Needing ideas for snacks.

Lower in carbs, high in protein.
What do you like to eat for snacks throughout the day?


  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    Any meat - especially in bite sized portions (boneless, skinless chicken; chicken legs; leftover steak; miniburger patties or meatballs for example)
    Rabbit bags - baggies of in season, random, cut up veggies (celery, cuke, cherry tomatoes, lettuce wedge, cabbage wedge, carrot etc)
    Sugar free protein bars - sometimes these are good in a pinch (I am often in a pinch LOL)
    Low carb fruits (strawberries, blueberries etc) in whipped cream or yogurt (greek yogurt is pretty low carb/high pro OR there's Kroger carbmaster yogurt)
    Cheese crackers (microwave sliced cheese or shredded on parchment paper until it's a cracker) - also works for pepperoni
    Any small portion of a leftover meal
    Atkins or EAS Advantage shakes - or your own protein powder shakes

    Sorry - missed out partly on the high protein - you can always add protein powder (I use Jarrow natural whey) - to yogurts and dips to up it. I also use it like coffee creamer.
  • miramaye
    miramaye Posts: 37 Member
    Those were great suggestions. Thank you :)
    What brand of protein bars do you like?
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    My favorite mid-day snack is Pret-A-Manger's Half Sandwich of chicken and bacon. It's 170 calories. I always find it amazing that this 170 calorie half sandwich is so much more fulfilling than a 140 calorie greek yogurt. It's really worth the 30 extra calories. I know it has some carbs, but also has protein, and it's so tasty.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Boiled egg (or just the egg white)
    As far as protein bars, I like the Fiber One Caramel nut
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Apple with peanut butter.

    Berries with nuts (usually almonds, walnuts, or pistachios).

    Strawberries with light cool whip.

    Atkins bars.

    Quest bars (21 g proteins).

    Veggies with hummus.

    Greek yogurt.

    Cheddar cheese with whole grain crackers.

    RF cheese sticks.

    Caprese salad (fresh mozzarella balls, cucumber, tomato with balsamic dressing).

    Banana with peanut butter.

    Hard boiled eggs.

    Fiber one bars.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    Beef or Turkey jerky
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    Quest Bars - Atkins bars are good for the low carb end.

    I don't watch carbs so much so I eat a lot of different ones - depending on sales and calories more than carbs.

    Hubster is low carb - thus I'm used to watching carbs - he likes Atkins and Quest bars. Aldi's has had some off and on also that worked for him.

    We also make "quest" bars with protein powder and nut butters. Our current version is:
    4 scoops natural whey protein powder
    1/4 c creamy peanut butter (we use natural - nothing but peanuts kroger brand)
    12 drops sweetzfree (or sweetener of your choice)
    5 tbs ground flax seed
    1/4 c water
    1 tsp vanilla
    2 tbs cocoa powder
    1 tsp butter or coconut oil

    Mix dry ingredients and wet separately (except oil)
    Oil mini loaf pan (or pan of your choice - I like the mini loaf pan) with butter/coconut oil. Set in freezer to chill.
    With buttery hands mix wet into dry - makes a gloppy mess on your hands (I plan to try using food processor some day)
    Press into loaf pan and chill minimum 30 mins.
    Cut into 6 equal bars and wrap (I use mini ziploc baggies)
    Keep cool to maintain shape

    Can roll in cocoa to reduce stickiness

    Has 163 calories, 6.07 carb, 2.93 fiber, 16.28 protein made my way.

    Hubster loves them - try various combinations of nut butters, extracts, add ins and see what you get!
  • leaner426
    Lowfat greek yogurt. You can flavor it by mixing in your favorite protein powder (I mix in chocolate protein powder.) Or you can heat up some frozen blueberries in the microwave, sprinkle on some cinnamon then add a couple tablespoons of lowfat greek yogurt. Very good.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Cottage cheese. Whey in milk. Nuts, peanut butter.
  • coriander1209
    Saving for the good info!
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
    I like Detour bars 15g protein low sugar, Pure Protein bars 20g protein low sugar, Quest bars High Protein and Fiber low sugar, Tzatziki sauce with sliced red pepper is great also.Fiber One bars,Skinny Cow Ice cream.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Peanut butter between banana slices
    peanut butter on celery
    1/8c raisins and 1/8 cup sunflower seeds
    cheese strings
    frozen grapes
    greek yogurt
    my own homemade protein bars
    veggies with hummus
    fiber one bars
  • kiittenforever
    kiittenforever Posts: 479 Member

    obsessed with different hummus and veggies
  • Jett_05
    Jett_05 Posts: 95 Member
    Greek yogurt
    Turkey sausage (weird concept for a snack but its pretty easy and will keep you full)
    Hardboiled egg
    Pb on apple
    String cheese (I miss this...lactose intolerant)
    Nuts (I don't miss this....deathly allergic)
    Beef jerky (really low calories and packed with protein)
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member

    obsessed with different hummus and veggies

    O M G
  • FitnessMeagan1105
    FitnessMeagan1105 Posts: 57 Member
  • laurx3o
    I like to make a small salad with the starkist chunk light low sodium tuna packet, 1 cup of spinach, 1 tbsp reduced fat feta, some grape tomatoes, and annie's fat free raspberry balsamic dressing. low cal and carb!