Have more 100lbs - looking for friends to encourage me


I have over 100lbs to lose however I'm setting smaller goals so I can do this and not fail. I'm hoping to find friends to help motivate and encourage each other on this journey.

I'm a stress eater like most and its cold here so I find it hard to actually get motivate to get out of my chair. So I need friends to help me be accountable and encourage me to keep going. I will gladly do the same and I log in everyday.

Lets take this journey together!!

Thanks :) Kelly


  • MacroMiranda
    MacroMiranda Posts: 78 Member
    I started with 100, and through a couple years of hard work and MFP have 40 left. I'm happy to help encourage. Feel free to add!
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    Hi Kelly,
    Totally agree smaller goals work. I've over 60 pounds to lose (sigh), which is going to require lots of patience and persistence. We can encourage each other. I am sending a friend request.
  • fast_stacie
    fast_stacie Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Kelly,
    I am sending you a friend request. I have over 100 lbs to lose and my health is telling me it's time. I looking forward to my weigh in on Friday to see if I've actually lost anything. A couple pounds would be great. I just started, so I'm not even sure what kind of plan to follow. At present, I am just making better choices.
  • maryestrada399
    maryestrada399 Posts: 6 Member
    HI Kelly,

    I am deciding to make the same step as you in losing weight, I would love to be a motivator. Add me and we can do this together!

  • Hey Kelly,
    I'm not even sure how many pounds I want to shed, but I know it has to be flirting with one hundred if not over. As an emotion eater who's had a bad few years I know how hard it can be to drop weight when everything seems to be going against you. I've been a gym-going body for just over 2 months and have decided to add a restricted diet to my arduous workout routine. My end-game is training for a marathon and of course, to look good! Can't empathize with the temperature, normally scorching here, but slimming down in hot weather is as horrible as frozen ears in some ways. Send me a request and I'll be happy to offer all the support I can.

    John =)
  • aliX33x
    aliX33x Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Kelly,

    At the beginning of this journey I had just a little over 100 pounds that I wanted to lose. I started at 266 and I'm now at 231. My goal weight is 160 and when I get there I'll see if that's where I want to be at or change my goal. I've never been in this situation so I'm not sure what weight is best is for me. I guess I'll see when I get there :) Good luck with your journey!!!
  • yvie63
    yvie63 Posts: 193 Member
    Hi Kelly

    I just joined this morning (came over from Weightwatchers). I've got lots of weight to lose - I've set myself a target of 80lbs for the moment but I probably need to lose more like 120;bs really - :smile:: that sounds far too scary to me at the moment. I have struggled with my weight all my life (I was even 10lbs when I was born). I'd be happy to be your friend - I'm sending you a friend request.

    Yvie x
  • kie_kie
    kie_kie Posts: 106 Member
    I had a little more than 100lbs to lose now I have under. Anyone can feel free to add me
  • I started with a lofty goal, nearly 200lbs, I've managed to get 1/4 of the way there so far, weighing in 50lbs lighter last monday (02/10/14) than I was when I started on Dec. 1, 2013. I'm more than happy to take this trip with you, whether it's staying on your *kitten* about updating, sharing recipes or stories, or generally just chatting, feel free to add me!
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    I'm on my second week here and have over 100 to lose. Anyone can feel free to add me. My diary is also open. I'm always available to help anyone who asks.
  • catchtheislands
    catchtheislands Posts: 25 Member
    You can do it!
    I am happy to be pals with anyone who is needing support.
    I struggled for over a year until I found out what works for me.

    There are four things that work when you have a LOT of weight to lose.
    You will be hard pressed to lose without them.

    Good luck you can do it!

    Add me as a friend.


    Its going to be a beautiful day!
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Please know that you can do this. One day at a time. Honest logging of everything you eat and drink. It can seem insurmountable, but it is doable! All things in moderation. I lost over 90# before I even began to do any walking. My knees were bad from carrying around so much excess weight. Now, I work out M-F in the gym at work and go for long walks outside on the weekends (even here in Minnesota where we have had almost 50 days with sub zero F temps and a lot of snow, worst winter in 30 years and not over yet).
    I am 62 and if I can do it, most anyone can that has no major health issues.
    Good luck to all!
  • Tracie524
    Tracie524 Posts: 65 Member
    I have about 130 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me. I started last month and have found this to be a great place. Everyone has been really supportive and helpful.
  • Hi Kelly!

    I have close to 100 lbs. to lose... and it's freezing here as well so I avoid going outside to exercise also! :tongue: I usually do the Leslie Sansone walking videos inside in the winter... they're very easy and she has workout levels for everyone (I use the "beginner" levels lol) :smile:
  • mochacappaccino
    mochacappaccino Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat, I have over 100lbs to lose and it's freezing here in Canada, but I'm sue we can reach our goals.
    I'm available for anyone and any words of encouragement are welcome.

    Have a great journey.
  • Michigander1956
    Michigander1956 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello Kelly;
    Welcome.. we are all here for the same reason..to lose weight and get healthy .You will find many people on here that are more than willing to help you on your journey , included myself I have around 60 to lose. I have found this site to be really helpful and if you do your journal the night before or a couple days ahead you will find it easier to stay on track ( but I'm bad I did my this morning, which I don't usually do) Good luck to you ..you can do this!!! Have a great day!
  • I have for a primary goal 80 lbs to loose but then i am sure when i get to 170 ill wanna be smaller, or at least toned :)

    You are more than welcome to add me. I try my best to mobitiate..

    and anyone can add me that'll stay on my *kitten* adn make sure i dont slip off again :)

  • shoppingdiva2011
    shoppingdiva2011 Posts: 127 Member
    Hello Kelly,

    I originally weighed 245 lb and it kept going up and up. so I joined Weightwatchers and subsequently MFP. I still go to Weightwatchers for the support of my friends but I follow MFP for accountability. I will send you a friend request. I am also a stress eater and one of my downfalls is on the weekend because I want to pig out on food but I get back on the MFP horse on Monday. Good luck you can do this take it slow and easy and set small goals. You need to download the app so you can have easy assess to your diary when you are not near a computer. Watch your nutrients and don't go over, watch your sodium that can blow you up. Exercise and eat back your calories. Anyone else please feel free to add me as a friend. :smile:
  • Hi! ~
    I would love to be your friend along our journey - feel free to add me.
    I have 123 lbs to lose and am setting little goals for myself. (12) 10 lb goals.....actually the 1st one being 13 lbs.....and little rewards like a new lipstick or gloss. Then at 25 lb goals....pedicure.....50 lb....massage and 100 lbs....a trip to Vegas....flying with out the seatbelt extender.
    Cherie' from Walla Walla, WA
  • reimaka17
    reimaka17 Posts: 48 Member
    Hiya, Kelly!

    I'm currently 293 lbs (started at 298) and my goal is to get down to 150 so I have a lot of weight (143 lbs) to lose. I'm totally with you on the too-cold-to-want-go-outside thing. It's freezing over here and the streets are icy so even brisk walking isn't all that safe. Still, I TRY to get in a 45-60 minute walk daily.

    Feel free to add me if you want. Both my profile and journal are open (I'm hoping that will help to hold me more accountable and keep me mindful of my terrible eating habits (I'm also an emotional eater)) so feel free to peruse. Good luck on your health and fitness goals!

    Also: anyone looking to lose/has lost a lot of weight (50 lbs+), don't hesitate to add me. I've got a long way to go and I'll need the support. In turn I'll do my best to support and encourage you, as well!