27 and scared

Hi, I'm Nicci. I'm 27 years old and at 5'3 I weigh 239. I 've been living in denial of the fact that i've become huge. It's time I come out of it. I'm scared of what awaits on this weightloss journey but I guess i should put on my big girl panties (pun intended) and deal with it. Hopefully some of you will join me on this journey because i could really use to ecouragement.


  • piratesluver
    piratesluver Posts: 105 Member
    Scared? You have no reason to be scared! You've actively and consciously made the decision to make the change and seek out help. You should be excited!

    Trust me, in 2-3 months, you won't be able to stop smiling. Just log accurately and follow MFP's plan and you'll find a whole new world you've never experienced before.
  • kellyculler5
    kellyculler5 Posts: 5 Member

    Being scared is nothing to be scared about, :). We're all scared at times about any number of things, It's the paralysis that sets in that does us in. I think it's very brave to admit being scared and joining this community. Good luck on your journey.

  • Nicci504
    Nicci504 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm scared because I know in this journey I'll have to deal with the emotional reasons I've gained almost 80lbs. That alone scares me. But you're right I should be excited. I look forward to finding the old me in the process.
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    Hi hon... I was a little scared when I joined MFP but quickly that changed. I saw how many people were actually doing the same thing I was. I'm 5'3" and I started out at 185lbs, I currently am down 75.5lbs!!!!! I am consistent... anyone is welcome to add me. Good luck, I know you can do this.... I did!!!! :happy:
  • Shynique37
    Shynique37 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey Nicci, honey don't be scared be excited!! I'm 5'2 and was 246 2 months ago. I'm now 228. I know you hear ppl say if I can do it so can you but really IF I can I know you can. MFP was a huge instrument for me. Log in daily, stay within your calories & do anything you like to get the body moving. I love Zumba because I love to dance. Try it. Don't turn back because the scale will only keep moving upward. YOU can do it!!!
  • Clint9913
    I'm scared because I know in this journey I'll have to deal with the emotional reasons I've gained almost 80lbs. That alone scares me. But you're right I should be excited. I look forward to finding the old me in the process.

    The main battle it already won Nicci. You realize that your weight is merely a symptom of deeper issues. As long as you focus on those issue, log every bite into your diary, and start walking; you'll win. Keep walking and talking, we'll be here.
  • MrsSausage58
    MrsSausage58 Posts: 143 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like! :flowerforyou:
    Man, i wish i was 27 again!

    No reason to be scared, you have your whole life ahead of you.

    IMPROVE YOUR LIFE, one day at a time!

    Good luck!
  • Nicci504
    Nicci504 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Nicci, honey don't be scared be excited!! I'm 5'2 and was 246 2 months ago. I'm now 228. I know you hear ppl say if I can do it so can you but really IF I can I know you can. MFP was a huge instrument for me. Log in daily, stay within your calories & do anything you like to get the body moving. I love Zumba because I love to dance. Try it. Don't turn back because the scale will only keep moving upward. YOU can do it!!!

    I haven't tried Zumba yet. I bought the game for my Wii and will try it tomorrow. Thank you for the encourgamnet
  • llabruce4
    llabruce4 Posts: 41 Member
    You will be fine, add me if you like, I tend to comment regularly and support all my friends day in and day out
  • seawolf86
    You can do it! I came the realization that you did when I was 20 and 5'8" and 190+ lbs. everyone has to start somewhere, its not the easiest journey but MFPis a great place to start. Tracking what I eat, having friends on here to keep me accountable and ready others success and motivation is really helpful in my opinion. Feel free to add me to your friends list if you'd like... My diary is open to friends!
  • nurselucyp
    Hey lovely! Would love to help you and motivate you on this journey. You will be just fine :-)
    Luce x
  • ebelcibie
    ebelcibie Posts: 7 Member
    Don't be scared, be dedicated! I started 7 weeks ago a few pounds heavier than you. It hasn't been easy but it does feel amazing meeting goals and feeling the progress. Feel free to add me and I'll gladly support and motivate you!
  • lexcoulstring
    lexcoulstring Posts: 386 Member
    This site is full of support! So when you would sit and feel alone, you now can feel like there is a group of same minded people ready to help. :)