Women with PCOS, how have you lost weight?

I'm 20, overweight and have the wonderful PCOS.
I was just wondering how you ladies have managed to drop the pounds,
as I've been doing Slimming World for almost a month now and have barely lost.

What foods do you eat?
How many calories do you eat?
How much exercise do you do?

Thank you for any help, I really appreciate it :)


  • kellymac518
    kellymac518 Posts: 132 Member
    ive been researching this, as i too have pcos and the insulin resistance associated with it makes it difficult to lose weight, and i'm finding that low carb (some say 100-150 g, others less than 100, others no more than 50, it seems to vary a little bit) high fat/protein appears to be the way to go. i'm just starting out trying this myself so i don't have a success story for you yet. you should go to the groups page and search PCOS and read through the different boards in the pcos groups, i found a lot of valuable info on there. if you aren't sure how to get to groups, it is one of the tabs in the community menu.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator


    I would check out these groups. Essentially, a low carb diet is critical to your success...
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Heavy lifting, some running, eating 40% of cals from fat and 30% from carbs/protein

    Unfortunately, I'm thinking I need to cut the carbs a little lower, as starting to show some more insulin resistance signs that had previously disappeared. Sigh. PCOS sucks

    It is possible to lose weight with it, so don't let yourself get discouraged. It just takes a little more effort than the average Jane Doe has to give. Add me if you'd like

    Edit to add I strive for 1850/day, 3 days/week heavy lifting and 2 days/week running, 2 days rest. Key word there is strive. Last week was an unanticipated rest week
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    Agreed with the above. Low carb, but I learned to relax a bit. Moderation is key! Paleo truly helped but I found it completely unrealistic for long term success. Also, I am not on medication.

    Another thing, I had to stop making excuses. "Oh, I have PCOS so weight loss is impossible for me." was a huge part of my vocabulary. I try not to say this, even though it is true. Jillian Michaels has PCOS and she manages to keep a healthy weight, so I sort of feel like it is attainable now. I just need to give myself a chance to succeed.
  • aliX33x
    aliX33x Posts: 5 Member
    I hace PCOS and endometriosis so I can totally relate with you. I'm using the advice from the other comments :)

    Good luck!
  • clairecrowther
    clairecrowther Posts: 12 Member
    i too have pcos and the dreaded insulin resistance associated with it.

    like others have said i used the classic excuse of "PCOS so i CAN'T lose weight."

    i'm 42 so have had many years of being over weight, very over weight and very uncomfortable in my own skin. tried every diet out there, WW, slimming world, atkins, an endless list!

    i did a lot of research before i decided enough was enough, i looked at PCOS maintenence diets, diabetic diets and basically started out on a very low carb/low GI diet. it worked, BUT after 6 months on it it made me feel ill, lost all energy awful headaches and a return of some of the PCOS symptoms too (which had seemed to vanish... like vanishing facial hair, very odd!). I'm 3 pounds off goal weight now, that will probably change when i get there though lol my original goal was to get to a UK size 14 mmm got there and decided i wanted more, now a 10/12 and still not quite comfy!

    i have lost 67 lbs in total and i am 3 lb off losing 5 stone, which is fab, and the first time since i was a teenager i have managed to get under 11 stone so i am delighted!

    my diet now is increased carbs but still low (just under 100g a day), increased protein and sticking to my calorie plan, the danger i found with low carb is it is very easy to be eating way too little! the carbs i do eat now come from wholegrains and veggies, some would say my diet is boring, but i really enjoy it and i am no longer a slave to the hormonal chocolate cravings either... bonus!

    **edited to add, i now do a strength workout every other day at the gym & i also run, i do the run on the same day as the gym work so i get a rest day inbetween after all i am an oldie lol!
  • FitSinV
    FitSinV Posts: 4 Member
    I used to take metformin but now I'm fine in terms of hormone levels .. Im also regular every month .. Its just taking a longer time for the weight to come off !