Hello, older newb needs fitness pals

This site is awesome. I'm still trying to figure everything out since I've never posted on this type of forum. My goal is to loose 38 lbs. Looking forward to my new fitness pals support! :flowerforyou:


  • Bekkah1552
    Good morning!

    Yes, this site is great... lots of support and a broad food database :smile: Just take things one day at a time and the small changes will lead to big weightloss :smile:
  • melindabates
    hello I have just joined again for the second time and hoping that this will be the last time as I need to lose all the weight that I have gained back since quitting this program. I think the hardest thing is keeping track and being honest with yourself the things that you have ate. We will do this and it is good to have partners that will help u when things get tough, we are all in this together. I have a saying that helps me through the tough times.

    Hopefully this will work for you always remember we are in this together
  • shoppingdiva2011
    shoppingdiva2011 Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning, yes this site is great I love it. I have lost over 30 lbs there and a total of 65 lbs together since 2011. The data base is awesome and I love the app on my iphone. Love to use the scanner. I will add you to my friend list. Good luck:smile:
  • deebarnes5
    deebarnes5 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the welcome Bekkah1552. I'm kinda confused. You posted & there's a cute bar 0 lbs lost under your name. Is that mine or yours? If yours, I assume your fairly new too? Like I said I've never posted on anything other than FB so I'm not sure about these forums. It seems like I've been off & on diets much of my life. Now at an older age I've got to get the weight off since I don't want to go on Cholesterol meds again. That's my only health issue. I've always had trouble with those meds so I'd would rather loose the weight & not meds. I've never tried a support group like this & other plain ole diets haven't worked for me so I'm excited to give this a whirl! I've started out walking 30 min. a day with some dance type moves, bending & stretching & calorie counting. I actually started my regim last Wed. 12th but just found this site Sunday night 16th. Wooo Hooo I'm Excited!!
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I have just sent you a friend request, will be 71 in April, and cholesterol drug [Statins] really mess me up, so trying food as welll as exercise

    My exercise is just walking, no gym, swimming etc, just walking

    Working so far, and the ticker is mine
  • deebarnes5
    deebarnes5 Posts: 5 Member
    @MelindaBates...thanks for Friend Add. Congrats on the 36 lbs! Your success helps, since my goal is 38!
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 767 Member
    Morning! I have been here for a year. Was doing well then kinda fell off and now getting back at it. I'm very active on the site . Giving a lot of support!

    Welcome, well done too! Feel free to add me. We are all in this together.

    Btw - I will be 58 in 3 weeks and have had hip replacement surgery from a fracture.

    Have a great Monday
  • karenagiffin
    karenagiffin Posts: 3 Member
    Hello...I'm 58 and have been dieting forever. I finally realized I can't just diet, I need to make life changes in my eating habits. So I am using this site to help me check what I'm eating (not just the calories but sugar etc.). So far so good. I am losing weight slowly but I am losing. I have cut way back on sugar and carbs...but still eat some. I feel great and like you want to avoid taking meds if at all possible. I also love to read peoples comments for inspiration and ideas. This is my first time I am posting. I am trying to eat real food meaning fruits and veges as much as possible. I feel better than I have in a long time and I am not depriving myself of anything. I guess that's the trick. It better things and less of the crap!
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    Hi, Dee, I am 72 (but feel like 27!!) and have been on MFP for over 2 years now. I found the site by chance having broken my leg, and been so ashamed of not being able to get around easily on crutches, etc, I realised at 226 lbs I was really obese. Am now a bit over 40 lbs less, and exercise fairly regularly, no longer get out of breath walking, and can even jog a little. In all this time I have not had the colds / flu etc, so feel healthier than ever... and am getting into the smaller sizes that are in my wardrobe! The support of friends on MFP is great, and it is so easy to use the food and exercise diaries. I have at least another 40 lbs to lose to get down to closer to the weight I should be, and it is slow going at the moment. Like Farway, walking and swimming are just the best exercises.

    Will send you a friend request, and will do all I can to support you on this journey!
    Cheers, and welcome!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Hi Fellow Texan. :flowerforyou: (Sorry didn't have a yellow rose...)

    Welcome to MFP! There are lots of success stories here and I think you will like the community.

    My height is the same as yours, but my goal is to get down lower. But first, i will be thrilled when I am below 140 pounds.

    Have a great day!
  • deebarnes5
    deebarnes5 Posts: 5 Member
    So sorry, I didn't reply earlier on this welcome page. I just saw these post today! Thanks for your welcome & friend accept!