get up for work.

Do you guys have any advice for motivating yourself to get to the gym in the AM? Thanks!


  • jamoore94
    jamoore94 Posts: 46 Member
    I have found that if I sleep in my workout clothes and then get up and leave the house when I am still half asleep by the time I get to the gym I am wide awake and it is too late to change my mind. Also I really look forward to my breakfast but I always wait until after my workout to eat it, helps to motivate me a little bit more.
  • Soufre
    Soufre Posts: 236 Member
    -I remind myself that I won't work out later.
    -I'm already awake so I might as well get over it.
    -I'll feel regretful all day if I don't.
    -I'll be wide awake and fine once I'm away from my bed.

    That's basically what I tell myself. It usually works but if I had an especially rough night, it doesn't.
  • Soufre
    Soufre Posts: 236 Member
    I have found that if I sleep in my workout clothes and then get up and leave the house when I am still half asleep by the time I get to the gym I am wide awake and it is too late to change my mind. Also I really look forward to my breakfast but I always wait until after my workout to eat it, helps to motivate me a little bit more.

    ^^That's a really good idea...
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    I have to be honest, I am so not a morning person - I would rather sleep, have coffee, do anything else in the morning instead of work out (or go to work)

    There is no reason not to do it later, and trust me... at least in my case, it is a much better option for me NOT to be around people at the crack of dawn...

    if you wanted to do it in the morning, you would be able to motivate yourself to spring out of bed and go... "yay, it's time to go to the gym"

    Do what works for you just be warned, as the day goes on, so do the excuses and reasons not to work out at all

    So you need to pretty much figure out what works for you
  • WakkoW
    WakkoW Posts: 567 Member
    I have found that if I sleep in my workout clothes and then get up and leave the house when I am still half asleep by the time I get to the gym I am wide awake and it is too late to change my mind. Also I really look forward to my breakfast but I always wait until after my workout to eat it, helps to motivate me a little bit more.

    I sleep in my workout gear as well.

    I hate changing out of them if I sleep in.

    Also, I shower at the gym and make sure to have everything ready the night before so all I have to do is grab my stuff and go.

    (I've learned to keep an extra bra and panties in my car for the times when I neglect to pack everything)
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    What is this endless list of benefits of working out in the morning, as opposed to a different time of day?

    The best time to work out is the time that works best for you. Whichever time you prefer, or gives you the best work out performance, or fits in your schedule.

    I wouldn't work out in the morning unless I had to. Heck no.
  • Brooke4206
    Brooke4206 Posts: 140 Member
    -I lay out my workout clothes the night before
    -I have my coffee preset to brew at 5:10 everyday. It's extremely loud too!
    -I have a delicious breakfast already prepared so i'm actually excited to wake up and eat it
    -I give myself about an hour and fifteen minutes to eat, digest, and just relax before working out
    -And then I just remind myself that I have goals to reach and to get going
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    - get proper rest the night before
    - laying out your clothes and prepping your workout bag before you go to bed
    - disable to snooze on your alarm so that you know once it goes off it's pretty much now or much later
    - drinking a glass or 2 of water before going to sleep. you'll have to find the sweet spot that's not too much that it will wake you during the night to pee but just enough that when you do wake up early you wont be able to ignore

    with that said, i always get stuck at #1 on my list :laugh:
  • FitnSassy
    FitnSassy Posts: 263 Member
    I know that I won't do it later, so it's either early morning before work or never! I like the feeling of getting it done and it sets the tone for the day! I feel amazing mentally and physically. It's not always easy because I love sleep. But I set my alarm an hour before my scheduled 6am workout. Some mornings I wake up before the alarm. I jump in the shower, get dressed and make time for a few sips of coffee. I'm done by 7am and back home in time to have breakfast and get ready for work. Getting to bed early the night before is key. And as you get into the routine, you'll be ready for bed early and you'll sleep well. Good luck!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I gave up trying to work out in the morning. I just had to force myself to do it when I get home, while dinner was cooking. I bought a treadmill and I have some really good fitness tapes. Like someone else said, I try to workout before eating so that's motivation.

    I actually find that I perform better after work anyway - more limber, and flexible and less likely to pull something when I start out in the morning.