Pics of progress so far - Some advice please

Hi guys

I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the correct section, so sorry in advance.

I just finished 12 week weight-loss program and I am happy where I am now. I got really sick halfway through so I couldn't go to gym for about 2 weeks, which really sucked and I had to reassess my goals and to be honest I am happy with what I achieved so far, though my results could've been a bit better.

I would like to pack on about 5-8kg of muscle. So I did a lot of reading on set/rep ranges and dieting (I included my workout below). I am not going to go into detail about my diet, but I am taking in about 3500 clean calories a day split into 50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fats. I am currently doing Intermittent Fasting as well, as I would like to see if I can bulk without adding too much "Fat". So I have 8 hours during the day that I can consume the 3500 calories. I am very active when it comes to cardio and I just absolutely love doing HIIT (especcially Tabata protocol). Its going to be difficult for me not to do as much cardio as I am used to, but I would like to do some heavy Kettlebell work on Tuesdays and Thursday (but not 100% intensity, just to get the heart pumping) if thats okay?

I train at 5am in the morning then break my fast at 1pm, I eat my last meal at 9pm at night. I only use a calorie dense whey protein to supplement, nothing else.

Any suggestion would be welcome. Am I on the right path? Thanks everyone.

Sorry, but I cant seem to get the other pic uploaded, here is the link -



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,286 Member
    Great job in 3 months, big difference. Why do you want to bulk, you don't look like the 5-8 lbs of lbm is needed. You drop a few more lbs of fat and your going to look like you added muscle.....I say keep going in the direction you are now.
  • JJMaritz
    JJMaritz Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks neanderthin.

    I think its a vanity issue ;-)

    If I wear a shirt now it doesn't even look like I lift. If I can just pack on even a little bit of meat it would be great. I know now what to do to loose weight, so it wont be to difficult to shred down a bit.
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    Wow, a big difference! Congratulation! Awesome work!!

    And good luck with your goal, if you continue to be so determined, I'm sure you will be sucessfull.
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    I have no advice to offer, just a wow! you've made the most of those 3 months, you look great :smile:
  • JJMaritz
    JJMaritz Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks so much for the inspirational comments guys. Much appreciated.