Just getting started on my journey. Need encouragement

I'm just starting my weight loss journey and I'm looking for some friends to encourage me along the way.
I need to lose 60lbs and keep it off! Any advice is appreciated!!



  • omatga
    omatga Posts: 56 Member
    Hello! Feel free to add me... I'm at my goal now but I am passionate about health and fitness and I still need accountability too. it's easy to get off the right track and revert back to old habits if you're not careful. I'm happy to help support you however I can!
  • Im a newbie on here as this is the start of the second week and have to say its amazing the support you get off people on here, you can talk about anything, If you think your the only one having a slight issue then some one on here has been there and come out the other side and will help you through it
  • jaredmcfitness
    jaredmcfitness Posts: 14 Member
    Three pieces of advice:
    1) I found the biggest help was a book called "Eat to Live" by Joel Fuhrman. It'll help you reconsider how you eat and has some massive, healthy meals that will fill you up (so you don't feel like you're dieting) but have low calories. It jump-started my weightloss. I lost 10 lbs the first month and another 10 lbs the second.
    2) If that's too much, try starting with small goals. Try something new every day. For instance, you could try walking around your office building (or inside) once a day. Then do two laps. Then try going to bed earlier. Stuff like that.
    3) Try writing your goals down every day, in detail, including obstacles and what you plan on doing about them (back-up plans, etc.). I use the blog feature on MFP, so my friends can read up as well. They find that writing down your goals makes you 50-66% more likely to show progress.
    DARTHDOUGY Posts: 53 Member
    Hello....congratulations on your first step....I've found out it's all about making your future a new lifestyle of proper nutrition and exercise. A new LIFESTYLE. There is good support on this website. We are all on a journey.
  • I lost 57lbs. Now im in stasis/plateau. I know what i need to do but i gotta take that first step again . I would love to chat with you and offer help, encouragement and maybe give you ideas that may help you that also helped me. Email me a if you want to more info. roxannemarta@gmail.co. I know firsthand you can do it. And it can be done with portion control, a little exercise, water and friends...:wink:
  • Thank you all for saying "hello" and your advice. I set a small goal of walking 2 miles 3 times a week. I walked 2.25 miles today. Actually made a shopping list or the grocery store and bought healthier items today.