
I am so down on myself. I'm seeing an upward trend. And it is so difficult to get back on track.
Moved into our new house in October, and planning a wedding for this September...the weight loss has been put on the back burner.
I cannot stand looking at myself in the mirror- I want to be at my goal weight by the wedding (30 lb) but I can't do anything when I'm off track. I'm stressing myself out more and more, causing me to turn to food for relief.

I'm at a loss. And I feel like such a failure. :frown:


  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    You're not a failure! It's never too late to start, again! Set your calorie goal, buy healthy foods as much as possible vegetables and fruits, workout whenever you have time or just take a walks to relax. Maybe start some yoga classes?
  • brenran
    brenran Posts: 4 Member
    I am also struggling! It seems so many times I (we) let life get in the way of what is best for us. It is hard to put yourself first. Recently, a very close friend has been going through a medical crisis. My husband and I have been spending many evenings with them, and others are bringing meals to their home, so the choices I am making are not the best. I have been "stress eating" also. Have gained back some weight over the last few weeks, and it seems like no matter what I say to myself in the morning, by lunch, I am down on myself again and eating out of control. This morning, all leftover Valentine's candy went in the trash!
    I have not given up hope, though ~~ and I hope you don't either. Sometimes, One Day at a Time needs to be One Hour (or minute) at a Time.
    Please keep trying!
  • it's about one day at a time, making small changes and building momentum. Let go of the past - it's history - do what you can now. When you are making choices - make the better one, not the easier one. Start at lunch today, skip that soda and drink water, then forget that mid-afternoon snack, have a healthy protein and green veggie dinner, go to bed early, wake up extra early tomorrow and make a protein and healthy fat step at a time if get you there.
  • allikat399
    allikat399 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm having a really bad time myself. I let myself go last semester because I was so busy at school and work. Then when finals were over I overhauled my diet and started exercising daily. I've seen no change and I hate the way I look in the mirror. I hate that I look like I've become one of those stereotype women that lets themselves go as soon as they get married. I've put on 15 lbs since my wedding in August, and I had already put on 5 in the month prior. I'm at the max weight I've ever been. But I'm tired of it so I sat down and tried to figure out where I was going wrong and plan how to fix it.

    I decided to try weekly meal prep on Sunday. I cooked for about 2.5 hours yesterday and prepared 5 days worth of food. I'm hoping this will eliminate my hunting for whatever I can find because I come home too hungry to wait for me to cook a healthy dinner (which I usually eat for lunch next day). I was grabbing food on the way home most days of the week, which forced me to buy lunch as well bc I didn't have any leftovers. I was blowing my budget out of the water. I will let you know later in the week how this meal prep goes. I'm hoping this will decrease my budget, my stress and my weight.