Cruise-Ship Wedding in 2 Years!

Hey all,

I'm Zac, and my fiance Ashley is using MyFitnessPal as well. We're having a cruise-ship wedding about two years from now. I am 25 and she is 23, and we've been together for 9 years next month.

In high school we were both thin and healthy. I played football and she played soccer. I was 6'2 and about 160 pounds, myself.

Now, 7 years since high school, we have both gained a significant amount of weight. I am 220 pounds (gained 60 pounds since high school) and she has gained a similar amount. Thankfully, we both "plateau'd" about 3 or 4 years ago so we've at least stopped gaining.

We would each like to get within 15 or 20 pounds of our high school weight before we get married in two years. For each of us, that means losing around 40-50 pounds! But we figure we're going to be looking at those wedding photos for the rest of our lives, and we want to look healthy and happy! We're going to go through an awful lot of trouble to make this wedding happen, so we think we owe it to ourselves to do this.

We just started today on MyFitnessPal. Before last week (Thanksgiving) we had already been watching our calories for a couple weeks, and we think this will make it even easier.

Looking forward to joining all of you in our quest to lose weight!


  • dustiemorris
    That's great that you have someone to be by your side and both of you will get great advice and such from these wonderful people on this site. I have only been joined for two days and everyone has helped me so much. Good Luck to you both!
  • jmo325
    jmo325 Posts: 57
    Wow. Congratulations to the both of you.

    Two of my best friends just got married and did a weight loss program before. Tell your fiancée that it is going to be more frustrating for her. Guys tend to shed pounds a lot faster than girls. So don't let that get you down!
  • monypony1
    Congrats! Its soo much easier when you have your partner doing the same plan as you. I'm trying to loose weight and get in shape and its so hard to do when my bf is sitting next to me eating twizzlers!
  • PocketNaomi
    Welcome to you both, congratulations on your upcoming wedding! A relationship that's been going since you were kids that age sounds like you two must really be good together. I am sure you can reach your target weight with time to spare... just remember to target five pounds lower than you want to end up, because between a wedding and a cruise ship honeymoon, you will want to eat plenty that week!

    Much success and love and happiness to you both.
  • ZacFields
    ZacFields Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you all!

    @jmo325: It's funny you should mention that about it being more frustrating for her - when I signed up for MFP today, I estimated my initial weigh-in to be the same 220 pounds that I've weighed for the last 4 years. This evening when I got home from work, I stepped on the scale to find out I now weigh 210.5 pounds!

    As I said in my first post, we've actually been watching what we eat for about 3 weeks now. Other than this past Thanksgiving week that we spent with my family in MS, we had been eating broiled fish (tilapia, cod, flounder, and salmon) with a vegetable and about a cup of rice for dinner every single night because recently I found out that I've got slightly high cholesterol.

    That's okay, though - we are both going to do this and we are going to look great when we tie the knot in 2012!
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Hey all,

    I'm Zac, and my fiance Ashley is using MyFitnessPal as well. We're having a cruise-ship wedding about two years from now. ILooking forward to joining all of you in our quest to lose weight!

    Is this an open invitation for those MFP's who stick with you for the next 2 years to be guests on Cruise-Ship Wedding!!

    Hee Hee!! Congrats on your decision to fitness!!!!:happy: